8-15-89 tbAugust 15, 1989
The regular monthly meeting of New Scandia Town Board was held
August 15, 1989. The Chairman Russell Jackson called the meeting
to order. Present: Pratt, Hawkinson, Ostlund, Nordin and Jackson
Pratt made a motion to accept minutes as corrected. Ostlund
seconded and adopted.
Fire Department
Steve Spence Fire Chief was requesting approval from the Board for
the department to write specifications for a new rescue type truck
for approximate amount of $40,000.00. Hawkinson made a motion
for the Fire Department to submit specs for a dual rescue and
grass fire truck. Ostlund seconded and adopted.
David Vogt MinorSubdivision
Hawkinson made a motion to accept the Planning Commission recommend-
ation to grant the Minor Subdivision for David Vogt. Part of N2
of SW -4 and part of the SE4 of NW4 in Section 19, Township 32,
North, Range 20 West. On condition the triangle be conveyed
to a contiguous landowner andproof"soil tests Mr. David Vogt
presentated proof of soil tests. Pratt seconded and adopted.
Gregory Duren Minor Subdivision
Ostlund made a motion accept the Planning Commission recommend-
ation to approve the Minor Subdivision for Gregory Duren, 13305
North 205th St. Scandia, Mn 55073. All that part of NW4 of NWk
Section 3, Township 32, Range 20 West. As shown on reference
drawing dated August 1, 1989. Contingent A and B be soil tested.
Contingent on verification that the culvert draining from Lot B
is opened and functioning and the drain tile going to the north
is operating condition. With the following addition: Mr. Duren
must adhere to all the stipulations and a permanent easement
for the entire drianage way from Sea Lake to 240th St. Pratt
seconded and adopted.
223rd Street by Barton Sand and Gravel
Ostlund made a motion to open the street by Barton Sand and Gravel
to truck traffic only and not to disturb the surrounding property
and maintain the street for dust control and an unlocked gate.
Nordin seconded and adopted.
Bituminous Surfacing Oakhill Court
Pratt made a motion to accept the agreement between, New Scandia
Township, Scandia Housing and Washington County Housing and
Redevelopment Authority for bituminous surfacing dated August 15,
1989. Ostlund seconded and adopted.
Hawkinson Business Park Development Agreement
Nordin made a motion to add the addition Mr. Butts prepared for
Ellen Farver and presentated by Mr. Hebert for the Hawkinson
Business Plat. Hawkinson seconded and adopted.
SandRren Addition Sewer Layout
Hawkinson made a motion that Al Goodman from Washington County
designate an area for drainfield for the Chauncy Peterson residence.
The survery cost will be proportioned to the 7 parcels. Nordin
seconded. Addition to the motion: The clerk shall contact
Landmark Surveying and coordinate with Al Goodman from Washington
County. Ostlund seconded and adopted.
Vacate of 192nd Street
Joel Settedman representating O'Brien State Park presentated a
petition to vacate 192nd Street from 95. Pratt made a motion
to authorize David Hebert attorney to prepare a petition for
road vacate for 192nd Street. Hawkinson seconded and adopted.
Vacate of Elm Lane
Mr. and Mrs. John Parsons and Andy Stein questioned what
decision the board had made on the request to vacate Elm Lane
on Big Marine Lake. Pratt made a motion to table action on this
and that the Town Board view all the street accesses on Big
Marine Lake to determine if these accesses should be vacated
or left as Lake Access. Hawkinson seconded and adopted.
Road Improvement
Ostlund made a motion to award the bituminous surfacing for
Division 1 for $136,129.00 and Division 11 for $29,147.30.
Pratt seconded and adopted.
Pratt made a motion to accept the resoultion for accepting bid
for road improvements. Hawkinson se-conded and adopted.
Oakhill Court
Nordin made a motion to accept the change order for bituminous
surfacing on Oakhill Court for the amount of $4,109.10. Hawkinson
seconded and adopted.
Assessment Role for Road Imporovement
Ostlund made a motion to adopt the resoultion declaring costs
to be assessed and ordering preparation of proposed assessment
roll with numbers to be modified in paragraph one. Pratt seconded
and adopted.
RevlewinQ of Assessment Role
The Town Board set a Special Meeting for Monday August 21, 1989
at 7:30 p.m. to review the assessment role for road improvement.
The assessment hearing was set for September 11, 1989.
Bond Issue
Hawkinson made a motion to authorize the resoultion for the
Issuance and Sale of General Obligation Improvement Bonds
for the amount of $175,000.00. Pratt seconded and adopted.
Ostlund made a motion to contract with Juran and Moody with
separate bond counsel for General Obligation Bonds for the
amount of $175,000.00. Amendment to motion: The bond counsel
from Briggs and Morgan to Wurst, Pearson, Larson, Underwood
and Mertz. Hawkinson seconded and adopted.
Ordinance No. 29
Nordin made a motion to accept Ordinance No. 29. Hawkinson
seconded and adopted.
Marine Ambulance Fund
Greg Ludvigsen Mayor of Marine was requesting New Scandia
Township to consider $20,000.00 in the budjet for a portion
of the ambulance fund by Marine Rescue. Marine services part
of New Scandia Township.
Zavoral Gravel Pit Permit
Pratt made a motion to extend the Zavoral Pit removal of stockpiles
until September 5, 1989, Planning Commission and Mr. Zavoral
shall sumbit a plan at this time. Nordin seconded and adpoted.
Marine Watershed Management Plan
Hawkinson made a motion to approve the Watershed Management Plan
for Marine -On -St -Croix. Ostlund seconded and adopted.
Specifications and Bids for Town Truck
Hawkinson made a motion to advertise for a cab and chasis and
opening of bids set for September 19, 1989 Town Board. Nordin
seconded and adopted.
Oil Tank Removal at Maintenance Garage
Ostlund made a motion to contact a local contractor to remove
the underground oil tanks and contact Al Goodman if there are
requirements to sample soil under the tanks. Nordin seconded
and adopted.
August 15, 1989 Town Board
Gas Conversion.
Pratt made a motion to convert to gas at the Fire Hall, Community
Center and Maintenance Garage. Hawkinson seconded and adopted.
Budiet Hearings
The date for Budjet Hearings was set for September 7, 1989 at
7:30 p.m.
Recycling Grant
a motion
Hawkinson made to sign the Recycling Grant distribution between
New Scandia Township and Washington County. Nordin seconded
and adopted.
Town Celebration for 1990
Pratt made a motion to appoint a committee for a Town Celebration
in 1990 for the 140th Anniversary. Ostlund seconded and adopted.
Hawkinson made a motion to pay bills for August, 1989. Pratt
seconded and adopted.
Deed Stamp for Bakke to Michael Busha
Hawkinson made a motion to stamp deed for Alan Bakke and Michael
Busha, that part of Lot 2, Blk. 1, Kirkhill Estates. Pratt
seconded and adopted.
Sale of Police Car
It was agreed to accept bids for the Police Car for September
19, 1989 Board meeting.
Hawkinson made a motion to adjourn, Pratt seconded and adopted.
Dolores Peterson
New Scandia Township Clerk