7-19-05 tbJuly 19, 2005
New Scandia Town Board meeting was called to order by Chairman Dennis Seefeldt. The
following Board Members were present: Chairman Dennis Seefeldt, Vice Chairman Michael
Hinz, Michael Hametty, Blair Joselyn and Nancy Madden.
Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the following consent agenda:
1. Call to order
2. Clerk's minutes have been presented for Town Board 06-07-05, 06-21-05 and Planning
Commission 07-05-05
3. Balance May 31, 2005 $1,599,820.11
Receipts 44,223.46
Expenditures 82,276.20
Balance June 30, 2005 $1,561,767.37
Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Mr. Finnegan expressed his concerns and problems with radios and pagers for the Fire/Rescue
Department and the contact that Washington County has with Motorola. The County has given
Motorola a date of August to have the problems corrected.
Mr. Steve Yehle President of the Firefighters Relief Association presented information regarding
the Relief Association for New Scandia Fire and Rescue Department. The five year
plan/objectives (2002-2007) are as follows: (1 Drive down administrative cost or money
management cost; (2 Reduce paper work associated with retirements; (3 Reduce liability to Relief
Association officers; (4 Increase solvency of Relief Association Special funds; (5 Increase per
year lump sum payment amounts. The Association has accomplished the following: (1 Reduced
money management fee (s) by 1% on 50% of the investments by combining funds into one
management form; (2 Changed fund destination to a retirement fund to allow rollovers into 401-
k -type funds; (3 Reduced federal tax paperwork; (4 Increase solvency assets vs. liability by 6%-
8%, now at about 68%; (5 Increased lump sum per year from $1550.00 to $1900; (6 Increased
funding to the Special fund by designating 30% of ball funds to Special fund; (6 Revised all
amendments and updated by-laws to current funding and language.
The Association plans to move all Special fiords into the State of Minnesota Supplemental
Investment Fund which reduces money management costs and the fund has outperformed current
money management funding overt the past four years. 228 fire departments already use the
Minnesota Supplement Fund. This will increase lump sum per year payment $300.00 per year -
$1900 -$2200 and the Township contribution remains at $34,000.00 for 2006.
New Scandia Town Board
July 19, 2005
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Blair Joselyn made a motion to accept the resignation of the following Park and Recreation
Members: Michael White and Nicolle Haydek. Nancy Madden seconded the motion and
motion adopted unanimously.
Deb Campbasso reported that a bike ride and dodgeball game is being planned for Taco Daze on
September 10, 2005. The office staff will contact Joann Busse the Insurance Agent regarding
coverage for the events.
Deputy Chris Howard reported that residents are allowed to sell 5 cars per year for a profit on
private property without a dealer's permit. Deputy Howard was instructed that none of the cars
could be on road right-of-way.
Mr. Peterson reported on the meeting pertaining to the Goose Lake Landing parking problems. It
was agreed at the meeting to clear some of the area by the landing and additional on the west side
of the road this could provide approximately 10 off-road parking for vehicles and trailers. Mr.
Peterson presented a sketch of the proposed Goose Lake Boat Landing additional parking.
Michael Hinz made a motion to authorize Mr. Peterson to secure quotes for the proposed
Goose Lake Landing Parking. Blair Joselyn seconded the motion and motion adopted
Mr. Seefeldt reported on the Landscape Plan for Natures Walk Plat and stated it was agreed with
the Developer that the undersized trees that where planted in the plat will not be removed and that
nine (9) 2 '/2 inch over -story trees be planted in the plat.
Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the payment of $10,145.00 to Scandia Trucking
for the repair of 223rd Street. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted
Michael Hinz made a motion to accept the quote of $14,865.00 from Scandia Trucking for
the installation of a concrete culvert and fill, gravel and mulch on Oakhill Way North.
Michael Harnetty seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Mr. Peterson gave an update of the Uptown Septic System and stated for the connections from
Oalchill Road the approximate cost could be $200,000.00. It was agreed to meet with Pete Genzel
from Washington County Land Management, Tom Peterson, Dennis Seefeldt and Michael Hinz
to review this issue further.
New Scandia Town Board
July 19, 2005
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Nancy Madden made a motion to direct Tom Peterson, Township Engineer and Staff to
pursue easements, road right-of—way, surveys for the 2007 Road Project. Michael Hinz
seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Blair Joselyn made a motion to approve the installation of gas and electric facilities for the
Plat of Natures Walk for Xcel Energy. Nancy Madden seconded the motion and motion
adopted unanimously.
Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the purchase of a 2006 Ford/450 Truck from Elk
River Ford, Inc. in the amount of $45,000.00 with the added equipment to be supplied by X
Craft and both the truck and equipment specifications are purchased under the State
Contract. Blair Joselyn seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Nancy Madden made a motion to authorize Michael Hinz to price lawn mowers with a 42 or
44 deck as the Bolens tractor is twenty (20) years and needs a lot of repair. Michael Hinz
seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Michael Harnetty made a motion to authorize Mr. Tom Rohe to mow the 201 Lift Stations
on Olinda Trail and Manning Trail one time so Mr. Rohe could prepare a cost estimate of
mowing the 201 Lift Stations. Nancy Madden seconded the motion and motion adopted
John Bower Carnelian -Marine Watershed Manager and James Shaver Representative of Marine -
On -St -Croix Water Management spoke in regards to the merger of Carnelian -Marine Watershed
and Marine -On -St -Croix Water Management. The merger will happen if the two joint powers
communities prepare a resolution agreeing to disband the Marine -On -St -Croix Water
Management, effective upon a Board of Water and Soil Resources to expand the Carnelian -
Marine Watershed. The Town Board was informed of the special meeting on July 21, 2005 at the
City Hall of Marine.
Blair Joselyn made a motion to approve the expansion of Carnelian -Marine Watershed,
Marine -On -St -Croix Water Management and Orphan Area and a resolution for the
disbanding of the Marine -On -St -Croix Water Management will be on the agenda for
August 2, 2005. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
New Scandia Town Board
July 19, 2005
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Blair Joselyn reported on the Informational Meeting for the Incorporation of New Scandia
Township on July 12, 2005. The Incorporation Committee recommended incorporation to the
Town Board. Eight members were present at the meeting and all the members voted in favor of
incorporation and two members voted to delay. Mr. Joselyn said the board could request more
information, could hold another informational meeting, could hold a public hearing or have a
workshop with the committee. It was agreed to hold a Workshop on August 15t'' at 7:00 p.m.
A group of citizens were in attendance with concerns regarding the incorporation. Jan Tockmann
stated that as a citizen they would like a voice in the process and stated the citizens wanted a
referendum. Franz Westermeier wanted a vote by every citizen as this affects every citizen. Bill
Clapp felt the process was going to fast and a bill could be presented to the legislature to change
the State Statue allowing a referendum. Ken Ostlund stated the Town Board should give the
citizens the opportunity to vote on the issue. Other residents also voiced their opinion on the
process and a referendum.
Michael Harnetty a member of the Incorporation Committee suggested the citizens attend the
Workshop and stated the Incorporation Committee minutes are available at the Township Office.
A letter was received from Washington County Historical Society agreeing to the installation of a
shared parking lot between -the Hay Lake School, Erickson Log Cabin Museum and New Scandia
Township. The Township would use the half of the old roadbed of Washington County Historical
Society for the parking lot. They also stated that they would like to have approval or be in
agreement of any changes that to the area in the future. They also requested that the Hay Lake
Museum sign that was on the corner of Old Marine Trail and Olinda Trail be placed back on the
corner or replaced.
Nancy Madden made a motion to direct the Township Engineer Tom Peterson to review the
site and prepare specification for the parking lot. Blair Joselyn seconded the motion and
motion adopted unanimously.
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Mr.Childers was informed to prepare a concept of a possible subdivision, which would at least
consist of 22 acres. Showing one parcel with 20 acres and the other parcel 2 acres also the need
for road frontage for both parcels. Ms. Diane Cibulka , 10955 Mayberry Trail stated she was a
willing seller of acreage to Mr. Childers. Mr. Seefeldt made reference to Ms. Cibulka that she
would lose one density unit if she sold some of her property. Mr. Childers agreed to submitting a
concept for the property.
New Scandia Town Board
July 19, 2005
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The following persons volunteered to serve on the Committee to review property for rezone of
commercial zoning: Michael Harnetty, Michael Hinz, Peter Schwarz and Chris Ness. It was
agreed to put a notice in the Country Messenger for volunteers from the community.
Dennis Seefeldt stated that he had given permission to Barton Sand and Gravel to operate the
asphalt site on July 22 from 6:00 p.m. to 12:00 midnight and July 23 from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
The trucks must use Highway 97, Highway 61 and Manning North for their route, no jake braking
and use the strobe light for backing the vehicles.
Nancy Madden made a motion to adjourn and meeting adjourned.
Dolores Peterson
New Scandia Township Clerk