06_20_2006_TBMinutesJune 20, 2006
The New Scandia Town Board held their regularly scheduled meeting on this date. In attendance
were Chairman Dennis Seefeldt, Vice Chairman Michael Hinz, Blair 3oselyn and Nancy Madden.
.Absent was Michael Harnetty.
Michael White; 13310 188"' Street, commented that he would like to see an Ordinance that
requires landowners to remove diseased trees from their property in a timely manner.
Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the following consent agenda.
1. Clerk's minutes have been presented for -Town ;Board 05-16-06, 06-06-06; Planning
Commission 06-06-06; Workshops 05-24-06, 05-30-06; Special Meeting 05-31-06.
2. Balance April 30, 2006 $1,501,881.09
Receipts 21,935.32
Expenditures $65,205.59
Payroll 13;013.22
Total Expenditures 78.218.81
Balance May 31, 2006 $1,445,597.60
3. Payment of vouchers.
Blair Joselyn seconded the motion and motion adopted.
Deputy Howard reported that in following up on reckless driving reports on Mayberry off
Highway 97 to 195`x' Street, there is no posted speed limit, except at the corner of Lofton and.
Mayberry. The speed statute states a 30 mph limit on town roads or in a rural residential district.
Deputy Howard is looking for reasonable limits from the Board. Deputy Howard also pointed out
that O'Dell Avenue which runs through Wyldwood Acres is not posted, nor is Oakhill Road north
of Highway 97. The town may post roads having a minimum distance between driveways of 300
feet at 30 mph..
Michael Hinz made a motion to authorize the state to do a traffic study on the portion of
Lofton Avenue to 195`x' Street and Oakhill Road north of Highway 97 to;Meadowbrook.
Nancy Madden seconded the motion and motion adopted.
Michael Hinz made a motion to post O'Dell Avenue at a 30 mph speed limit, provided the
driveways are at a minimum distance of 300 feet. Nancy Madden seconded the motion and
motion adopted.
Fire Chief Steve Spence reported on the insurance claim that was filed following damage done to
the truck as a result of a blown tire while enroute to a call. The $2,800 claim has been covered.
New Scandia Town Board
June 20, 2006
page 2
Engineer Tom Peterson reported on erosion control measures that need to be undertaken along the
ditches of Manning Overlook. No quotes from contractors were received. Mr. Petersen will
schedule the work to be done by developer Greg Radefeldt's landscape contractor according to
plans recommended by Pete Kling,,Bonestroo Engineer specialist in erosion control. In addition,
the pond needs to be mucked out and improved to the g'own's standards.
Mr. Peterson reported that work on the Fire Station/Public Works building will begin in July. The
installation of drain tile along the building appears necessary to allow for improved draining.
Michael Hinz made a motion to enter into a change order with day Bros. to allow for the
installation of drain the at a cost of $4,000.00. Blair Joselyn seconded the motion and
motion -adopted.
No additional bids for 2006 Gravel Maintenance were received.
Stair Joselyn made a motion to accept the bid from Dresel'Trucking at $8.50 per ton for
Class 5 gravel. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted.
Discussion on the 2007 paving project included an estimate of $57.00 per linear foot, with 7.02
miles to be paved. A survey of Pilar Road needs to be taken to prepare for paving of this road in
2009. Landmark Surveying will be contacted.
Michael Hinz made a motion to approve payment in the amount of $12,134.50 to Scandia
Trucking for Flay Lake parking lot improvements. Dennis Seefeldt seconded the motion and
motion adopted.
Summer Activities Director Marty McKelvey reported on the status of the summer program.
There has been good attendance and programs will continue as planned. A }dock ad has been
placed in the Forest Lake Times and the Peach.
Attorney Dave Hebert reported on the status of the Incorporation hearings. The hearing is
scheduled for July 19 and 20 at the New Scandia Town Hall. The public is invited to attend, with
the public comment session scheduled for July 20, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. in the large hall. In addition
to the published legal notice, it was agreed to run a block ad in the Forest Lake Times giving
notice of the hearing.
Sharon Klumpp, Springsted, gave an update on the search for the Town Administrator position.
total of 38 applications were received. Ms. Klumpp submitted a list of eight applicants to the
Town Board, which was further narrowed to a final five to be interviewed. Interviews will be
scheduled for July 10, 2006 beginning at 9:00 a.m. before the full Board.
Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the slate of candidates subject to their -
acceptance. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted.
New Scandia Town Board
June 20, 2006
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Dean Lindgren gave an update on the merger of the Marine Watershed Management Organization
with the Carnelian -Marine Watershed District. The petition is being re -written and should fall
into place within the next month, Washington County will loan operating expenses to the newly
created organization which will be subsequently made up in taxes. The WMO was instructed to
retain New Scandia Township's portion.
Elaine Schumacher, representing the Bone Lake Association, presented a proposal to the Board to
collect aluminum cans on the grounds of the Community Centel-.. This collection will aid the Bone
Lake clean-up fundraising efforts. The Association will place a 32 gallon container designed for
can collection near the tennis court.
Kerry Culver, RLK Engineering, presented a revised preliminary plat of Emerald Acres that was
initially discussed at the .lune 6, 2006 Planning Commission meeting. The road has been
engineered into a curve at the southeast corner, removing the original loop. The road also falls
along the property line on the southern edge.
Dennis ;Seefeldt made a motion to approve the revised plat of Emerald Acres with the
following conditions:
1) Road easement remains as proposed.
2) Due to slope and site lines at the curve, the driveway of Lot 10, Block 4 be placed as close
to the Lot 9 property line as possible.
3) 218"' Street straddle the property line.,
4) Negotiations with the conservators of, the Forsell property continue.
Blair Joselyn seconded the motion and motion adopted.
Terry Pittman, Lakes Air Heating & Cooling, presented an estimate to replace unit #2 which
services the south end of the Community Center, with a new heating and cooling unit. There had
been a failure in the air conditioning during an event at the Center on July 17`". The furnace is 20
years old and should be replaced with an efficiency unit of 92%.
Blair doselyn made a motion to accept the estimate of $8,450.00 from Lakes Air to install a
new heating and cooling, unit for the Community Center. Nancy Madden seconded the
motion and motion adopted.
The Development Agreement for German Lake Estates was reviewed. The fallowing financial
requirements include.,
1) Construction Letter of Credit $156,250.00
2) Landscape, Letter of Credit $ 7,500.00
3) Costs Escrow S 5,000.00
4) Park Fees $ 6,000.00
New Scandia Town Board
June 20, 2006
page 4
Michael Hinz made a motion to approve the Development Agreement for German Lake
Estates. Nancy Madden seconded the motion and motion adopted.
Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the application for Wetland Exemption for Terry
Koenigs on the condition that additional water quality modifications that Mr. Koenigs has
offered be implemented concurrently with his ditch filling. Mike Hinz seconded the motion
and motion adopted.
RESOLUTION 06-20-06-01
Michael Hinz made a motion to approve Resolution 06-20-06-01, approving the Washington
County On -Sale and Off -Sale Liquor License to Meister's Bar and; Grill. Nancy Madden
seconded the motion and motion adopted.
Washington County is asking for an election that would determine Sunday liquor sales. The
office staff was directed to continue searching the past minutes from annual meetings to
determine if liquor sales on Sunday had ever been approved. Until the Town completes the
Incorporation process and an election can be held, the currentresolution approving the sale of
Sunday liquor at Meister's will be effective.
Colleen Firkus reported on the meeting held with Michael Hinz, Nancy Madden, Colleen Firkus
and Brenda Eklund. The following guidelines were established:
1) Credit Limit of $2,500.00
2) Three separate accounts — Treasurer Colleen Firkus; Public Works, Fire Department
3) No cash advances
4) No checks for transfers
5) Cards are stored in locked cabinet, not to be removed from office
6) All requests for use are cleared through the office; receipts must be turned in
Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the guidelines for use ofthe VISA account. Blair
Joselyn seconded the motion and motion adopted..
Nancy Madden made a motion to adjourn.
Brenda Eklund
New Scandia,Townshp Deputy Clerk