4-4-89 tb,pcApril 4, 1989
The regular monthly meeting of the Planning Commission was
held on the above date. All members of the Town Board were
also present. Dean Lindgren was elected Chairman and Dan
Kaufer was elected Vice Chairman.
The Clerk read the notices of the following hearings; J. Kevin
McVay and Thomas O'Connor for a Minor Subdivision. Richard and
Mary Ann Bjorkman for a Minor Subdivision. L. Daniel Sandager
for a Minor Subdivision and to consider the amendment of Section
701.02 of the Township Ordiance No. 23.
Barton Sand and Gravel
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board the conditions
added to the Barton Sand and Gravel Permit February 9, 1989 be
waivered for four months. Ostlund made a motion to accept and
Pratt seconded and adopted. Corrected on page 28
McVay and O'Connor
The McVay and O'Connor Minor Subdivision was tabeled until the
May Planning Commission Meeting.
Mary Ann Biorkman and Richard Bjorkman
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board .to grant the
Minor Subdivision for Mary Ann Bjorkman and Richard Bjorkman
23580 Morgan Ave. Chisago City, Mn. 55013. Dated April 3, 1989.
E2 of SW-,, S2 of SE, of NW -4 and the W2 of SW -4 all in Section 10,
Township 32 North, Range 20 West. The pole barn on Parcel A be
removed before one year. The barn on Parcel C be removed before
one year. No new buildings be added to Parcel A and the barn,
milk house be combined and not to exceed more then 3,000 sq. ft.
Hawkinson made a motion to accept, Pratt seconded. Hawkinson
withdrew his motion. Ostlund made a motion to accept the Planning
Commission recommendations with the following additions; An
easement for road purposes shall be granted along the easterly
line of Lot A. The easement shall be 30 ft. wide except at the
south end where the westerly line of the easement would widen
from a point 100 feet from the northerly right-of-way line
of Oakhill Road and continue perpendicular to, and terminate at
Oakhill Road. Pratt seconded and adopted.
L. Daniel San
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the Minor
Subdivision to L. Daniel Sandager, 20021 St. Croix Trail, Scandia,
Mn. 55073. Dated April 4, 1989. Part of SW -4 of SW -4 and part
of SW -14 of Sw12, Section 19, Township 32, Range 19 West. Pratt made
a motion to accept, Hawkinson seconded and adopted.
Steve Hursh Concent of Plat
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board approval of the
proposed concept plat for Steve Hursh as submitted into five
parcels. Contingent on granting easement on Parcel 5 and Parcel
1 showing 30 feet to Township for possible road and contingent
on approval from Watershed District on water flowage from Lot 2.
No action taken by the Town Board.
Hawkinson Business Plat
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to approve the
Preliminary Plat for Hawkinson Business Plat on condition a
Development Agreement will be submitted before final approval.
Such as: The imporvement of the roads, drainge imporvements,
resolve sewage easement and work with the A'rtchitect and
Landscaping Committee. Hawkinson made a motion to accept and
Ostlund seconded and adopted.
Amendment of Section 701.02 Ordiance No. 23
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to approve
the amendment of Section 701.02 of New Scandia Ordiance No. 23.
Regarding street paving in plats. Pratt made a motion to accept.
Hawkinson seconded and adopted.
Carnelian/Marine Watershed District Appointment
Nordin made a motion to send a letter to the Washington County
Board to recommend the reappointment of Daniel Bever and the
appoint of Robert Jensen to the Carnelian/Marine Watershed District.
Ostlund seconded and adopted.
&Dl,o.res - erson
New Scandia Township Clerk
April 19, 1989
Barton Sand and Gravel
Ostlund made a motion to grant a Mining Permit to Barton Sand
and Gravel. Pratt seconded and adopted.
This is a corrected motion from April 4, 1989.