12_13_2006_TBMinutes_WORKSHOPNew Scandia Township Minutes of Town Board Workshop Meeting Wednesday, December 13, 2006 The New Scandia Town Board held a workshop meeting to discuss various personnel issues on the above date. The following members were present; Chairman Dennis Seefeldt, Vice - Chairman Michael Hinz, Michael Harnetty, Blair Joselyn and Nancy Madden; Administrator Anne Hurlburt. Also present were Councilmernbers-Elect Dolores Peterson, Pete Crum and Donnette Yehle. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Seefeldt at 7:41 p.m. Administrator Hurlburt reviewed the current organizational chart for the Township and employee rates of pay. Preliminary information on the cost of health care benefits was reviewed,: along with salary survey information from the League of Cities for various employee positions as well as city council members. Hurlburt presented a proposed organizational chart, and position descriptions for current and proposed positions. The history of building permit; revenues and expenses were discussed. Current personnel policies, and an outline of a proposed revision, were distributed and reviewed. After discussion, the following directions were given:: • The Town Board will consider cost -of -living adjustments to pay rates for current employees at the December 19 meeting. • Hurlburt will draft a comprehensive pay plan for consideration by the Council early in the 2007, • A -set salary, with some additional compensation for serving on a major committee, is the preferred approach to Mayor and Council compensation. Yehle and Peterson will world with Hurlburt to review a draft ordinance prior to consideration at the January 2 meeting. • Hurlburt will proceed immediately to secure firm quotes for employee health insurance; based on covering the current full-time employees (maintenance worker, deputy clerk and administrator.) • Steps needed to hire a,maintenance worker and building/ code enforcement official will proceed as soon as possible following decisions on health insurance. • The Council may consider appointing a subcommittee to work on personnel issues. • Hurlburt will begin drafting;a revised personnel policy for review early in 2007. Actions that will need to be taken at the first City Council meeting were discussed. There was preliminary agreement on the following: • The January 2 meeting should include a community event to mark the transition from township to city, and the swearing-in of the new Council. Seefeldt will work with staff to put together the program and invitation. Refreshments will be included. • The current meeting schedule for the Board/Council and PIanning Commission should be continued. • The Council should review the list of existing committees and discuss what committees they wish to appoint, and the status of membership of each. Residents, including former council candidates; should be invited to apply for appointment to fill the Planning Commission vacancy and ether committee appointments to he made by the Council early in 2007. The meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Anne Hurlburt Clerk/ Administrator