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September 19, 2006 New Seandia Township business meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Dennis Seefeldt. The following were in attendance: Chairman Dennis Seefeldt; Vice -Cha=' an Michael Hinz, Supervisors Michael Harnetty, Blair Joselyn and Nancy Madden; Administrator Anne Ilurlburt. PUBLIC FORUM There were no comments presented to the Board.. CONSENT AGENDA Nancy Madden made a motion to approve minutes from 8-15-06 Reconvened Annual Meeting, Town Board 5-15-06 and 9-05-06, Town Board 'Workshop 9-13-06, Town Board and Planning Commission 'Workshop 9-13-06. Blair .loselyn seconded the motion and motion <adopted unanimously. Michael Hinz made a motion to approve the following; Treasurer's Report: Beginning Balance 8/01/06 Receipts Expenditures Payroll Adjustments (Bank Charges) Ending Balance 8/31/06 2,124,298.89 31,279.70 - 685,632.84 13,043.14 698,675.98 38.75 1,456,863.86 Michael Harnetty seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Michael Hinz made a motion to approve the payment of vouchers. Nancy Madden seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE Deb Campobasso, Chair of Parks and Recreation Committee, was present to discuss the Committee's report. The Pak and Recreation Committee has recommended that the Board consider increasing the park fee requirement to $5,000 per lot or 10% of buildable land, or a combination of fee/land. New Scandia Township currently charges a cash park dedication fee of $1,500 per lot. This proposed fee of $5,000 would be among the highest in the 7 -county metro. Discussion involved how to label this a justified increase. There must be a budget in place for a Capital Improvement Plan. The use of the tee must go towards park land acquisition or park development, not operating expenses or park maintenance. The current average value of land lies close to $11,000 to $13,000 per acre. It was stated that the higher park fee could lead to arguments with developers. A committee consisting of Deb Campobasso, Supervisors Harnetty and-Joselyn, Administrator Hurlburt, will meet to further study this issue and report back at the October 17"' Town Board meeting. Ms. Campobasso also addressed the need to fill three openings; on the Park Committee. The Town Board directed staff to advertise for applicants to fill the vacancies. A notice will be placed in the Country Messenger and also on the website. Interviews with the Town Board are tentatively scheduled for October 17, 2006. New Scandia Town Board September 19, 2006 Page' In other Park business, the Summer Activity Report has been received by the Committee and will be reviewed at the October 2°" Park meeting, with a report to be given at the Oct. I7"' Town Board meeting. Trail improvements continue at the Wind in the PinesPark. Volunteers are continuing with the clean up of Lions Park. Piles of brush will be burned this winter, Ms. Campobasso summarized the Taco Daze participation;' 20 teams registered for the Dodgeball Tournament; Scandia Area Athletics (booster club to the Park and Rec Committee) sponsored a batting cage; Parks and Trails subcomnvttee attended a booth to gain feedback on the three development plans for Lions Park. DEPUTY +CHRIS HOWARD Deputy Howard was present to report on Police activity. Deputy Howard is making arrangements with the Washington County Sheriff's Department to place a portable speed limit device on Olinda Trail, north of Highway 97; where the limit drops to 40 mph. There has been a minor rash of mailbox damage along 177"' Street and Old Marine Trail. Deputy Howard reminded residents to report any observances of suspicious activity. Supervisor Seefeldt stated a concern of many citizens on the high frequency of drivers that pass along the right shoulder of the road. Deputy Howard commented that this is a problem, and that perhaps MN DOT can look into the posting of NO PASSING ON THE RIGHT signs along Highway 97, FIRE DEPARTNM T No report was received from the Fire Department. T©WNSEEIP ENGfNEER 006 Culvert Replacement Project Town Engineer Tom Peterson presented bids for the 2006 Culvert Replacement Project. At the September 5, 2006 Town Board meeting, the decision to award the contract to Iow bidder Jay Bros. Inc. was tabled. Jay Bros., Inc. is currently on the MN Department of Administration debarment list. Mark Jay, CFO of Jay Bros., was present to explain the situation. The company is on the debarment list clue to a financial situation, not due to the quality of the work. The company is currently stable, and has presented a bid security along with their bid for the culvert project. Town Attorney Dave Hebert further explained that if state funds are not involved with a project, the Board may make a decision to award to the lowest responsible bidder, even though the state lists the company as debarred and there is not an issue with the quality of their work. The Board may make the decision using "rationale within reason" to determine a responsible bidder due to experience and the quality of work. Michael Harnetty made a motion to award the 2006 Culvert Project to Jay Bros., Inc. ;at a bid of $100,334.00, along with an alternate bid of $4,900.00 to repair a culvert on Quinnell Avenue. Dennis 5eefeldt seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Olsen-Sarrclgr'err-Ha-",kirrsoii Storm Seiver Improvements Pr•gjeel Mr. Peterson presented bids for the Olsen-Sandgren Hawkinson Storm Sewer Improvements Project; Contractor Bid Amount Low Peterson Excavating, Inc. $65,910.50 #2 Dresel Contracting, Inc. $66,370,00 New Scandia Town Board September 19, 2006 Page 3 #3 Jay Bros., Inc. $73,437.75 #4 Gustafson Excavating, Inc. $75,217.00 #5 Nadeau Excavating, Inc. $85,800.00 #6 Wipper Backhoe & Bobcat Services $97,860.00 #7 Miller Excavating, Inc. $98,126.00 #8 New Look Contracting, Inc. $138,624.50 Nancy Madden made a motion to award the Olsen-Sandgren-HaNvkinson Storm Sewer Improvements Project to Peterson Excavating, Inc. in the amount of $65,810.00. Blair Joselyn seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. The Township received a Wetland Improvement Permit from Washington Conservation District as related to this Storm Sewer Improvement project, This project proposes to fill 203 square feet of a Type 2 wetland. Jyneen Thatcher, Wetland Specialist with Washington Conservation District, recommends approval of the permit application. Michael Hinz made a motion to approve the WCA permit application. Nancy Madden seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. 2007 Road Iny,7rovenietit Pr qject Mr. Peterson requested direction from the Board on several questionable roads that are listed on the 2007 Road Improvement Plan. 197"' Street/Quint Avenue will require rock excavation to widen the road to 18' with 2' shoulders; reduce the current 10% grade; install a 400' length of guardrail. The bluff will require bank stabilization. 205t" Street to the Log House Landing boat ramp is narrow with steep slopes and wetlands on both sides. Permission to improve will require pernrits from the DNR and the National Park Service. Ostrum Avenue is a soft, narrow road that will need subsurface work. This road falls into the Marine WMO jurisdiction. Supervisor Harnetty questioned if some roads are not suitable for paving. These roads should be designated. A timeline for the project was discussed. A feasibility report will be presented at the October 17, 2006 Town Board meeting. A Public Information meeting will follow in November. A Public Improvement Hearing can then be scheduled. Engineering Update Mr. Peterson reported on the state of Wild Bush Acres. The developer re-established erosion control measures in early September, witha notice sent to have all improvements done by September 30, 2006. Additional work on the ponds has yet to be done. A review committee consisting of Administrator HurlbuM Engineer Peterson and Town Attorney Hebert will meet to go over current Letters of Credit being held with developers. Mr. Peterson has instructed Roger Rydeen to repair the settlement at 199"' and Parlvvicw. This repair would also be to re -bar in the culvert. New Scandia Town Board September 19, 2006 Page 4 THWNSHH' ATTORNEY Town Attorney Dave Hebert presented a resolution tocall for public hearing to vacate a hart of the drainage and utility easement in Lot 4, Block 1, Hawkinson Business Park, Thesepticmound for the new Prairie Restoration building has been constructed within the easement. Engineer Peterson has reviewed the drainage patterns on the lot and found no particular concerns. Blair Joselyn made a motion to adopt .Resolution 9-19-06-01 Calling for a Hearing on Vacation of Drainage and Utility Easement, Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adapted unanimously. The public hearing will be scheduled for October 17, 2006. TOWNSHIP AD IMSTRATOR .Audit Sei-vices Town Administrator Anne Hurlburt recommended to the Board to approve the agreement contract with Eide Bailly, not to exceed S 15,500, for audit services for the year ending December '31, 2006. Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the Letter of Agreement with. Eide Bailly for audit services for 2006. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Township Clerk Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the appointment of Anne Hurlburt as New Scandia Township Clerk. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Deputy Cleric Brenda Eklund administered the Oath of Office to Administrator Hurlburt. udio/Visual Svsteinfior Board Room A letter from Lakes Area Community Television was presented summarizing the trial tapings that were performed of Town meetings for possible airing on the local cable access channel. Audio quality was low but adequate. They recommended that the Town invest in a PA system and audio board to provide for better sound duality for the audience as weil as on television. Mike White, Township representative to the Cable Commission, was present to discuss the matter. The consensus of the Board was to obtain proposals for an audio/visual system in the Board room. A decision on a sound system will be investigated first, with discussion on the taping of meetings to follow at a later date. Summer Activities Pr ogr-nim Marty McKelvey, Summer Program Coordinator, was present to report on the participation and financial overview of the summer activities program. Tennis/Archery was the leading program based on participation numbers. The Board comendedMs. McKelvey on running the program. The Board suggested obtaining feedback from families that participated. The Board suggested that Ms. McKelvey meet with the Park and Recreation Committee to outline goals and objectives for future programming. The Park and Rec:Committee will review the Program Summary and report back to the Board on October 17" A -decision to continue with an activity director for future programs will also be discussed at that time. New Scandia Town Board September 14, 2006' Page 5 Wintery Recreation Facilities Mike White was present to report on the status of the ice rink and equipment for the winter season.. Mr. White is in the process of replacing five sheets of plastic along the rink wall and preparing the surface for flooding. Supervisor Harnetty'observed that the use of plastic on the boards appears to be a problem. Mr. White was directed to gather proposals for the replacement of the boards, possibly with a plastic laminate. A suggestion was also made to install netting along the east edge of the rink to protect the free -skate rink from stray pucks'. WILLOWBROOK COMMUNITY CHURCH Pastor Brad Reis, Willowbrook Community Church, was present to update the Board on the concept of constructing a church on the parcel known as German Lake Estates; forty acres on the south end of German Lake. This would require a variance, as the building lies within 1000 feet of the lake that Washington County has in place for Shorcland Overlay. Additionally, Washington County does not allow places of worship in any shoreland district. Pastor Reis had met with the Carnelian -Marine Watershed at their September 11, 2006 Board meeting. Comments from the Watershed indicated that a permit from CMV%M would be required. In addition, the Town should consider conditions in which the proposed church development has Iess environmental impact on the area than the already approved development known as German Lake Estates. Discussion among the Board considered the possibility of amending the land use code to list a church as an approved use within the shoreland overlay. A study of the current rationale of omitting a church from the shoreland overlay would need to be done. Administrator Hurlburt will address this issue with Washington. County Land Management when Ms. Hurlburt meets with the department later in the weep. Following Ms. Hurlburt's meeting, this issue will be further discussed with the Planning Commission. Nancy Madden made a motion to adjourn the meeting and the meeting adjourned at 9.15 p.m.. Respectfully submitted, L ,. Brenda Eklund New Scandia Township Deputy Clerk