9-20-05 tbSeptember 20, 2005 New Scandia Town Board meeting was called to order by Chairman Dennis Seefeldt. The following Board Members were in attendance: Chairman Dennis Seefeldt, Vice Chairman Michael Hinz, Michael Harnetty, Blair Joselyn and Nancy Madden. A Public Hearing for the Incorporation of New Scandia Township was held at 7:00 p.m. The minutes of this meeting are on a separate document and are also filed under the Incorporation file. Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the following consent agenda with corrections on the September 6, 2005 meeting. 1. Clerk's minutes have been presented for 08-16-05 and 09-06-05 Town Board and 09-06- 05 Planning Commission. 2. Balance July 31, 2005 $2,295,354.74 Receipts 30,892.07 Expenditures 77,959.90 Void check 65.45 Balance August 30, 2005 $2,248,221.46 3. Payment of vouchers ASSISTANT FIRE CHIEF -JAMES FINNEGAN Mr. Finnegan reported that the Washington County Sheriffs Department has gone back to the old radio system and now there are no problems with the Fire/Rescue Department receiving the pagers. POLICE DEPARTMENT -DEPUTE' CHRIS HOWARD Deputy Howard stressed to the Town Board and residents in attendance the importance of locking their homes and accessory structures, because of the burglars in the community. The issue of a dog barking constantly by the Robert Janu residence was addressed. Deputy Howard stated he had issued tickets and David Hebert stated that the person in violation of the Dog Ordinance would have to appear in court and this should take care of the problem. TOWNSHIP ENGINEER -TOM PETERSON Michael Hinz made a motion to approve the payment to Scandia Trucking for the culvert repair on Old Marine Trail and 2401h Street. Nancy Madden seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Nancy Madden made a motion to approve payment of $13,632.50 to Scandia Trucking for culvert repair on Oakhill Way. Michael Harnetty seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. New Scandia Town Board September 20, 2005 Page 2 Michael Hinz made a motion to approve the payment of $6,764.50 for a partial payment to Scandia Trucking for Goose Lake Landing Improvement. BlairJoselynseconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Michael Harnetty made a motion to approve the pay request number one in the amount of $83,574.85 to Dresel Contracting for the reconstruction of Oland Avenue. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Michael Hinz made a motion to approve the change order in the amount of $3235.00 for the installation of a culvert under Oland Avenue at Oakhill Road. Nancy Madden seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Tom Peterson presented the Feasibility Study for Olson-Sandgren Uptwon Sewer the total estimate cost was $177,800.00. It was agreed to meet with Pete Genzel, Cindy Weckwerth of Washington County Department of Health, Tom Peterson, Dennis Seefeldt and Michael Hinz to review the report. STREET DESIGN NEWLY CREATED DEVELOPMENT RURAL VERSUS URBAN Many citizens have made reference to the requirements of New Scandia Township Development specifying the street designs in newly created Developments. The need for shouldering with the rural street design and no shouldering with urban street design. It was agreed not to change the Development Code and allow both designs. LETTER REGARDING CONCRETE APRONS AT FIRETUBLIC WORKS BUILDING Tom Peterson presented a letter from Jerome Mulvihill of Bonestro Engineering Firm regarding the concrete aprons at the Fire Station and Public Works Building it stated the aprons should be restored at a estimated cost of $30,000.00. It was agreed this problem would be monitored, patch the blacktop areas and slope the drainage away from the building. PARK AND RECREATION-BLAIR JOSELYN Mr. Joselyn reported the completion of the Comprehensive Plan for the Park and Recreation has been delayed and will not be completed until approximately the middle of October. Deb Campobasso presented the report on the 2005 Summer Recreation Program. The total expense for the program was $9,042.11 and the total revenue was $10,416.86. The program was well attended and the significant change for the program was the all day for Tuesday and Thursday. The Groovy Girls Club and Archery Lessons may not be offered for 2006. A Flag Football for third graders will be offered on Saturday mornings this fall. The Taco Daze Dodge Ball Tournament was well attended and the Taco Daze Bike Ride included 83 bikers. A discussion was held regarding a plan for Youth and Senior Citizens throughout the year and Mr. Joselyn stated the Park and Recreation Program would submit this proposal. New Scandia Town Board September 20, 2005 Page 3 WILLEM REBECCA BASTIAENS-CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Michael Hinz made a motion to approve the Certificate of Compliance for Willem and Rebecca Bastiaens14071 Scandia Trail, Scandia, MN 55073. This permit is subject to conditions that have been discussed and direct David Hebert to prepare the Certificate of Compliance with findings and conditions. Michael Harnetty seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. WALTER ANDERSON -ADVERTISING SIGN Mr. Anderson stated that he had a number of signs advertising an Open House for the sale of one of his homes that is located off of County 4 in May Township. Mr. Anderson was informed of the Development Code in Section 9.11 stating real estate signs can only be placed at the site where the property is for sale. The office staff was directed to have all signs removed on roadways within the township. AMENDMENT TO RESOLUTION NO. 09 -06 -05 -01 -STREET VACATION IN PLAT OF REVISION OF VASA Michael Hinz made a motion to accept Resolution No.9-20-05-01 Amending Resolution No.9-06-05-01 for vacation of part of Market Street and part of Second Street in the Plat of The Revision of Vasa. Blair Joselyn seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. SPRINGSTED INCORPORATED Blair Joselyn made a motion to approve the contract with Springstad Incorporated for the Fiscal Impact Analysis for Phase 1 and Phase 2 in the amount of $10,000.00. Nancy Madden seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. It was agreed that a meeting be scheduled with Jessie Hart, Springstad Incorporated, Richard Thompson, Township Planner, Blair Josleyn and Michael Hametty to review information for Phase 2. Nancy Madden made a motion to adjourn and meeting adjourned. Dolores Peterson New Scandi ownship Clerk