07_18_2006_TBMinutesJuly 18, 2006
On the above date, the New Scandia Town Board held their regular scheduled Board meeting. In
attendance were Chairman Dennis Seefeldt, Vice -Chairman Michael Hinz, Michael Harrietty,
Blair Joselyn and Nancy Madden.
There were no public comments.
Vera Westrum, (Sanders Wacker Bergley, Inc.) presented the final Comprehensive Parks, Trails,
Open Space and Recreation Plan for New Scandia Township. This plan provides a base for future
planning of park and recreation systems in the Township. Comments included pointing out that a
highlighted park service area east of the Fireball is a potential area for expansion of the
commercial zone. Also a park service area highlighted in the NW portion of the Township
represents land adjacent to the gravel pit. Will these create problems for future planning
purposes? Ms. Westrum responded that these are designated as search areas only, and would not
create a conflict. A comment on being more specific when defining trails and routes will be
addressed in the final copy. Trails will be defined as being off-road, whereas routes will run along
road shoulders. Supervisor Harnetty commented that this will be a start of an implementation
phase and will be flexible and adjustable as needed. A question on what will the procedure be to
modify the Corp Plan once it is in place — significant changes will require a public hearing.
Supervisor Madden sees this plan as a basis for setting priorities.
Nancy Madden made a motion to adopt the Comprehensive Parks, Trails, Open Space and
Recreation Plan which will supersede any previous Comprehensive Park Plan. Blair Joselyn
seconded the motion and motion adopted.
Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the following consent agenda.
l.Call to Order
2. Clerk's minutes have been presented for Town Board 06-20-06, 07-11-06; Planning
Commission 07-11-06.
3. Balance May 31, 2006 $1,446,836.60
Receipts +71,937.28
Expenditures $96,808,83
Payroll 12,868.35
Total Expenditures - 109,677.18
Adjustments -1,239.00
(Ck #252060 cleared 10105)
Balance June 30, 2.006 $1,407,857.70
4. Payment of vouchers.
New Scandia Town Board
July 18, 2006
page 2
Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted.
Deputy Chris Howard reported that three citations have recently been issued for exterior storage
Assistant Fire Chief Steve Yehle presented an overview of the Fire Department. A staffing
analysis alerted the Board to the number of members that will be eligible for retirement in the
next few years (four firefighters at the end of 2007 and fifteen at the end of 2009). A
recommendation to increase funding to the Fire and Rescue Relief Association at a level to
prepare for these retirements was addressed. A workshop will be held (not yet scheduled) to work
on strategies for recruitment and retention of firefighters. In looking at the 2007 budget, an
increase of $1.00 to the base pay was recommended (last increase was in 2005). There will also
be costs associated with installing the County wide 800 MHz radio system and replacing the
remaining 7 to 12 self-contained breathing apparatuses in 2007.
Town Engineer Tom Peterson reported on the completion of Astech's work on the crack sealing
of various Town roads and the Community Center and Fireball parking lots.
Michael Hinz made a motion to authorize the final payment to Astech Corporation in the
amount of $12,200.00. Michael Harnetty seconded the motion and motion adopted.
The erosion control work at Manning Overlook is in place, utilizing stitched blankets that are
anchored along the length of the ditch and staked hay bales.
Repairs to the north apron at the Fire Station is on-going. Mr. Peterson is negotiating a reduction
with Jay Bros. in the contract amount due to the removal of rebar that was not to be done, per the
original contract. It was brought to the attention that Jay Bros., Inc. is on a list of contractors that
the MN Department of Transportation has recommended to be excluded. Mr. Peterson did not
feel that this di sbartnent was a result of the quality of work being done, although the engineer will
be monitoring the work at the Station more closely.
Work on the 2006 Street Repairs is progressing well.
The work on the storm sewer at the Wessels' property will begin within the week.
Mr. Peterson met with the developers of the Tii Gavo plat, The Camelian-Marine Watershed was
also in attendance. Discussion of the ponds, rain gardens was of primary concern. The Watershed
standards are stricter than the Town's in regards to the preservation of wetlands, so Mr. Peterson
felt that the preliminary plan will be acceptable on those grounds.
Mr. Peterson will obtain quotes for work to be done on the Olson-Sandgren septic. Jyneen
Thatcher will check the delineation of the pond near Ozark Lane.
New Scandia Town Board
July 18, 2006'
page, 3
Summer Activity Program_ Director Marty McKelvey introduced the members of her staff that are
assisting with the Summer Youth program. Ms. McKelvey is very pleased with their
Dave Smith, Park and Recreation Committee member, presented an estimate for obtaining digital
base maps of the Township. These maps would show boundaries, current land use and.current
ownership. The Township would be divided into four maps, each covering 9.+6 square miles. It
was felt that this information would be a beneficial first step for developers and also a tool to
assist with implementation of the Comprehensive Plan.
Blair Joselyn made a motion to approve the purchase of four base maps at a cost of
$2,800.00 showing boundaries, current land use and current ownership. Nancy Madden
seconded the motion. Voting yes: Harnetty, Joselyn, Madden, Seefeldt. Voting no: Hinz.
Dave Smith also presented an update on the work done at Lions Park. Subcommittee member
Alex Bildeux has offered to pile all the downed brush in a grassland area which can then be
burned by the Fire Department. Landmark Surveying estimates a cost of $2,900 to survey the
Park boundaries and an additional $900 to provide a detailed reap. A Park Development plan is
being drawn up at no cost to the Town by a director associated with the College of Landscape
Architecture, U of A The Park Committee is proposing a booth at Taco Daze asking for ideas to
rename the Lions Park.
Nancy Madden made a motion to enter into an agreement with Landmark Surveying at a
cost of $3,800.00 to survey the entire area of Lions Park which would reestablish the
corners and monuments. Michael Harnetty seconded the motion and motion adopted.:
Ken and Pam Uuberty, 22899 Mallard Avenue, presented a proposal for building an accessory
structure. Due to their Bone Lake lot, the structure will be built closer to the road than the home,
therefore a variance will be necessary.
Everett Myers, representing the Marine Ambulance Fundraising Committee, was present to
request that the Town Board reconsider a donation to the Marine Ambulance Fund. The Board
again responded that the general policy is to turn down requests that have not been planned into
the budget. Mr. Myers was informed of the 2007 Budget Planning Workshop to be held July 26,
2006 in which this matter may be discussed, although the New Scandia Fire Relief Fund has
priorities to attend to.
Peter Crum, Scandia resident, was in attendance to introduce himself as a candidate for
Washington County Sheriff. Mr. Crum's policy will be one of "community policing", allowing
deputies to work more closely with towns to enforce the town council's priorities.
New Scandia Town Board
July 18, 2006
page 4
Michael Hinz made a motion to recommend to the Washington County Board to reappoint
Dennis Larson to the Comfort Lake -Forest Lake Watershed Hoard. Blair Joselyn seconded
the motion and motion adopted.
Michael Hinz made a motion to direct the Bone Lake Association to meet with the Comfort
Lake -Forest Lake Watershed to discuss the schedule of restoration of Bone Lake. New
Scandia Town Board to be included in this meeting. Dennis Seefeldt seconded the motion
and motion adopted.
Michael Hinz made a motion to request the state to do a study on speed conditions of 22$1'
Street between Lofton Avenue and Manning Trail. Nancy Madden seconded the motion and
motion adopted.
A letter from David Bluhm, manager of the CHOF School Horse Program at White Rock Lake,
was discussed. Their program may be granted an interim permit to allow for more than the
allowed animal units, and not replacing the older horses as they pass on.
Michael Hinz made a motion to proceed with a proposal to begin minimal negotiations with
candidate number one, and to formalize a final offer at a special meeting of the Town Board
on July 26, 2006. Blair Jocelyn seconded the motion and motion adopted.
Michael Hinz made a motion to authorize up to $750.00 to the Goose Lake Homeowners
Association to purchase and install buoy markers in the south bay of Goose Lake and to
install a courtesy sign at the landing. Michael Harnetty seconded the motion and motion
NancyMajdr�+JSden made a motion to adjourn.
u wtlovz
Brenda ,Eklund
New Scandia Township Deputy Clerk