09-3-14 Council Work Session
September 3, 2014
A Work Session meeting of the City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Simonson
called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Randall Simonson,
Council members Dan Lee, Chris Ness and Sally Swanson. Absent: Council member Jim
Schneider. Staff present: City Administrator Kristina Handt, City Engineer Ryan Goodman,
Public Works Director Tim Kieffer and Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund.
Ness, seconded by Lee, moved to approve the agenda as presented. The motion carried 4-0.
The Friends of the Log House Landing attended the Work Session, along with the Carnelian-
Marine-St. Croix Watershed Board members and Administrator Jim Shaver, Don Hansen of the
St. Croix River Association, Washington County Commissioner Fran Miron and Washington
County Public Works Director Don Theisen, to discuss the proposed improvements to 205
Street, the roadway to the Log House Landing on the St. Croix River. Pam Smith, spokesperson
for Friends of the Log House Landing, introduced the speakers who expressed their concerns and
alternative plans for the project.
Chauncey Anderson, hydrologist, addressed water quality issues and stated that sediment
mitigation could be possible with minimally invasive measures.
Karen Schik, ecologist, addressed the tree impacts and stated that although 21 trees are identified
to be removed, the project as proposed would impact 56 trees within the roadway due to root
damage. She asked that the scale of the project be reconsidered to protect the native ecology
with the least impact.
Kelli Carlson, petition and media advisor, stated that community input on social media strongly
supported preservation of the rustic and rural character of the road.
Lisa Schlingerman, Scandia Parks and Trails Board member, described the Log House Landing
as an historic and cultural landmark, and was concerned the proposed project would diminish the
Stuart Krahn, landscape architect, addressed measures in which the scale of the project could be
reduced and still be eligible for grant funds.
Pam Smith presented information from her consultations with the DNR in which they could
work with the City on scaling back the project and thereby reducing costs. She stated that it may
be possible to make the case that Quinnell Avenue is part of the access to the St. Croix River and
apply any remaining unused portion of the $200,000 grant on repairs to Quinnell.
Shane Coen, landscape architect and planner, presented alternative plans to the road
improvement project. One option would be to pave a 13’ lane from Quint to the landing, with
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the upper portion of the road and the landing left as a gravel surface. The other option is to
retain the current width as gravel and regrade the road with a north slope. Bio-filtration ponds
located at the base of the road and a concrete cable boat launch would be installed with both
options. Both options also include a continuous 4’ rock filled infiltration swale along the north
side of the road. Parking could be made available at the landing and along 120’ of the gravel
lane where the road naturally widens, with additional parking proposed along Quinnell north of
the intersection. Mr. Coen estimated the annual maintenance costs of the gravel option for
grading and pond cleanout to be $3,500, with an additional $2,000 every five years for channel
clean out. Mr. Coen described the gravel option as the preferred approach to have no tree
removal, preserve the historic access to the river, protect the trout stream and be at a scale for
appropriate use of the landing for small boats, canoes and kayaks.
Steve Bubul, municipal attorney and legal consultant, stated that the City should not have
liability concerns about alterations in the DNR design standards concerning safety. He explained
that the City is protected by discretionary immunity in any event due to smaller road widths.
City Engineer Ryan Goodman reviewed the concept plan that at this stage meets the grant
requirements. In response to a question about removing curb and gutter from the paving option,
Public Works Director Kieffer explained that having no curb and gutter will undermine the road
over time, and that curbs help with off-road ruts and erosion.
Some of the Watershed Board members expressed concerns that heavy rains onto the gravel
roadway may cause catch basins to become plugged which would still result in washouts of
sediment into the river and erosion would still occur. The Board also questioned if the figures
stated are firm calculations. Mr. Coen answered that they are only estimates at this point.
Council member Swanson stated that it may not be necessary to have the road as wide as the
engineer’s concept shows, but that pavement is probably the way to go as gravel could be a
continuous problem to maintain. She thanked the group for the work they have done in bringing
forth alternative plans.
Don Hansen, St. Croix River Association, stated the objective should be to reduce erosion and
sedimentation while preserving the wild and scenic area, and reducing the road width should be
examined. Mr. Hansen noted that the SCRA will soon be considering proposals for grant
funding from the MPCA up to $50,000 which mitigate sedimentation into the river.
Commissioner Miron stated that the best projects are those that the community is engaged in and
encouraged the group and the City to work together on moving the project forward.
Mayor Simonson recessed the meeting at 8:20 p.m.
The meeting resumed at 8:37 p.m.
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Certify Maximum Property Tax Levy Payable in 2015 (Resolution No. 09-03-14-01)
Administrator Handt presented a draft levy which was prepared with adjustments following the
last budget work session. The total proposed levy amounted to $2,227,509, a 2.6% increase over
taxes payable in 2014. Handt explained that since that meeting, an increase of approximately
$11,000 to the health insurance premium for next year was received which will have
implications to next year’s budget.
Public Works Director Kieffer proposed a policy for On-Call Public Works employees that
would compensate the employee $250 a week to be ready to respond to callouts. This
compensation would result in a yearly increase of $13,000 to the general fund. Council member
Ness stated that it is too late in the budget planning to add this cost. Council members agreed
and asked staff to study what cities of comparable size do for future discussion.
The Council discussed ways to meet the increase to health insurance without raising the levy. A
proposal to reduce the Capital Improvement Fund by $20,000, re-allocate $10,000 of that to the
General Fund to cover the insurance increase, which would have a net effect of $10,000 less to
the levy, was suggested. Handt noted that this results in a total proposed levy of $2,217,509,
which is approximately a 2.1% levy increase. Ness stated he would like to see it go under 2%
and closer to 0%. Handt explained that the Council can still work on the budget to decrease the
levy from this proposed amount. The tax levy just may not be increased from this adopted
preliminary figure.
Simonson, seconded by Lee, moved to approve Resolution No. 09-03-14-01, Certifying
Maximum Property Tax Levy Payable in 2015 as amended with a total property tax levy of
$2,217, 509. The motion carried 4-0.
Set Date for Public Meeting on 2015 Budget and Tax Levy
Simonson, seconded by Ness, moved to schedule the public hearing on the 2015 budget for
December 3, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. The motion carried 4-0.
Administrator Handt presented a draft Master Fee Schedule prepared by Treasurer Colleen
Firkus. Handt explained that this schedule will consolidate all fees collected by the City that are
now contained separately within each ordinance or policy. Many cities adopt a fee schedule each
year, and it is something that the auditors routinely ask for.
Handt noted a few additional fees which the City should have in place. A non-sufficient fund
check fee of $25 is proposed, along with an annual garbage hauler license fee of $20. This fee
was established in Ordinance No. 8 but had not been collected for many years. Handt explained
changes to the grading and lot line adjustment fees that would more accurately cover the City’s
costs for legal and engineering review. Council member Ness agreed that costs for outside
review should be covered.
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Public Works fees, based on a review of other communities, were added. Handt explained that
in case of fund reimbursement for cleanup after a natural disaster, FEMA would need to see a fee
schedule for use of equipment. Operator charges were based on current wages and benefits for
public works staff.
Water rates charged to Elim and Gammelgarden had not been adjusted since the agreement went
into place in 2001. An increase equal to the increase in the Consumer Price Index was proposed.
Lee, seconded by Simonson, moved to direct staff to work with the City Attorney on the
proper procedure for adopting a master fee schedule. The motion carried 4-0.
Ness, seconded by Swanson, moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried 4-0.
The meeting adjourned at 9:18 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund
Deputy Clerk