10_11_2006_TBMinutesNew Scandia Township Minutes of Town Board/ Planning Commission Workshop Meeting Wednesday, October 11, 2006 The meeting was called to order by Planning Commission Chair Chris Ness at 7:00 p.m. Present were Planning Commissioners Donnette Yelile and Kevin Nickelson (arrived late); Town Board Chairman Dennis Seefeldt, Supervisors Michael Hinz, Michael Harnetty, Blair Joselyn and Nancy Madden. Also present: Rural Landscape Preservation Committee member Curt Hadland, Township Attorney David Hebert, Township Administrator Anne Hurlburt and Planner Berry Farrington, TKDA. Tree Preservation Ordinance Planner Farrington reviewed the revised draft ordinance language. As discussed at the previous meeting it was revised to apply only to major and minor subdivisions and projects requiring a landscape plan. The definitions of hardwood deciduous tree, invasive tree species and softwood deciduous tree will be reviewed for the lists of species. The need to define "woodland" in addition to "significant woodland" was discussed. A decision also needs to be made on the minimum size for a significant softwood trees. Kurt Hadland suggested dead trees that are not a hazard should be allowed to remain for their benefits to wildlife. It was suggested that this would be an appropriate "marginal comment" to add to the ordinance. The ordinance needs to be coordinated with the landscape section of the code with respect to the size and number of trees; the strictest language of the two should be used. The contribution to the tree replacement fund, in the event that sufficient replanting cannot be done, needs to be increased to reflect the cost of planted replacement trees. There was discussion on whether the ordinance required replacement of significant trees or woodlands, or both. The ordinance will be clarified to indicate that the formula that yields the greatest amount of replacement will apply. The language on page 5, section (c) 3 was discussed. Tree plantations should not be required to be replaced in kind, so this section should be optional. The warranty on replacement trees should extend to two years after the township has been notified that the trees have been planted. Kurt Hadland suggested there should be flexibility allowed to remove non-native conifers without having to replace them all. After discussion it was decided that non-native conifers should not be considered to be significant trees, Siding and Color Requirements for Accessory Structures Attorney Hebert reviewed the draft ordinance that would allow metal sided buildings on parcels larger than 4 acres, rather than 5 acres, and apply the requirement that the accessory building resemble the principal building only on parcels less than 4 acres. It was decided to hold a public hearing on the ordinance change at the November 14, 2006 ineeting. Amendment to Chapter 2, Section 11.2 relating to the Shoreland Overlay District Attorney Hebert reviewed the draft ordinance that would allow open space developments in the shoreland overlay districts if part of a Planned Unit Development. It was decided to hold a public hearing on the ordinance change at the Noven-iber 14, 2006 meeting, Next Meeting It was noted that a Planner Dick Thompson is still working on a revised Open Space- Development paceDevelopment ordinance. The Committee had also talked about reviewing the definition of "agricultural building" but the research had not been completed. The next meeting to discuss these items will be on Tuesday, November 28 2006 at 7:00 p.m. The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Anne Hurlburt Administrator