09-16-14 Council
September 16, 2014
A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Simonson
called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken.
The following council members were present: Council members Dan Lee, Chris Ness, Jim
Schneider, Sally Swanson and Mayor Randall Simonson. Staff present: City Administrator
Kristina Handt, Public Works Director Tim Kieffer, City Attorney Nick Vivian, City Planner
Sherri Buss, City Engineer Ryan Goodman, Fire Chief Mike Hinz and Deputy Clerk Brenda
Greg Johnson, 18629 Langley Avenue, stated that it isn’t right that his costs to go through the
variance process to build a deck this summer totaled $1,600 between the City and the Watershed.
Administrator Handt explained that the City billed him approximately $650.
Pam Smith, 20919 Quint Avenue, asked the Council to consider appointing one or two Council
members to join an advisory committee that would evaluate alternative plans for the Log House
Landing improvement project. She explained that a smaller group made up of representatives
from interested parties could further research and explore a road improvement plan that would
protect and preserve this sensitive area, and present a recommendation to the City by mid-
Kristin Tuenge, Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed Board President, stated that they have
two Board members that will participate and they see it as a helpful way to work through the
process of identifying an alternative plan that meets the goals of reducing run-off into the river.
Lee, seconded by Ness, moved to approve the agenda.
Council member Swanson requested
that a discussion of a Log House Landing Advisory Committee be added to the agenda. Mayor
The motion to approve the
Simonson stated that this would be added as Agenda Item 9.g).
agenda as amended carried 5-0.
The following Consent Agenda was presented:
1)August 19, 2014 Regular Meeting
2)August 20, 2014 Special Meeting
3)September 3, 2014 Work Session
b)Treasurer’s Report
Beginning Balance 08/01/2014 $3,413,311.82
Receipts + 26,648.01
Expenditures $329,173.10
Payroll 24,534.15 - $353,707.25
Adjustments: Transfer Charges* -8.00
Service Charges* -23.25
*Account fell below minimum daily balance
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Ending Balance 8/31/2014 $3,086,221.33
c)Payment of Vouchers
d)Approve Ordinance No 156: An Ordinance Establishing Compensation for the Mayor
and City Council of the City of Scandia and Repealing Ordinance No. 132
e)Summary Publication of Ordinance No. 156 (Resolution 09-16-14-01)
f)Step Increase, Maintenance Worker Anderson
g)Step Increase, Maintenance Worker Jahnke
h)Approve Safe Assure Contract Renewal
i)Approve Youth Services Bureau Service Agreement
Swanson, seconded by Ness, moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. The
motion carried 5-0.
(RESOLUTION NO. 09-16-14-02)
At the August 19, 2014 meeting, the Council received a petition to vacate the portion of 2
Street between Columbus Street and Bluff Street in the Revision of Vasa and called for a public
hearing to be held.
Mayor Simonson opened the hearing at 7:06pm.
Angie Conley, 16963 197 Street: Ms. Conley stated that she initiated the request so that the
vacated unopened street would add 30’ to their property and allow for placement of their septic
system. She explained that the unopened street does not connect to any public roads or access to
the river and that precedent was set when roadways to the south were vacated years ago.
Don McGinley: Mr. McGinley stated that he is an adjacent property owner and in favor of
vacating 2 Street to help out Ms. Conley, and recommended that all the unopened streets within
the Vasa Plat be vacated to clean up the property lines. He said the streets are not used for any
access purposes, and there is one property owner who has built a garage within one of the roads
and onto his property.
There were no further comments and Mayor Simonson closed the hearing at 7:12pm.
Administrator Handt explained that it was just recently brought to her attention that a building
violation occurred when a structure was built within one of the roadways and encroached onto
Mr. McGinley’s property, which will be further investigated. Handt noted that some private
driveways have easements over Mr. McGinley’s property and recommended that these
easements be provided to the City to ensure that property owners have access to their lots if the
City moved forward with vacating the unopened streets.
Mayor Simonson recommended that the issue be tabled in order to gather more information.
Council member Lee stated that the private driveways should be approved for emergency access.
Council member Schneider agreed that there are items yet to be cleared up before proceeding.
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Lee, seconded by Simonson, moved to table action on the resolution to vacate 2 Street
until easements are identified and more information is gathered. The motion carried 5-0.
Committee Chair Greg Zauner reported that the dodgeball tournament held on Taco Daze was
successful. The Committee recommends that official dodgeballs be purchased for next year’s
event. Fill is being brought in to Lilleskogen Park so that the butterfly garden plants can go in
Vinterfest 2015 Theme
Zauner reported that the Committee is recommending that a “Sami” theme be adopted for the
upcoming Vinterfest event and the theme would be incorporated into a button contest, snow
sculpture contest and Quiz Promenade. Zauner explained that Sami are native reindeer herders
of the northern Scandinavian area.
Simonson, seconded by Swanson, moved to approve “Sami” as the theme for Vinterfest
2015. The motion carried 5-0.
Variances to Construct a Cabin at 16987 197 Street. Mark Holloway, Applicant (Resolution
No. 09-16-14-03)
Planner Buss presented the recommendation from the Planning Commission that the variances
from the required setbacks for the Ordinary High Water Level of the St. Croix River, from the
bluff setback, and from the city’s wetland setback requirement to expand and remodel an
existing cabin at 16987 197 Street be approved based on findings and conditions included in a
resolution. Variances from the required wetland setback and rear lot line setback to install the
septic system were also approved by the Commissioners. Buss explained that the
Commissioners recognized that the cabin will be placed as far back onto the property and away
from the river as much as can be, and allows the septic system to meet the OHWL setback.
Council member Schneider asked if lot coverage is met. Buss stated that the lot coverage with
expanded cabin area is well below 20%. Council member Lee asked if the cabin profile can be
viewed from the river. Buss answered no, and explained that the National Park Service limits the
height to one level and the cabin will be screened by existing vegetation. Council member Ness
stated that moving the cabin back from the river is a good plan.
Simonson, seconded by Lee, moved to approve Resolution No. 09-16-14-03, Approving a
Variance for 16987 197 Street North. The motion carried 5-0.
Variances to Construct an Accessory Structure at 20789 Quint Avenue. Randall Clary and
Lisa Etzwiler, Applicants (Resolution No. 09-16-14-04)
Planner Buss presented the recommendation from the Planning Commission that the variances
from the required setbacks for the Ordinary High Water Level of the St. Croix River and from
the bluff setback to replace a demolished accessory structure at 20789 Quint Avenue be
approved based on findings and conditions included in a resolution. Buss explained that the
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Commissioners did not approve the applicants’ request to add a bathroom to the structure as that
would be considered an expansion of use. The size of the structure is not to exceed 12’x16’, the
footprint of the original structure, and must be designed according to National Park Service
Simonson, seconded by Lee, moved to approve Resolution No. 09-16-14-04.
Council member Ness moved to amend the motion with an added condition to the
Resolution that states “No plumbing or bathroom facilities are to be installed”. Lee
seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0.
The amended Simonson/Lee motion carried 5-0.
Variance to Construct a Deck at 12166 228 Street. Mark and Dora Lofstrom, Applicants
(Resolution No. 09-16-14-05)
Planner Buss presented the recommendation from the Planning Commission that the variance
from the required setback for the Ordinary High Water Level of Bone Lake to construct a deck
and stairs at 12166 228 Street be approved based on findings and conditions included in a
resolution. Buss explained that a variance to build the home and deck 51’ from the OHWL was
approved in 2000 but the deck was never built. Buss said that the Commissioners noted that the
proposed deck is no closer to the lake than those on adjacent properties and would be built on an
existing concrete pad.
Simonson, seconded by Swanson, moved to approve Resolution No. 09-16-14-05, Approving
a Variance for 12166 228 Street North. The motion carried 5-0.
Variances for a Residence at 19015 Layton Avenue. Laurie Waterman, Applicant (Resolution
No. 09-16-14-06)
Planner Buss presented the recommendation from the Planning Commission that the variances
from the required setbacks for the Ordinary High Water Level of Big Marine Lake and from the
rear lot line to construct a new home and attached garage at 19015 Layton Avenue be approved
based on findings and conditions included in a resolution. A variance to relocate a septic tank
within the rear lot line setback was also approved by the Commissioners. Buss explained that
Ms. Waterman is seeking to rebuild a home that was destroyed by fire earlier this year which will
be built in the same footprint as the previous home. The added garage and porch are considered
an expansion of the original nonconforming structure and requires the variances.
Simonson, seconded by Swanson, moved to approve Resolution No. 09-16-14-06, Approving
a Variance for 19015 Layton Avenue North. The motion carried 5-0.
Variances for a Septic Holding Tank at 21715 Quarry Avenue. Rudy Sundberg, Applicant
(Resolution No. 09-16-14-07)
Planner Buss presented the recommendation from the Planning Commission that variances from
Washington County’s Subsurface Sewage Treatment Ordinance and from the rear lot line
setback to place a new septic system holding tank at 21715 Quarry Avenue be approved based on
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findings and conditions included in a resolution. Buss explained that the Commissioners agreed
that replacing an existing outhouse with a holding tank is the best option for the seasonal cabin
and the location meets the river and wetland setbacks. Conditions related to maintenance of the
holding tank were recommended.
Council member Schneider asked if the property is prone to spring flooding. Mr. Sundberg
stated that it is not, and drain tile was installed to eliminate water flowing from the springs.
Simonson, seconded by Swanson, moved to approve Resolution No. 09-16-14-07, Approving
a Variance for 21715 Quarry Avenue North. The motion carried 5-0.
The monthly building report was received from Building Official Chad Payment. Twenty-two
permits were issued in August.
Deputy Chris Majeski reported that a number of vandalism reports are being investigated.
Fire Chief Mike Hinz reported that the department responded to 10 calls in August; 4 fire related
and 6 EMS related. Fire Fighter I and II training classes will begin in September for the new
recruits. The annual Open House will be held on October 7 from 5 to 7pm at the fire station.
City Engineer Goodman reported that corrective work due to a minor hydraulic oil spill on 181
Street will be completed later in the week.
Public Works Director Kieffer provided a report on the department’s activities within the past
month. As part of the GreenStep Cities initiative, he has met with Xcel Energy to identify energy
saving measures. Additional fill is being brought to Lilleskogen Park for installation of the
butterfly garden this month.
City Administrator Handt reported that she is working with Midcontinent Communications and
the Forest Lake Cable Commission to obtain price quotes for service extensions within the City
in anticipation of the state broadband grant. The construction bids for storm shelters at the
Cottages exceeded the FEMA thresholds, and it is unknown at this time how the County HRA
will proceed with this project.
Reece Almendinger presented a Special Event Permit application to conduct a 5K run/walk
fundraiser for the Gammelgarden Museum on October 4. This is the first year for the event.
Administrator Handt stated that the application meets the City’s permit requirements.
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Simonson, seconded by Ness, moved to approve the Special Event Permit for the
Gammelgarden’s Apple Away 5K Run/Walk event with conditions as recommended by
staff. The motion carried 5-0.
Administrator Handt explained staff recommendations to dispose of the Fire Department’s
rescue trailer on CraigsList and the 1997 Ford dump truck with plow on GovDeals. Handt
explained that sale of the rescue trailer on fire classified sites and GovDeals has been
unsuccessful to date, primarily due to shipping costs. A reserve bid of $10,000 would be set for
the dump truck.
Ness, seconded by Swanson, moved to approve the disposal of the tow-able rescue trailer
through CraigsList and the dump truck with plow through GovDeals. The motion carried
Public Works Director Kieffer recommended that the City hire three seasonal on-call, part-time
snowplow drivers at the same pay rate as last season. These drivers would operate the smaller
routes with the pickup trucks and be available as needed for the main routes.
Simonson, seconded by Swanson, moved to authorize staff to advertise for on-call, part-
time/seasonal maintenance workers for snowplowing and delegate the interview process to
staff. The motion carried 5-0.
Mayor Simonson summarized the content of the special closed meeting held at 6pm for the
purpose of conducting a performance evaluation of City Administrator Handt. Simonson stated
that they discussed performance, communications, leadership, fiscal management and established
future goals and objectives. Simonson reported that Handt received a favorable evaluation for
the past year.
Simonson made a motion to approve a Step 2 increase for City Administrator Handt as
defined by the Personnel Policy. Swanson seconded the motion. Simonson called for a roll
call vote. Lee – no; Ness – yes; Swanson – yes; Schneider – no; Simonson – yes. The
motion carried 3-2.
A draft copy of the fall newsletter was reviewed. Council member Swanson suggested adding
the “Sami” theme to the Vinterfest image and to include the City’s GreenStep practices with the
recycling information. The newsletter will be mailed out to Scandia households in early
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Council member Swanson addressed Ms. Smith’s request given in the Public Forum to form a
committee to research various proposals for the Log House Landing improvement project.
Swanson stated that she would be willing to be on the committee.
Administrator Handt advised the Council that they should give more definitive direction on
project parameters related to road width, road material, parking, etc. She recommended City
Engineer Goodman also participate as decisions should involve experts in designing the
roadway. Handt noted that the committee should include a segment of the community that has
so far not been represented – long-time users of the landing site that do not want their access
limited. Council member Lee agreed that the City should reach out to find interested users.
Engineer Goodman agreed that there needs to be clear goals and direction given and suggested
that a goal setting meeting of the Council be undertaken to give a black and white outline of what
they want to do.
Kristen Tuenge, Watershed Board President, stated that it would be helpful for the Council to
have focused goals for the outcomes of the project.
Mayor Simonson stated that the Council should establish direction as a first step to give the
proposed committee something to deliberate and gather collective ideas, such as paving, curbs
and parking. Council member Schneider agreed that more narrow goals need to be established.
There was consensus for the Council to set a Special Meeting date of Tuesday, September 23 at
6:30pm to further discuss the goals and direction for the Log House Landing improvement
Ness, seconded by Lee, moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried 5-0.
The meeting adjourned at 8:37 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund
Deputy Clerk