10_17_2006_TBMinutesOctober 17, 2006 New Scandia Town Board meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Dennis Seefeldt. The following were in attendance: Chairman Dennis Seefeldt, Vice -Chairman Michael Hinz, Supervisors Michael Harnetty; Blair Joselyn and Nancy Madden; Administrator Anne Hurlburt. PUBLIC FORUM Dennis Larson, New Scandia representative to the Comfort Lake/Forest Lake Watershed, gave notice of his resignation as manager on; the Watershed Board due to work conflicts. Chairman Seefeldt thanked Mr. Larson for his service, and appreciation for the progress that the Watershed has made in regards to Bone Lake. Mike White, 13310 188"' Street, questioned when the Open Space of plats would be dedicated as parks, therefore ensuring that the land cannot be sold. Steve May, developer for the plat Emerald Acres, asked the opinion of the Board as to the possibility of granting the plat a 100% bonus (the addition of one lot) to better qualify the development for the funding of a bank loan. Mr. May was advised to bring in a rough sketch of the reconfigured plat to the November 14, 2006 Planning Commission meeting. PUBLIC HEARING — UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT VACATION As the mound septic system of the Prairie Restoration building, Lot 4, Block 1, Hawkinson Business Park, has been constructed within the 50 -foot drainage and utility easement, it will be necessary to vacate 40 feet of the easement along Highway 97, along with the 10 -foot wide easement along the east property line. The property owner will dedicate a 10 -foot diainage easement over the drainage way south of the septic mound. There were no comments from the public. Blair Joselyn made a:motion to adopt Resolution 1017-06-01 Vacating a Part of the Utility and. Drainage Easement situated in Lot 4 Block 1 Hawkinson Business Park, contingent on the property owner executing the new 0 -foot drainage easement south of the septic mound. Michael Harnetty seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the following Consent Agenda: a) Minutes for Town Board meetings 9-19-06, 10-3-06, Planning Commission 10-3-06, Workshop 10-11-06. b) `t'reasurer's Report; Beginning Balance 9/01106 Receipts Expenditures Payroll Ending Balance 9130/06 c) Payment of Vouchers. $1,456,863.86 + 73,512.57 100,577.12 13,013.40 - 113,890.52 $1,416,485.91 New Scandia Town Board. October 17, 2006 Page 2 d) Appointment of Election Judges for the November 7, 2006 General Election: Mary Hulleman (Head Election Judge), Florence Daninger, Patti Funni, Edith Hadlich, Gary Hogle, Ann Hoheisel, Donna Larson, Barbara Mahe, John Meader, Avalon Okerson, Beverly Pratt, Judy Rydeen and Sue'Tuomi. e) Approval of Utility Permit to Connexus Energy for underground electric service at 13640 205t1i Street. f) Approval of Pay Request No.2 to Hardrives, Inc. for 2006 Street Repairs in the amount of $106,101.08. g) Approval of Pay Request No. l to Jay Bros., Inc. for 2006 Culvert Replacement in the amount of $58,528.55. h) Appointment of Election Judges for the December 12, 2006 Special Election for Mayor and City Council; Mary Hulleman (Head Election Judge), Patti Funni, Barbara Maille, Beverly Pratt, Ann Hoheisel and Judy Rydeen. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE fI' nter Prograin Deb Campobasso, Chair of the Park and. Recreation Committee, presented the Committee's recommendations for the 2006-07 winter program. 1) Continue the after school skating program; 2) Organize an instructional ice skating class; 3) Continue the Winter Festival on January 28, 2007; 4) Organize a_snowshoeing tour of the Wind in the Pines Park. Supervisor Harnetty suggested that additional supervision be added to the after school program. It was agreed to add two paid staff to run this program. Discussion of hiring a Winter Program Director to be in charge of recommendations l and 2 began. Michael Harnetty made a motion to proceed with the Park Committee's recommendations in tine manner that a Winter ProgramDirector would supervise activities #1 and #2, and the Park Committee would run #3 and #4. Nancy Madden seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Nancy Madden made a motion to appoint Marty McKelvey as the Winter Program Activity Director, with possible expansion of the program. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Summer 2007 Progmin Ms. Campobasso presented a timeline for preparing the summer program. A subcommittee will meet soon to begin planning, followed by discussion within the Park Committee. A presentation will be given at the December Town Board meeting. A goal is to have the summer program finalized by March I" with possible expansion of the program to include seniors and group home residents. Ice Rink Ms. Campobasso presented recommendations for the skating facility. Supervisor Seefeldt will refer this to a sub -committee to review. Members of the sub -committee will include Supervisors Seefeldt and ,Harnetty, Administrator Hurlburt, Moose Malmquist, Mike White, Deb Campobasso and other interested parties. New.Scandia Town Board October 17, 2006 Page, 3 Supervisor Harnetty summarized a recent meeting held by the Ice Rink sub -committee. General replacement of the dasher boards is a priority for next season, with a "band-aid fix" for this year, as the current boards are over forty years old. Mike White will continue with the sealing of cracks on the base. Park Dedication Sufi-Connnittee Administrator Hurlburt reported on the findings of the sub -committee. An alternative approach will need to be looked at to justify an increase in park dedication fees. The sub -committee will meet again in November to research this, and report to the Board in December. POLICE DEPARTMENT Deputy Chris Howard was present to report on police activity. In response to an increased report of cars passing on the right shoulder of the road, it was suggested to post a notice along Highway 97. Deputy Howard also reported on the increase in excessive speed along Highway 95 north of Pilar Road. Deputy Howard asked for clarification of the wording of ordinance violations/citations. Administrator Hurlburt will address this. Supervisor Harnetty asked for an update on the status of drug activity in the Township. As the public is more aware of meth labs, they are becoming less of a problem. The manufacture and selling of drugs is not a current problem, although personal use of drugs is occasional. FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Chief Steve Spence asked for advice on the legalities of releasing information, as he is getting requests for reports on fire and rescue calls. Much of the information is public, but a formal request should be made to Administrator Hurlburt. TOWN ENGINEER 2007 Street Paving Project Town Engineer Tont Peterson presented the 2007 Street Paving Project feasibility Report.. The project includes the paving of 18 separate gravel roads, located in the northwest and easterly portions of the Township, at an estimated cost of $2,221,140. Nancy Madden made a`motion to approve Resolution 10-17-06-02 Receiving the Feasibility Report and Calling for a Hearing, on Improvement. A Public Information meeting to be scheduled for November 15, 2006. The Public Nearing on Improvement to be scheduled for November 21, 2006 Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. The 2007 paving project will be financed with a bond issue that will be repaid with a combination of special assessments and a property tax levy. Nancy Madden matte a;motion to approve Resolution 10-17-06-03 Declaring the Official Intent of the Tower of New Scandia to Reimburse Certain Expenditures from the Proceeds of Bonds to be Issued by the Town. Blair Joselyn seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Olson-Sandgr•en-He it*inson StOI.111 Se1410-P1-0ject Mr. Peterson reported on the status of this project. The berm has been constructed, but the outlet structure could lead to water flow across the property, causing the adjoining land to be unusable. Property owner Nancy Peterson requested a meeting with staff to study these modifications. New Scandia Town Board October 17, 2006 'age 4 TOWN ATTORNEY As a follow-up to concerns of releasing, public information, Town Attorney Dave Hebert recommended that Administrator Hurlburt be appointed to oversee these reports. Michael Hinz made a motion to appoint Administrator Anne Hurlburt as the Data Practices Officer for New Seand a Township. Nancy Madden seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Mr. Hebert reported on the findings of the Administrative Law Judge in regards to the Town's incorporation petition. The official approval of the petition was released on October 16, 2006. The city status will become effective on January 1, 2007. A special election will be held for a mayor and four city council members on December 12, 2006. Candidate filing will occur between November= 15 to November 28, 2006. TOWN ADMINISTRATOR Insurance Renewal Town Administrator Anne Hurlburt reported on the renewal of insurance through the League of MN Cities b-rsurance Trust. The renewal date for all LMCIT insurance coverage is December 1, 2006. The question of whether to continue to waive the statutory limits on tort liability was discussed. Administrator Hurlburt also addressed open meeting law coverage and a faithful performance band currently provided by Minnesota Association of Townships. Nancy Madden trade a motion to approve coverage through the League of MN Cities Insurance Trust to include a waiver of the statutory limit on tort liability, open meeting law coverage and a faithful performance bond (coverage of $100,000). Michael Binz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. 2006 Surrrrrrer Pr ogr air Report Marty McKelvey, Summer Program Coordinator, presented results of a survey given to families that participated in the Surrimer Program. Responses were gathered from 29 of the 45 families that participated. Overall, parent were supportive of the program. Ms. McKelvey's goals for the summer program include financial success (break-even goal), customer satisfaction and a higher level of participation. It was suggested to include offerings to a broader range of age groups. A sub -committee of the Park and Recreation Committee will be meeting on October 26`x' to further refine the program, with a report to the Board in December. Grading Perinit Big Marine Developmenthas applied for a grading permit to construct an access road in the future Th Gavo development. As a development agreement is not yet in place, any grading requires a permit under Section 9.5 of the zoning ordinance. The developer plans to install an access road approximately 2,000 feet into the site from Newgate Avenue, along with the associated storm sewer and temporary ponds. Town Engineer Tom Peterson recommended a financial; guarantee of $250,000. Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the grading permit for Big Marine Development on the condition that the applicant obtain required watershed permits and submit a Letter of {Credit in the amount of $250,000. Blair Joselyn seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. October 17, 2006 New Scandia Town Board Page 5 MARY ANN & ANDY OBST Mary Ann and Andy Obst, 10604 230"' Street, were present to request an evaluation of traffic and speed conditions on 230t" Street west of Manning Trail. There was a recent school bus accident on this road, which the Obsts' provided details on. MnDOT sets speed limits on all roads in the state. Nancy Madden made a motion to request that MnDOT conduct a traffic and speed study of 230t" Street; that the City of Forest Lake be contacted to partner with the study on the portion of 230"' Street that extends west of New Scandia Township; and that signs be posted, if allowed. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. APPOINTMENTS TO THE PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE Interviews for three vacant positions on the Park and Recreation Committee were held with members of the Town Board on October 17t". Michael Hinz made a motion to appoint Alex Bildeaux, Mike Goeken and Matt Rasmussen to five- year terms (2011) on the Park and Recreation Committee. Blair Joselyn seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Nancy Madden made a motion to adjourn the meeting and meeting adjourned at 9: 10 p.m Respectfully submitted, Brenda Elclund New Scandia Township Deputy Clerk