3-1-05 tb,pcMarch 1, 2005
On the above date New Scandia Township Planning Commission held their regular monthly
meeting. The following New Scandia Town Board Members were also in attendance: Chairman
Dennis Seefeldt, Vice Chairman Michael Hinz, Michael Harnetty, Blair Josleyn and Nancy
Bracht Bros. -Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to approve the renewal of
the gravel mining permit for Bracht Bros. with the same conditions as last year.
Blair Joselyn made a motion to approve the recommendations by the Planning Commission
for the Bracht Bros Pita Nancy Madden seconded the motion and motion adopted
Dresel Contracting -Planning Commission recommends to the Town board to approve the
renewal of the gravel mining permit for Dresel Contracting with the same conditions as last year.
Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the recommendations by the Planning
Commission for Dresel Contracting and to send a letter to Dresel Contracting stating that a
representative must be present for the 2006 Gravel Hearing. Blair Joselyn seconded the
motion. Michael Hinz, yes, Blair Joselyn, yes, Nancy Madden, yes and Michael Harnetty
voted no. Motion adopted.
Tiller Corporation (Barton Sand & Gravel) Planning Commission recommends to the Town
Board to renew the mining permit for Tiller Corp./Barton Sand & Gravel with the same
conditions as last year, subject to a new county permit.
Michael Hinz made a motion to approve the recommendations by the Planning Commission
for Tiller Corporation (Barton Sand & Gravel) Pit. Blair Joselyn seconded the motion and
motion adopted unanimously.
Tiller Corporation (Zavoral Pit) Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to
renew the gravel permit for Tiller Corporation/Tiller Zavoral Pit to remove stockpile only with
the same conditions as last year.
Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the Planning Commission recommendations for
Tiller Corporation (Zavoral Pit). Michael Harnetty seconded the motion and motion
adopted unanimously.
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Planning Commission recommends approval of variances for Mr. Greg Johnson, 18629 Langley
Avenue North, Marine, MN 55047. Lot 11, Block 5, Bliss Plat First Division. PID: 31-03-20-
14-0072. For Lot Frontage from 160 feet to 75 feet, Lot Size 2.5 acres to 0.18 acres, and Lake
Setback from 100 feet to 71 feet be approved. Findings are that this is a reasonable use of
New Scandia Town Board/PC
March 1, 2005
Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the Planning Commission recommendations for
Greg Johnson and that approximately half of the existing driveway shall be eliminated
therefore creating the same amount of lot coverage. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and
motion adopted unanimously.
Dennis Seefeldt informed Mr. Johnson that the remodel should not exceed 50 % of the valuation
of the existing structure.
Planning Commission recommends to the grant the variance to Dick and Judy Diedrich, 7328
Barclay Court, University, Florida 34201-2340. Property location 12100 196`h Street, Marine,
MN 55047. Lot 5, Block 2, Beckstrom Addition. PID: 29-032-20-14-0022. Lot Frontage 160
feet to 55.92 feet, Lot Size from 2.5 acres to 8,896 feet, Lake Setback from 100 feet to 81 feet,
and Sideyard Setback from 10 feet to 8 feet on the grounds that the lot does not meet any of
required setbacks nor the current lot size requirement in an agriculture zone. Since it is a pre-
existing lot and was recorded prior to the adoption of the Development Code, the proposed
alteration and addition to the existing cabin are dictated by previous limitations. Also on the
grounds that the proposed location of the new home does actually improve the lake setback
distance and the plan alters the current lot coverage figured by eliminating concrete slabs on the
side of the existing house. Conditions are 1) the site for the new septic must be re-perced and a
neighboring property owners, the township and Washington County allowing for installation of a
new wells and showing the relationship between existing wells and septics, 3) financial guarantee
must be posted with Washington County, 4) a gravelpave pervious driveway must be used, 5)
remodeled structure must not exceed 35 feet in height, 6) applicant agrees to meet the 25%
impervious standard, 7) proposed reconfiguration includes no infringement towards the lake
greater than the current 81 feet, 8) the removal of existing septic system in the most recently
approved manner, and 9) the addition must meet the existing 10 foot setback. Findings are the
proposed relocation and remodeling of current structure will improve the property and would
seem to mesh the nature of the existing neighborhood.
Blair Joselyn made a motion to approve the Planning Commission recommendations for
Dick and Judy Diedrich. Nancy Madden seconded the motion and motion adopted
Reviewing this variance with Dennis'Donnell the Lot Frontage should be 150 feet to 55.92 feet.
The Planner letter states the property is zoned Agricultural but this property is in the Big Marine
Lake Shoreland Overlay.
New Scandia Town Board/PC
March 1, 2005
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Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the variance to Eugene B. Fisher
III, 19990 Orwell Court, Marine, MN 55047. Lot 2, and part of Lot 1, Block 2, Merrywood 2°d
Addition. PID: 26-032-20-23-0001. To build an accessory structure closer to the road than the
house on the plight of the landowner is due to existing conditions unique to the property and not
the fault of the landowner. Conditions are 1) the garage match the house siding and style, and 2)
the applicant remove a vehicle by the lake no later than July 1, 2005. Findings are that this is a
logical location since there is not adequate space behind the principal structure due to the location
of the driveway and the drainfield.
Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the Planning Commission recommendations for
Eugene Fisher III. Michael Harnetty seconded the motion. Dennis Seefedlt made the
following amendment to the motion: To remove the vehicle by the lake no later than June
1, 2005. Blair Joselyn seconded the amendment passed unanimously. The motion and
amendment was approved unanimously.
Mr. John Whitcomb returned to present a concept of two new plats in addition to the original plan
for development of 130.03 acres on Meadowbrook Avenue North. New options A and B would
make the focal point the grove of oak trees. Both plans still contained 26 lots. Both boards
would like to see 4 of the lots to the west removed to preserve the forest. The majority of the
Planning Commission favored Concept Plan B. Discussion included treating the 130.03 acres as
two developments—property to the west of the section line as a cluster, and land to the east as a
conventional with lot averaging, resulting in larger lots. "Mr. Whitcomb indicated that he would
work with the board to reduce the density in an effort to save the woods. Plan B will be revised
to a 21 lot concept and be presented at a later date.
Mr. Scott Kaiser presented a plan for a Minor Subdivision of 20.5 acres at 18989 Olinda Trail.
Due to lack of road frontage on Oakgreen Avenue, Mr. Kaiser was informed to apply for a
variance for road frontage.
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to recommend approval of the Preliminary
Plat of The Sanctuary for Brian Iverson, 25523 Gramford Avenue, Wyoming MN 55092. Part of
the S '/z of NE %4 of Section 26, Township 32, Range 20. PID: 26-032-20-14-0001. With an
easement dedicated to the Township of 33 feet to the south and 50 feet on the northeast border of
the plat to the Town Board on the grounds that this a reasonable use of property. Conditions are
1) that an appropriate combination of park fees and trail easements sites are agreed upon between
the developer and the Township, 2) a Development Agreement be submitted and approved by the
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March 1 2005
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the Town Board, 4) submit an Opinion of Title, 5) submit a Landscape Plan for approval by the
Town Board, 6) submit a Letter of Credit for construction of road and landscape installation, 7)
that buildable area is confirmed and that each lot has a minimum of I acre of buildable, 8) that the
septic locations are identified and are adequate for each lot, and 9) that the Drainage and Erosion
Control Plans are approved by the CMWD Engineer and the Township Engineer and the proper
permits are obtained. Findings are that a Conventional Subdivision for this plat is consistent with
the Township's Zoning.
Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the Planning Commission recommendations for
the Preliminary Plat of The Sanctuary for Brian Iverson. Michael Hinz seconded the
motion adopted unanimously.
Dolores Peterson
ew Scandia Township Clerk