01-17-89 tbJanuary 17-, 1989 The regular monthly meeting of New Scandia Township was called to order by Chairman Russell Jackson. Present were: Charles Nordin, Kenneth Ostlund, Howard Hawkinson and Beverly Pratt. Ostlund made a motion to accept minutes for December 20, 1989 and January 3, 1989 with changes for January 3, 1989. Planning Commission minutes. Nordin seconded and adopted. The Clerk presentat.ed the letters from Barton Sand and Gravel and the Minnesota Pollution Control. Janice Nicelson questioned why resampling and results were not completed for Barton Sand and Gravel. The Board informed Mrs. Nickelson the question is answered in the letter from MPCA January 6, 1989. The Township also received a report from Braun Environmental Laboratories. Mrs.Nickelson also informed the Board that the Sandok and Kendrick well's have not been sampled by MPCA. The Clerk would contact the MPCA about this matter. Marlin McCurdy introduced Steve Spence the new Fire Chief for New Scandia. The welcomed Mr. Spence and thanked Mr. McCurdy for his 8 years of service. David Hebert reported the Proposed Mining Ordiance with the corrections has been completed. Ostlund questioned why does the Township require mailing letters for the renewal of Gravel Mining Permits to property owners within a z mile when there is no rquirement of this procedure on other renewals. This re-quirement is in the Mining Ordiance and would have to be deleted. This will be discussed when the new Mining Ordiance is addressed. Grader Purchase Hawkinson made a motion to purchase a John Deere Grader 770BH from Lake Lake State Equipment Co. Five year warranty for $3000.00 for a total purchase price of $82,000.00. For the following reasons: 1. Warranty A. Dresser is 5 years $14.000.00 B. John Deere is 5 years $3,000.00 2. Time of Delivery A. Dresser is 220 + days B. John Deere is 120 days Difference of 100 -days The difference between the warranty and delivery time is a total of $21,500.00. The cost of maintenance and upkeep on the present machine will be substantial during the 14 week difference in delivery based on the history of the machine, if the Township would have to rent a grader during this period. January 17., 1989 There is a difference in bid price between Dresser and John Deere of $21,281.00. Subtracting the warranty and delivery the difference would be $219.00. 3a. Warranty for Dresser altough $14,000.00 is not bonded but warranty for John Deere at $3,000.00 is bonded. 3b. The amount of the warranty for Dresser indicates a likelihood of substantial repairs and down time. 4. Turning Radius Dresser 24 feet John Deere 22feet 4 inches With all the turn arounds th.e Township has we believe the John Deere with the shorter turning radius is a big advantage. 5. Horse Power Dresser has a 166 H.P. net John Deere has 155 H.P. but has 185 H.P. in gears 4-8. For snowplowing this is a big advantage. 6. Gallion was bought out by Dresser. We have no assurance the workmanship will stay the same because there aren't enough Dresser machines in the area. 7. In talking with several contractors who have John Deere construction implements,and an independent equipment dealer they say the service of parts and repair work is very good. They also inform me the resale value on a used John Deere is much greater than the resale value of a Dresser at this time. Nordin seconded the motion and adopted. The Feasibility Report for the proposed 1989 Street Improvement Bituminous Surfacing was accepted. The Town Board shall meet January 26, 1989 to discuss and review the report. The Kuno Acres Roadway was addressed. Cost figure, the need for public services and the number of residents opposing the extension of Larkspur Ave. Hawkinson made a motion to table this matter to the January 26, 1989 meeting. Pratt seconded and adopted. Richard Tetzlaff reviewed the possiblity of the Scandia/ Marine Lions to engage in a project for the town property located on Hwy 97 and Oakhill. The Board was favorable on this matter. Dean Lindgren reported on the Marine -On -St -Croix Water Management Organization. Hawkinson made a motion to rent the John Deere tractor to Washington County Soil and Water Conservation for spring planting tree program. Pratt seconded and adopted. Bills ordered paid. Nordin made a motion to adjourn, Hawkinson seconded and adopted. T 0� es P.e rson New Scandi Towshi np Clerk