7-18-89 tbJuly 18, 1989 Town Board The regular monthly meeting of New Scandia Town Board was held July 18, 1989. The Chairman Russell Jackson called the meeting to order. Present: Pratt, Hawkinson, Ostlund, Nordin and Jackson. Ostlund made a motion to accept the clerk's minutes for 6/19/89 6/20/89. Hawkinson seconded and adopted. Steve Spence Fire Chief requested rock to be hauled and spread by the hydrant on Goose Lake and also stated the hydrant has been installed at Big Marine. Mr. Granberg will haul the rock and spread it at the Goose Lake Landing. Mr. Spence reported the need for a new truck for the Fire Department this would be a dual purpose truck the cost is approximately $40,000.00. Mary Lou Simonson Chief of Police presentated a proposal for a 86 Chev for the Police Department. Nordin made a motion to purchase the 86 Chev deputy squad car for $4,000.00. Pratt seconded and adopted. Elm Street Vacate John Parsons and Andy Stein presentated a petetion to vacate Elm St. in the Anderson Big Lake View Addition. The Town Board would view this site. Road Easement for Oakhill Court Mr. Hebert presentated a deed for road easement for Oakhill Court. The Clerk shall receive the required signatures and have the deed recorded. SharewoodForest Community Playground Members of the Sherwood Forest Community Playground reviewed the proposed playground to be installed by Forest Lake Elementary and Forest View Elementary. This is sponsored by concerned parents and will be built by volunteers. The members were requesting support and community spirit for the project. Pratt made a motion to approve a vote of support to Sherwood Forest. Hawkinson seconded and adopted. Road Improvement Chuck Wetzler reviewed the proposed road improvement. The Board questioned the bituminous berm for the project and it was agreed to view the berms in an area were this was used. Juran and Moody Bonds for Road Improvement Monty Eastvold from Juran and Moody reveiwed the proposals for bonding on the Road Improvement. Mr. Eastvold will attend the August Town Board regarding purchasing of the bonds. Specs for Township Truck The Board agreed to review specs for a Township Truck on August 7th after the bid opening for the road improvement. Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance Pratt made a motion to table the amendment to the zoning project and review the amendment at -the August Town Board meeting. Ostlund seconded and adopted. Summary of the Revised Gravel Mining Ordinance Ostlund made a motion to accept the Summary of the Revised Gravel Mining Ordinance No. 2<8 for legal publication. Hawkinson seconded and adopted. Dust Control on Mayberry Trail The Board reviewed the response from property owners on Mayberry Trail regarding payment for dust control. Due to residents not reimbursing the Township for dust control, Pratt made a motion 7 k k continued the Town Board send a letter to all residents on the part of Mayberry that was dust controlled requesting residents to pay the $50.00 for dust control so the Township can continue to provide this service because of the boat landing. Special Meetin The Township Board set a meeting to view the Township roads on July 25, 1989 at 6:30 p.m. 223rd Street by Barton Sand and Gravel The road by Barton Sand and Gravel 223rd St. was discussed. This street was never vacated and Barton Sand and Gravel has the aurthority to use this street. Dust Control 220th and 230th St. Hawkinson made a motion to dust control 220th St. and 230th St. after the roads are ready for the application. Ostlund seconded and adopted. Beer License for Taco Days Pratt made a motion to sign the beer license for the Taco Days and the clerk contact Mr. Hanson Insurance Agent requesting a letter stating the Township has Dram Shop Insurance under the Township insurance coverage and specify which policy covers this. Nordin seconded and adopted. Ostlund made a motion to pay bills for July, Pratt seconded and adopted. Hawkinson made a motion to adjourn. Pratt seconded and adopted. Dolores Peterson New Scandia Township Clerk