09_13_2006_TBMinutesNew Scandia Township
Minutes of Town Board/ Planning Commission Workshop Meeting
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
The meeting was called to order by Planning Commission Vice Chair Jim Malmquist at 7:00 p.m.
Present were Planning Commissioners Peter Schwarz, Donnette Yehle, and Kevin Nickelson;
Town Board Chairman Dennis Seefeldt, Supervisors Michael Hinz, Michael Hametty, Blair
Joselyn and Nancy Madden. Planning Commission Chair Chris Ness was absent. Also present
were: Rural Landscape Preservation Committee member Curt Hadland; Park and Recreation
Committee member Karen Schik; Township Attorney David Hebert; Township Administrator
Anne Hurlburt; Planner Berry Farrington and Planner Richard Thompson, TKDA.
Open Space Design Ordinance
Planner Thompson distributed a revised draft of ordinance #88, which would modify the
requirements for Open Space Developments. A memo prepared by Board Member Joslyn in
January, 2006 was reviewed and discussed.
The group discussed the need for a meeting to review the concept before submitting plans to the
Planning Commission, and who should be in attendance. The experts advising the Township
(such as the ecologist and planner) need to be involved in the pre -concept meeting. The purposed
of the meeting is to give the Commission and Board better, more objective information earlier in
the development process. The most important values to protect, for the residents and the
community, need to be identified. The rights of the property owner also need to be considered.
Not all experts may agree, and their advice is one factor in making decisions on the development.
The proposed percentages of the various bonuses were reviewed, and were determined to be
consistent with what was previously reviewed by the group. Thompson will draft all the changes
in ordinance format for review at the next meeting. He will also compare the new criteria with
recently approved developments.
Tree`Preservation Ordinance
Planner Farrington reviewed her report and draft ordinance language, which was based on the
City of Forrest Lake's ordinance, suggestions from the Rural Landscape Preservation Committee
and from discussion at the previous workshop meetings. Changes suggested were: list trees by
genus and species; clarify how forests and woodlands are defined; encourage replacement with
native species; lower the size of red maples considered "significant", as they provide fall color;
define "project closure" and how long guarantees must be held; and develop options for cash
payments if all trees cannot be replace on site. Issues for administration of the ordinance were
discussed. After discussion on whether the ordinance should apply to any existing lots, the
direction was to rewrite the ordinance to apply only to new developments and any projects
requiring landscape plans.
Siding and Color Requirements for Accessory Structures
Section 9.13(l) of Chapter Two of the Development Code does not allow metal sided buildings
on parcels smaller than 5 acres. Further, this section provides that "All accessory buildings shall
resemble, in style, materials, color, roofline, and siding type, the principal building on the lot",
with some exceptions. The consensus of the discussion was that it should be changed from.5 to 4
acres, to reflect that many "nominal" 5 -acre parcels are less than 5 acres. The requirement that
the accessory building resemble the principal building should apply only to parcels less than 4
acres. An ordinance making this change will be drafted for the next meeting.
Amendment to Chapter 2, Section 11.2 relating to the Shoreland Overlay District
Attorney Hebert explained that the current ordinance would not allow openspacedevelopments,
even though one had recently been approved. There was discussion that they should be
acceptable if part of a planned Unit Development,
Planning Commission Schwarz commented that the Development Code would be more usable if
the page numbers included;a reference to the relevant chapter. The planners will investigate this
Next Meeting
The next meeting to discuss ordinance changes will be on Wednesday, October 11, 2006 at 7:00
The meeting adjourned at 9:;10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
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Anne Hurlburl