11-21-89 tbNovember 21, 1989
The regular monthly meeting for New Scandia Township was called
to order by Chairman Russell Jackson. Present were: Pratt, Nordin,
Hawkinson, Ostlund and Jackson.
Hawkinson made a motion to to accept ruinutes for 10/3/89, 10/17/89
and 11/7/89 with correction for 10/3/89. Ostlund seconded and
Fire Chief Steve Spence
Steve Spence presentated a proposal for mutual aid throughout
the Washington County. This proposal would be reviewed at
the December 19, 1989 town board meeting.
Ostlund made a motion to advertise for bids for the fire/rescue
truck and bid opening shall be December 19, 1989. Hawkinson
seconded and adopted.
Naturallv Good Resort "Ginny Wolper"
Mrs. Wolner requested to speak regarding the Conditional Use
Permit to operate Naturally Good Resort. She stated she could
appreciate to orderly zoning, but a small business cannot afford
the Hawkinson Business Park. Four resorts are located in the
County and have restaurant facilities. Mrs. Wolner has purchased
6.3 acres across from the Trails End and she would then own 12.5
acres and she also may be able to pruchase 5 acres to the north.
Bonita Hendrickson surrounging property owner was opposing the
Pratt made a motion to accept the Planning Commission recommendation
to deny the Conditional Use Permit for applicant Naturally Good
Resort and owner Richard Eisenreich 21420 St. Croix trail, Scandia,
Mn. Nw4 of SW -4 of Section 18, Township 32, Range 19 and adopt
the findings prepared by David Hebert. Ostlund seconded and
Dog Ordinance
Hawkinson made a motion to table the dog ordinance until the
December 19th, 1989 town board meeting. Pratt se-conded and
Gravel Pits
Hawkinson made a motion to instruct the Township Engineer to view
the gravel pits and report in letter form the recommendation for
each pit and the estimate of bonding for each pit. Ostlund
seconded and adopted.
Township Dump Site
Mr. Hawkinson reported he had meet with the Soil and Water
Conservation regarding the diversion of water draining into the
old dumping area. The cost estimate of the project is $10,000.00
which is federally funded and the township share is 25%.
Bone Lake Park
Pratt made a motion to adopt the Local Government Resoultion to
accept ownership and sponsorship for 24.0 acres of Bonny (Bone)
Lake Park. Hawkinson seconded and adopted.
Dan Kaufer Planning Commission
Hawkinson made a motion to accept the letter of resignation
from Dan Kaufer. Ostlund seconded and adopted.
Proposed Addition to Community/Senior Center (Bruce Swenson)
Bruce Swenson presentated plans for an addition to the Community/
Senior Center proposed by the Lions. The County informed Mr.
Swenson the need for the installation of a water meter for septic
useage. Nordin made a motion to install a water meter for usage
at the Center. Hawkinson seconded and adopted.
Resoultion For Fees From Washington County for Hearings
Pratt made a motion to pass a resoultion that citizens applying for
a hearing are subject to pay all fees from Washington County that
are required. Nordin seconded and adopted.
Metro Systems Statement
The board discussed the 1988 Metro Systems Statement. Hawkinson
made a motion to respond to the Metro Council regarding transport-
ation and wastewater management. Pratt seconded and adopted.
Speed Zone for 228th St.
The clerk presentated a petition from residents and adjacent
property owners to reduce the speed limit to 30 miles an hour
on 228th St. Pratt made a motion to instruct the clerk to
contact the State of Minnesota about this matter. Nordin
seconded and adopted.
Stop Sian on Oakhill Road and Meadowbrook Ave.
Pratt made a motion to install a stop sign on Oakhill and
Meadowbrook and stop ahead sign. Hawkinson seconded and
Building Bonds
Hawkinson made a motion to call for redemption of bonds for the
Community/Senior Center and re -issue new bonds for 7%. David
Hebert will consult the bond counsel about this matter. Pratt
seconded and adopted.
Board Table
Pratt made a motion of engage Handcrafted Interiors of 22289 Olinda
Trail to construct a board table -for the,amount of $4335.00
consturcted, stained and varnished. Ostlund seconded and adopted.
Ostlund made a motion to pay the bills for November 1989.
Hawkinson seconded and adopted.
Hawkinson made a motion to adjourn the town board meeting.
Ostlund seconded and adopted.
D lores Peterson
New Scandia Township Clerk