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11-15-05 tb
November 15, 2005 New Scandia Town Board meeting was called to order by Chairman Dennis Seefeldt. The following Board Members were in attendance: Chairman Dennis Seefeldt, Vice Chairman Michael Hinz, Michael Harnetty, Blair Joselyn and Nancy Madden. CONSENT AGENDA Michael Harnetty made a motion to approve the following consent agenda: 1. Clerk's minutes have been presented for 10-18-05 and 11-01-05 Town Board and 11-01-05 Planning Commission 2. Balance September 30, 2005 $1,798,349.50 Receipts 76,889.03 Expenditures 299,103.94 Postage-Ach Debit -1,000.00 Balance October 31, 2005 $1,575,134.59 Blair Joselyn seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. The following date was scheduled to interview Candidates for the Park and Recreation Committee, November 22, 2005 at 6:00 p.m. Marry McKelvey presented a Proposal for Community Activities Consolidation for the Township. The objective of the proposal is to define an approach by which Scandia can consolidate its community activities program, improve its reach to more age groups, and simplify the operations of multiple small programs, and increase the consistency and continuity of the current youth programs. This proposal defines a number of programs that would enhance learning for students, and increase community participation. This report will be referred back to the Park and Recreation Committee for review and comments. The Town Board requested a release letter from Ms. McKelvey for distribution to the Park and Recreation Committee. • • • III'I Tom Peterson reported due to weather conditions the first layer of pavement has not been completed. Mr. Peterson was directed to inform the Developer not to install the first layer of pavement. Also to inform the Developer to barricade the road and reconstruct the turn -around that was removed. New Scandia Town Board November 15, 2005 Page 2 TOWNSHIEP ENGINEER/TOM PETERSON Mr. Peterson submitted a list of streets in need of repair throughout the Township and the estimated cost was $1,984,000.00. Michael Hinz stated he will submit the report to the Road Committee to prioritize and financial options and how this will fit in with the next road projects. OLD CREAMERY RUN -DRAINAGE Mr. Peterson reported on the drainage problem from the Creamery, Gas Station, Fire Station and Industrial Park drains through the area. The estimated cost to correct the drainage could be $40,000.00. Michael Binz made a motion to acquire two quotes to correct the drainage and to be submitted by November 22°`' for the drainage problem. Nancy Madden seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. MAIL BOXES -LOCATED IN CUL -DU -SAC The issue of problems with mailboxes located on a cul -du -sac. If persons do pursue this issue a policy could be put in place for swinging boxes. SNOW-REMOVAL-WYLDEWOOD ACRES The question of snow removal from sidewalks in the Plat of Wyldewood Acres was discussed. It was agreed to remove the snow for this coming season and evaluate this after the winter to see if the Township shall continue the removal of snow from any sidewalks in the Township. KEN THOMPSON-LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT Michael Hinz made a motion to approve the lot line division for Ken Thompson, 12707 23811' Street and wavier the Minor Subdivision requirements. The wetlands shall be deleted, one acre buildable on the new lot and soil borings for septic systems. Blair Joselyn seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. HEALTH MART -BARRY SUTHERLAND Mr. Sutherland explained the process and regulations for a small employer providing Health Insurance to the employees. David Hebert, Township Attorney stated he needs to define the structure of the employees with pay equity. CONCERNED CITIZENS ON OLAND AVENUE Travis Stottler, Miller Law Firm represented Don and Dolores Peterson and concerned citizens on Oland Avenue regarding a proposed Group Home at 21523 Oland Avenue. The citizens are concerned as this. property is directly across from a Licensed Day Care, 4/10 of a mile from the New Scandia Town Board November 15, 2005 Page 3 Scandia School, the back of the home is behind the Scandia Lighted Ball Field and Playground. Mr. Stottler stated that Mr. Urmann has the right to sell to anyone, but this is not the typical location for a Group Home. The Concerned Citizens asked the Town Board to place a moratorium on all Group Homes in the Township. Mr. Stottler made reference to 10.7 of the Development Code regarding Community Residences and stressed (2) © No Community residence shall provide accommodations to persons whose tenancy would constitute a direct threat to the health and safety of other individuals. Township Attorney, David Hebert, made the following comments: Did not think a moratorium is appropriate for all Group Homes and wants more information on the future owner. Need to consider State and Federal Statutes and did not know if there is a limit on distance to schools and daycare. Mr. Seefeldt stated he has concerns with this issue and suggested David Hebert to review all issues. Michael Arndt surrounding property owner stated he sees no harm on a moratorium while this is being investigated and requested a special Town Board meeting. Lyman Detzler stated that level 3 sex offenders could move into these types of residences. Howard Hawkinson questioned how this building permit was handled, issued without a deed and work continued when the building had been red -tagged. Maria Hinz expressed her concerns about information of what maybe going into the home. Rick Smith stated the first permit was issued over 3 years ago and the house has been standing and questioned if there would not have been a special re -inspection of the home. Dolores Peterson stated that many local contractors have been contacting the Mainstreet Bank regarding the purchasing of the property. It was reported that this could be placed on the agenda for November 22, 2005. BLAIR JOSELYN-INCORPORATION Mr. Joselyn reported information regarding the Phase Two of the financial proceedings for Incorporation. The Township will receive approximately $23,000.00 of State Aid to replace the fuel allotment that the Township receives from Washington County. 5000 population changed to the year of 2020 instead of 2030, which is close to our projection of 2017. If the workshop scheduled for December 13t" is positive then the Township could proceed with Incorporation. Imola_ ' CN: ' " 1 : t1 ai 13.Y•L[•l al Y a awya I►`tKY�:aZ•]7_1111 [•7►�. /iii • Blair Joselyn made a motion to approve the contract with the Township Planner Richard Thompson, T.K.D.A. Planning in the amount of $25,000.00. Michael Harnetty seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. lu I!�:��t�ll X11 Y IL�y X1.71 Y 1 al [•1V Y �[•] 0[K•7►� 1 � YI /�►[ Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the Certificate of Compliance for Mary Fruetel, 14940 Old Marine Trail, Marine, MN 55047 to operate a Massage Therapy at the residence. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. New Scandia Town Board November 15, 2005 Page 4 AMENDMENTS TO THE DEVELOPMENT CODE Nancy Madden made a motion to adopt Resolution Number 11-15-05-01 to call for a hearing for Amendments to the Development Code. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. MIKE WI -HTE -CLEAN-UP OF THE FORMER SCANDIA-MARINE LIONS PARK Nancy Madden made a motion to allow Mike White to purchase a chain saw and a gallon of gas a day for the clean-up project at the former Scandia-Marine Lions Park. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. FIRE CONTRACT WITH MAY TOWNSHIP Blair Josleyn made a motion to approve the Fire Contract with May Township. The contract that was submitted will reflect that a 3% increase will be in 2007 and 2008. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Nancy Madden made a motion to adjourn and meeting adjourned. Dolores Peterson New Scandia Township Clerk