5-2-89 tb,pcMay 2, 1989
Planning Commission Minutes:
The regular monthly meeting of the Planning Commission was
held May 2, 1989.
The Clerk read the notices of the following hearings: George
Lindgren for a Mining Permit. Edward Schimmel for a variance's.
Paul Johnson for variance's. David Vogt for a Minor Subdivision.
Dan Charpenteir for variances and renewal for Conditional Use
George Lindgren Gravel Mining Permit
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the
Mining Gravel Permit to George Lindgren, contingent on paying
the fees for the names and addresses which were required for
the hearing. Hawkinson made a motion to accept, Ostlund
seconded and adopted.
Edward Schimmel
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant
application to Edward Schimmel, 121 83rd. Ave. N.E. Fridley,
Mn. Dahlin Estates Plat No. 2. A variance of Lot size 2.5
acres to 1.34 acres to construct a dwelling. Nordin made
a motion to accept. Pratt seconded and adopted.
Paul R. Johnson
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the
variances for Paul R. Johnson, 16989 197th St. North, Marine,
Gov. Lot 6, Section 30, Township 32, Range 19. Lot size 22
acres to 2 acres. River setback 200 ft. to 150 ft. Road
setback 40 ft. to 15 ft. Road frontage 160 ft. to existing.
Hawkinson made a motion to accept. Pratt seconded and adopted. I
May 2, 1989
David Vogt
The David Vogt Minor subdivision was tabled, so Mr. Vogt can
contract the County about this matter in case there may be a
a need for a variance.
Dan Charpentier
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the
variances for Dan Charpentier, 21127 Olinda Trail, Scandia, Mn.
55073. Lot 17 County Auditors Plat No. 6. Road frontage 300 ft.
to 148 ft. existing in a plat. Road setback 40 ft. to 10 ft.
As per drawing submitted May 2, 1989. The garage siding shall
match the house. Without a garage this would be a hardship.
Pratt made a motion to accept. Hawkinson seconded and adopted.
Bracht Bros. Gravel Mining Permit
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant a
Conditional Gravel Mining Permit , contingent on operating in
approximately 40 acres being mined and reappear to the Township
after resolving the Washing Plant application from Washington
County. The following which is addressed in the• letter from
Bracht Bros. to New Scandia Town Board and Planning Commission
shall be completed this spring. Item 10: Material that is
piled along roadside will be graded and seeded to form a berm.
Item 11: Trees will be planted Saturday May 6, 1989 along the
Obst and Engstrom property line. Ostlund made a motion to accept.
Hawkinson seconded and adopted.
Renewal of Conditional Use Permits
1. Planning recommends to the Town Board to grant the renewal
of a Conditional Use Permit for rental property to Howard
Hawkinson. Nordin made a motion to accept. Ostlund seconded
and adopted.
2. Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant
the renewal of the Conditional Use Permit for Wayne Schmitt,
20769 Keewattin, Forest Lake, Mn. 55025. For a Beauty
Shop DBA/ Sharon's Hair Care. Pratt made a motion to accept
Hawkinson seconded and adopted.
3. Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant
the renewal of the Conditional Use Permit for Todd Peterson,
21410 Oren Ave. Scandia, Mn. For rental property. Hawkinson
made a motion to accept. Pratt seconded and adopted.
4. Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant
the renewal of the Conditional Use Permit for Dorothy
Krause, 20620 Manning Trail, Scandia, Mn. DBA/ Kinder Garden.
Nordin made a motion to accept. Ostlund seconded and adopted.
May 2, 1989
5. Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant
the Conditional Use Permit to Clyde Johnson, 13781 185th
St. Marine, Mn. 55047. For Welding and Repair. Pratt
made a motion to accept. Nordin seconded and adopted.
6. Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant
the Conditional Use Permit to Michael Chalgren, 21970
Oldfield, Scandia, Mn. 55073. For rental property.
Hawkinson made a motion to accept. Ostlund seconded
and adopted.
7. Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant
the Conditional Use Permit to Marj Anderson, 19435 Olinda
Trail, Marine, Mn. DBA/ Log House Antiques. Ostlund made
a motion to accept. Pratt seconded and adopted.
Hawkinson made a motion to stamp deed for Mary Ann Bjorkman to
Melvin Peel. E2 of SW -14 of Section 10, Township 32, Range 20' -West.
Pratt seconded and adopted.
Z�rels ' terson
w Scandia Township Clerk