3-21-89 tbMarch 21, 1989
The regular monthly meeting of New Scandia Township was called to
order by the Clerk Dolores Peterson. The Oath of Office for Super-
visor Kenneth Ostlund and Beverly Pratt and Treasurer Edith Hadlich
was given by Dolores Peterson. Present were, Hawkinson, Pratt,
Ostlund and Jackson.
A Chairman and Vice Chairman was elected for the year of 1989 by
paper ballot. Mr. Russell Jackson was elected Chairman and Howard
Hawkinson Vice Chairman.
Ostlund made a motion to accept minutes. Pratt seconded and adopted.
Hawkinson made a motion to adopt the Resoultion providing for the
Issuance and Sale of Certificates of Indebtness for the Purpose
of Financing the Purchase of Street Maintenance Equipment for the
Town of New Scandia, Mn. Pratt seconded and adopted.
Brian Jemelka Employment Agreement
Ostlund made a motion to adopt Brian Jemelka°s Employment Agreement
and the pay scale be retroactive from January 1, 1989. Pratt
seconded and adopted.
Recycling Agreement
Pratt made a motion of sign the Recycling Agreement with Swenson
Recycling Inc. Hawkinson seconded and adopted.
Dissolving of Scandia Recycling
Mr. Bill Plowman informed the Board the Scandia Recycling would
dissolve and the recycling would compensate the Township for the
five trailers for the amount of $4,400.00. The Scandia Recycling
will derive at a forumla and portion out the funds to the three
Communities of Scandia, May and Marine. Hawkinson made a motion
to sell the trailers and the Township shall receive two quotations
and decision will be made at the April Town Board Meeting. Ostlund
seconded and adopted.
Northern States Power Gas Utilities
David Schwartz Gas Utilities for Northern States Power presentated
the general layout for a gas line in the Township. Ostlund made a
motion to accept the Gas Utilities proposed by Northern States
Gas Utilities based on the plans submitted. Pratt seconded and
and adpoted.
Charles Engstrom
Pratt made a motion to grant the variance for Charles Engstrom
19550 Parkview Lane, Scandia, Mn. Lot 1 Blk 2, Merrihills
Addition. To construct a garage closer to the road then the
house. This is a logical place with the circular driveway
and the placement of the septic system. Hawkinson seconded
the motion. Pratt aye, Jackson aye, Hawkinson aye, and Ostlund
no. Motion adopted.
Bituminous Surfacing
Randy Schmacher questioned why the Public Hearings were not held
for the bituminous surfacing. The Board informed Mr. Schmacher
a resoultion has been passed by the Board to initiate proceedings
for street imporvements and there are many items that still need
to be addressed such as establishing a assessment policy. The
Board set a special meeting for April 10, 1989 at 7:30 p.m. to
discuss the general topic of blacktopping.
Animal Control
Hawkinson made a motion to contact Midwest Animal Control and to
secure a contract with the organization, and to follow the state
statue on dog control and the Township existing ordiance. The
Board shall meet with Mr. Richard Stenberg at 7:00 p.m. before
the April 4, 1989 Planning Commission meeting.
Bracht Pit.
Mr. Tom Obst presentated a survey map of property lines that
the reclamation plan crosses regarding Bracht Pit.
Weed Inspector
Hawkinson made a motion to appoint Frank Langer weed inspector for
the Township. Ostlund seconded and adopted.
Architecture and LandscaDina for Business Plats
Ostlund made a motion to establish a committee for Architecture and
Landscape for Hawkinson Business Plat. Beverly Pratt and Howard
Hawkinson from the Town Board shall serve and Pratt shall be the
Chairman of the committee. Two members shall serve from the
Planning Commission, Mike Peterson and and a Landscaping Firm
shall also serve on the committee. Jackson seconded and adopted.
Area -Recreation Assoc.
Pratt made a motion to donate $200.00 to Lakes Area Recreation
Assoc. for the year 1989. Hawkinson seconded and adopted.
Legal Paper
Hawkinson made a motion to designate the Country Messenger for the
legal paper for the year of 1989. Pratt seconded and adopted.
Review of Charges, Salaries,etc.
Hawkinson made a motion on the following grader and truck work on
private roadways in the Township. Grader $30.00 min, $35.00 half
hour, $50.00 3/4 hour and $65.00 one hour. Truck $25.00 min, $30.00
half hour, $35.00 3/4 of an hour, $45.00 one hour. This is the
same as it has been since March 1986 and this service is used very
seldom. Pratt seconded and adopted.
Pratt made a motion to increase the Clerk Dolores Peterson to
$9.25 per hour and two weeks paid vacation. Ostlund seconded
and adopted.
Hawkinson made a motion not to increase Sherman Granberg hourly
rate of $9.00. Ostlund seconded and adopted.
Hawkinson made a motion not to increase Chief of Police Mary Lou
Simonson $11.00 an hour and Tom Hokenson $10.00 per hour. Ostlund
seconded and adopted.
Pratt made a motion the Treasurer Edith Hadlich hourly rate remain
at $7.50 and the first 20 hours shall be at $7.50 also. Ostlund
seconded and adopted.
! Pratt made a motion not to increase regular labor at $6.50 an hour.
Ostlund seconded and adopted.
Hawkinson made a motion not to increase the Fire Chief, Steve Spence
the monthly rate of $100.00. Ostlund seconded and adopted.
Pratt made a motion not to increase the Township Attorney David
Hebert rate of $60.00 per hour. Ostlund seconded and adopted.
Ostlund made a motion to pay the bills for March. Pratt seconded
and adopted.
Hawkinson made a motion to adjourn, Ostlund seconded and adopted.
Sae sP rson sa is Township Clerk