10-17-89 tbOctober 17, 1989
The regular monthly meeting for New Scandia Township was called
to order by Chairman Russell Jackson. Present were: Hawkinson,
Pratt, Ostlund, Nordin and Jackson.
Hawkinson made a motion to accept the minutes for 9/18/89, 9/19/89
and 9/25/89. Ostlund seconded and adopted.
Treasurer reported the following amount on hand $349,495.49.
Fire Chief Steve Spence
Hawkinson made a motion to accept the bid specification for a grass/
rescue truck for the New Scandia Fire/Recue Department and to review
the bid notice at the November town board meeting. Ostlund seconded
and adopted.
Chief of Police Mary Lou Simonson
Mary Lou Simonson Chief of Police voiced her concerns about the
1. The need for a job description for the bouncer who covers
wedding dances. The parking lot lights are not turned
on and some incidents with fighting in the parking lot.
A police officer should be in attendence at silver plate
dinners held by the ball team. The last silver plate
dinner the hall was left open and all lights left on.
2. Rails or reflectors should be installed at the ends of
209th St.
3. The need for rulings for Taco Days. The following was
encountered at the last event. Toddlers were left
outside unattended. Vulcanettes conduct with an incident
of a broken car window.
4. Gravel pits are operating and hauling beyond hours.
5. The need for a stricter dog ordinance.
Citizens were in attendence from 209th St. stating problems with
the Mattson dog. The dog has been_ a_ nuisance .to all neighbors- and
they are unable to walk on the road, because of the dog.
Pratt made a motion to instruct David Hebert attorney to write in
the dog ordinance. 11 If the township has compliants with dogs causing
problems the animal control can pick up the animal and transport
to the dog pound". Hawkinson seconded with the addition to review
at the November meeting and instruct Rich from Animal Control to
attend the meeting. Motion adopted.
Vacate of 192nd St.
Pratt made a motion of adopt the resoultion to vacate 192nd St.
1. Serves no public purpose to serve as a public street.
2. This relieves the township maintenance of the street.
Nordin seconded and adopted.
David Hebert Attorney "Bracht Pit"
David Hebert attorney informed the board he had received a call
from a member of the Washington County Planning Commission and
he felt the township did not have much interest in the proceedings
of the Bracht Pit. He informed this person members of the board
had other commitments that evening.
Neil McKenzie Equipment
Mr. Neil McKenzie spoke to the board regarding the box and
sander for the new truck. The board would contact another
equipment company for a bid.
Hawkinson Business Park
Mike and Nancy Peterson were requesting road approval for the
Hawkinson Business Park. The clerk read a memo from Mark Kasma
of T.D.K.A. addressing the following items: Approximately 3
days of grading for a berm on the north end of the project.
WesterLv cul-de-sac has a few possible break up areas. Berm
areas still need seed and mulch. Nordin made a motion to approve
the Hawkinson Business Plat road in accord with the engineers
letter that Mr. Peterson provide the township with a letter of
credit for $4,000.00 for one year. Pratt seconded and adopted.
Parking Marking Inc.
The clerk re -ad the quotes for striping the Center's parking lot.
Ostlund made a motion to engage Parking Marking Inca for $425.00.
Pratt seconded and adopted.
chitectural Review Committee
Resoultion for Architectural Review Committee was reviewed.
Corrections were made and this would be reviewed at the Planning
Commission meeting November 7, 1989.
Meetings With Chamber of Commerce, Long Range Planning & Lake Accesses
The following meetings were discussed: Meeting with the Chamber
of Commerce. The board would attend one of their meetings and
the clerk would contact Mr. Halverson about meeting with the
The long range planning for roads will be November 4, 1989 at
9:00 a.m. The lake accesses may also be discussed.
Deed Stamp Wallace Larson to Bruce Dresel and Richard Dresel
Hawkinson made a motion to stump deed for Wallace Larson to Bruce
Dresel Part of E2 of NB2 of NE2 of Section 18 and N2 of NW2 of
Section 17. Wallace Larson to Richard Dresel Part of N2 of NW2
of Section 17. Ostlund seconded and adopted.
Pratt made a motion of sign the Memordum of Agreement for 1989
Performance Based Funding regarding recycling. Hawkinson seconded
and adopted.
Development Plan and Site Plan For Bone Lake Park
The development plan and site plan for Bone Lake Park was received.
The attorney would review this matter and this was tabled to
November town board meeting.
A discussion was held regarding board members working at elections.
This is allowed under state statue if there is only one precinct.
The judges are taken from the caucus meetings sign up slips and
there is equal political parties serving.
The clerk would contact the Security State Bank regarding rates
for the building bonds.
Pratt made a motion to pay bills for October. Hawkinson seconded
and adopted.
Nordin made a motion to adjourn. Hawkinson seconded and adopted.
Dolores Peterson
New Scandia Township Clerk