6-13-89 road improvement hrgHEARING ON THE STREET IMPROVEMENTS
June 13, 1989
On the above dated New Scandia Town Board held a Public Hearing
for the following described streets for the addition of bituminous
Improvement No. 89-1
238th Street from Lofton Ave. to Melaine Trail, Melaine Trail
from 238th St. to Meadowbrook Ave. Meadowbrook Ave. from Melaine
Trail to 228th St. 228th St. from Meadowbrook to Lofton Ave.
Improvement No. 89-2
Meadowbrook Ave. from 228th St. to Oakhill Road. Oakhill Road
from Meadowbrook ave. to Scandia Trail (T.H. 97)
Improvement No. 89-3
Olinda Lane from Olinda Trail to Olinda Trail
Improvement No. 89-4
218th St. from Lofton Ave. to 218th Court. 218th Court from
218th St. to North end.
The estimated cost of the Improvement is $495,800.00.
All members of the Town Board were present and Chuck Wetzler,
Township Engineer and David Hebert Township Attorney.
Improvement Project No. 89-1
Duane Kolve, 238th St., Charles Benson Melaine Trail, Dorothy
Flynn, Melaine Trail and Walter Anderson, Melaine Trail were
concerned about the assessment procedure for the non collector
streets of 75% to property owners and 25% overall.
Mrs. Pratt informed the residents the board felt this was
equitable for all property owners and the residental streets
are used primarily byre-sidents. The board has concerns for
farmers who have large amounts of land and wish to retain their
Barbara Palmer, Meadowbrook stated she never uses Melaine and
why should people who never use the residental streets pay for
the paving of residental streets.
Gabriel Hennen, 228th St., Bill Woodward, Melaine Trail, John
Boyer, 228th St. questioned who determines if the units are
buildable. The Town Board will make the decision.
Gene and Connie Koutek of 228th St. Stated they have small
children and where concerned of the excissive speed.
Randy Schmacher, Melaine Trail stated that the majority of the
residents on Melaine supported the improvement.
A show of hands was taken for Project 89-1 and the majority ruled.
Improvement Project No. 89-2
David Gabrielson, Oakhill Road presentated a petition with 15
signatures opposing the blacktopping of Oakhill Road. Mr. Gabrielson,
Helen Peel, Lowell Bengston and Phillip Peper felt there would be
excessive speed and unsafety conditions on Oakhill with blactop.
Juel Brown, Joann Heller and Frank Langer all on Oakhill Road
supported the blacktop and that gravel is dangerous and also
their cars don't last because of the rough roads. Mr. Langer
Township Assessor stated blactop does increase the value of
the property. The tax structure is a very insufficient difference.
No hand vote was taken on Oakhill Road.
Judy Rydeen, Old Marine Trail stated the Township will lose the
rural atmosphere with blacktop roads and that there are other
John McKinnon, Nolan stated he felt most of the residents are not
aware they will be assessed for the project whether they live
on the road or not.
Walt Anderson, Melaine asked if the Township has made a study of
cost of gravel versus blacktop? Mr. Wetzler, Township Engineer,
stated the blacktop payback is 10 years and the life of blacktop
is 20 years and informed the citizens that all township roads have
been pressured tested and he is mor concerned about the subgrade
then the amount of bituminous.
Hearing closed.
Howard Hawkinson made a motion to table this matter until June
20, 1989 Town Board Meeting and at which time the Board shall
make a decision. Pratt seconded and adopted.
Pratt made a motion to adjourn, Nordin seconded and adopted.
Do ores Peterson
New Scandia Township Clerk
Additions to Road Improvement Project on page 44.
Improvement Proiect No. 89-3
Wayne and Lisa Herberg and Gene and Maria Hinz Olinda Trail own
the most units on Olinda Lane and they are opposed to the project
as neither are interested in developing or dividing the property.
Ray Burris and Greg Adams both of Olinda Lane expressed support
of the project.
Mrs. Hinz stated she would have the greatest % of the cost.
No hand vote was taken on Olinda Zane Project 89-3
Improvement Project No. 89-4
Jan Lindgren of 218th St. stated that approximately 30 cars a day
use the road and this project doesen't seem feasible and that
Mr. Dressel has agreed to blacktop from his entrance to Lofton.
George Lindgren also stated this is a very low traffic road.
No hand vote was taken of Project 89-4.
The following residents spoke on the following items.
Betsy Sandstrom, Mayberry questioned who pays for the improvement
when the road breaks up? The Township shall pay the upkeep of
the roads.
Vincent Maefsky, Mayberry stated Scandia is being urbanized and
informing the farmers it is time to leave this area. The Township
residents won't only have the assessments, but the tax increase.
Clyed Saari, St. Croix Trail stated there should have been a referendum
on the project. The Township should have a plan and not a piece
meal plan.
Paulette Jeun, 228th St. The people that live on paved roads are
opposed, but some country roads should be gravel and some paved.
Bruce Swenson Oldfield Ave, stated the Township should have
blacktop, but the Township needs a overplan.
Phillip Peper, Oakhill Road presentated a article from the New
Richmond paper that town roads are turning to gravel.
Joyce Heinisch, Olinda Trail a large farm owner opposed the black -
topping and to use other alternatives.
Kermit Granberg, Olinda Trail expressed that citizens write to
legislatures to receive tax money for road improvements and to
be on record opposing 2 inch blacktop roads.
Dp 11 ores terson
w Sca Township Clerk