6-20-89 tbivew 0Uauuid iuwn5ulp vLertc June 20, 1989 The regular monthly meeting was called to order by Chairman, Russell Jackson. Members present were: Pratt, Nordin, Ostlund, Hawkinson and Jackson. i Hawkinson made a motion to accept the clerk's minutes for, 5/16/89, 6/6/89, 6/8/89 and 6/13/89. Nordin seconded and adopted. Results of Well Testing Around Barton Sand and Gravel Pratt made a motion to accept the Minnesota Pollution Control letter stating that the wells tested around Barton Sand and Gravel were satisfactory results. Ostlund seconded and adopted. Special Events Liability Coverage Pratt made a motion the clerk contact the Township Insurance Agency to verify that the Township has liability coverage for special events. Hawkinson seconded and adopted. Community Center and Fire Department Wells Hawkinson made a motion to accept the report from Minnesota Valley Testing for well testing of the Community Center and Fire Department and the report proved to be satisfactory. Ostlund seconded and adopted. M Midwest Animal Control Ostlund made a motion to continue the Midwest Animal Control contract for 2 to 4 hours per week until September. Hawkinson seconded. Pratt aye, Ostlund aye, Hawkinson aye, Jackson aye and Nordin no. Motion adopted. Collector Streets and Residential Streets Pratt made a motion to designate the following streets as Collector Streets in the Township: 1. 238th Street- County Road 1 to Melanie Trail 2. 228th Street- County Road 1 to Meadowbrook Ave. 3. Meadowbrook Ave- 228th St. Oakhill Road 4. Oakhill Road- Meadowbrook Ave. to T.H. 97 Residential Streets in the Township. 1. Melanie Trail 2. Olinda Lane from Olinda Trail to Olinda Trail 3. 218th St. from Lofton Ave. to 218th Court. 218th Court from 218th to north end. Ostlund seconded and adopted. Assessment Policy for New Scandia Township Hawkinson made a motion the Township proceed with a small project of blacktopping at times and collector roads 100% to entire township and residential 100% to property owners. Motion failed for a second. Ostlund made a motion to accept the following assessment policy. 1. Unit Assessment One Unit is a homesite or a buildable parcel of land that cannot be subdivided. On unplatted land the unit shall be determined by dividing the property into 300 ft. wide parcels abutting each side of the road improvement. 2. Collector Roads 25% of cost to be assessed per unit. 75% of the cost to be paid by general township levy. 3. Residential Roads 75% of cost to be assessed per unit. 25% of cost to be paid by general township levy. Pratt seconded. Nordin aye, Pratt aye, Ostlund aye, Jackson aye, Hawkinson no. Motion adopted. 7 Improvement Project No. 89-1 Hawkinson made a motion to accept Improvement Project No. 89-1 for blacktop. This improvement project was very much supported by residents in the area. Ostlund seconded and adopted. Improvement Project No. 89-2 Pratt made a motion not to accept Improvement Project No. 89-2. Due to a lot of opposition at the Public Hearing. Nordin seconded and adopted. Improvement Project No. 89-3 Hawkinson made a motion not to accept Improvement Project 89-3. Olinda Lane is not a high maintenance road and not much traffic. a petition was received June 20, 1989 against blacktop. Ostlund seconded and adopted. Improvement Project No. 89-4 Ostlund made a motion not to accept Improvement Project No. 89-4. Based on the amount of residents against the improvement. Pratt seconded and adopted. Resoultion Ordering Improvement and Plans Pratt made a motion to adopt the resoultion ordering improvement and preparation plans for Road Improvement 89-1 and include 209th St. and the parking lot at the Community Center in the bid package and bid opening shall be around the 1st of August. Ostlund seconded and adopted. Through Fare Plan Pratt made a motion that the Town Board propose in the next 3 months to designate collector and residential roads within the Township and set priorities what the plans shall be for the roads and have a through fare plan. Hawkinson se-conded and adopted. Dump Site Hawkinson made a report on the letter received from the Department of Health regarding the dump site. the deversion will be expensive and the Township should apply for Federal Funding for the project. Ostlund made a motion to accept Mr. Hawkinson report on the dump and a letter be written to the Health Department addressing the items stated in the Department of Health's letter dated May 15, 1989. These letters are on file under dump site. Nordin seconded and adopted. 223rd Street Ostlund made a motion to accept the revision on 223rd Street presentated by Chuck Wetzler dated June 20, 1989. Pratt seconded and adopted. Quotes for Ballfield The clerk opened the quotes for the ballfield on Oakhill Road. Peterson Excavating $5,400.00 and Lindell Excavating $6,100.00. Nordin made a motion to accept Peterson Excavating qote for $5,400.00 plus $10.00 per ton for limerock in place. Ostlund seconded and adopted. Daniel Woolford Pratt made a motion to accept the Planning Commission recommendations for Daniel Woolford, 23360 Manning Trail, Scandia, Mn. Lot 15, Blk. 1, Oak Ridge Acres. To construct a garage closer to the road then the house. This is the only logical place for the garage. Hawkinson seconded and adopted. Lee Sandaaer Ostlund made a motion to permit Lee Sandager to have the proposed driveway enter on Oakhill Road. Reason: There is sufficient site distance and the location provided for a shorter driveway. The site is perpundicluar with Oakhill and level and there would not be as much tree removal. Pratt seconded and adopted. Purchase of New Truck Chairman Jackson reported the maintenance man Mr. Granberg stated the Township needs a new truck. Nordin made a motion to contact the County for specs for a single axel dump truck. Hawkinson seconded and adopted. Optech III Ostlund made a motion to agree for maintenance on the Optech III for pre-election service. Pratt seconded and adopted. Copy Duplicating Machine Nordin made a motion to rent copy machine from Copy Duplicating Products. Ostlund seconded and adopte. Hawkinson Business Plat Resoultion'Regarding Roadway Width Ostlund made a motion to adopt and sign the Resoultion for the Hawkinson Business Plat as presentated by the attorney and send this to Washington County Planning Department. Nordin seconded and adopted. Hawkinson Business Plat Development Agreement The proposed Development Agreement for Hawkinson Business Plat was reviewed. Hawkinson made a motion to approve the Development Agreement with the modifications and to authorizw the Chairman and the Clerk to sign the agreement. Nordin seconded and adopted. Pratt made a motion to pay the bills for June. Hawkinson seconded and adopted. Nordin made a motion to adjourn. Pratt seconded and adopted. Dolores Peterson &L�� x� New Scandia Township Clerk