3-14-89 annual township mtg21
March l4, 1989
On the above date New Scandia Township held the Annual Meeting.
Members of the Town Board were all present.
The meeting was called to order by the Clerk Dolores Peterson.
Bruce Swenson was elected moderator for the meeting. The posted
notice was read by the clerk stating the election was held to elect
one supervisor for the term of 3 years to replace Charles Nordin
whose term expires March 1989. To elect two supervisors to fill
the place of Beverly Pratt and Kenneth Ostlund. Whose terms
expires March 1989, and to elect one treasurer. Option B:. Shall
providing for the the appointment of the clerk and treasurer by
the town board, be adopted for the government of the town.
Dolores Peterson read the Board of Canvass for the election.
Three hundred ten votes were cast. Charles Nordin received 238
votes and Fred Sova 68. Beverly Pratt received 204 votes, Kenneth
Ostlund 179, Elmer Benson, 127 and David Brown 54. Edith Hadlich
received 274 votes, 35 blank, Bill Isch 1. Option B: 148 yes and
152 no.
Michael Nagle made a motion of declare Charles Nordin supervisor
for a term of 3 years. Beverly Pratt supervisor for a term of
3 years and Kenneth Ostlund for a term of 2 years. Edith Hadlich
Hadlich for treasurer for a term of 2 years. Option B defeated.
Seconded and adopted.
The minutes of the 1988 Annual Meeting were read and approved.
The total expenditures for March 1988 to March 1989 was $438,194.61.
Douglas Pratt made a motion to accept seconded and adopted.
Treasurer reported receipts for $398,238.61 from March 1988
to March 1989. Fred Sova made a motion to accept seconded and
Dean Lindgren Vice Chairman of the Planning Commission gave
a report. One hundred one permits were issued of these where
thirty new homes. The following plats were approved. Cedarwood
at German Lake, Maxwill bay and Goose Lake Heights.
Steve Spence Fire Chief reported on behalf of the Fire
Department. Seventy one f' -ire call -s _and seven-ty one res -cue
calls. The Department installed a dry hydrant located at
the access on Goose Lake. This is a major attempt to lower the
Township I.S.O. Rating this spring of a 15% decrease on homeowners
insurance. The Department purchased a Jaws of Life Tool for
$10,000.00, but it must be noted $7,500.00 of this was raised
through c-ontributions from local businesses, org-anizations and
proceeds from the Firemans Ball. The Township paid the balance
of $2,500.00 out of the Fire Fund. Seven members have retired in
1988 and eight new volunteers__ which bring our roster to twenty
eight members.
Mary Lou Simonson gave a report on behalf of the Police
Department. She reported seven hundred forty nine compliants.
Mr. Bruce Swenson informed the residents that Scandia
Recycling will dissolve as of April 1, 1989 and Mr. Swenson
will operate Swenson Recycling Inc.
Dean Lindgren made a motion to set gopher bounty at $1.00:
Seconded and adopted.
Michael Nagle made a otion to apply magnesium chloride for
dust control and property owners pay $50.00 for 300 ft. and the
Township pay the remaining, and if the Township wishes to spray
certain areas they shall use their discretion. Seconded and
The levy will be set after the Budget Hearings and the
Annual Meeting reconvened at the September Town Board meeting.
Douglas Pratt made a motion the election hours for the Annual
Town Election be held from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Seconded and
John Olsen made a motin to reconvene the Annual Meeting
to set the levy September 19, 1989. Seconded and adopted.
ndes erson Sca1a Township Clerk