9-18-89 road assessment hrgSeptember 18, 1989 On the above date New Scandia Town Board reconvened the Special Assessment Hearing from September 11, 1989. Members present were: Ostlund, Jackson, Hawkinson, Pratt and Nordin. Allan Steffer Nordin made a motion that Allen Steffer 714 Sylvandale Court, Mendota Heights, Mn. 55118. Parcel 91450-2000-2050. Lots 1-4 Linnells Boen Lake be assessed for one building site and combine Lots 1,2,3 and 4. The lots do not meet the required lot size and lot width requirements and he owns contiguous lots. Ostlund seconded and adopted. Rill Tcrh Ostlund made a motion to assess Bill Isch 23630 Melanie Trail, Scandia, Mn. Parcel 91460-2350-2400. Lots 7,8, 15 and 16 and A Losingers Lakeview for one building site. Lots 15 and 16 is approximately 20,000 sq. ft. which is below the minimum lot size requirement and 15 and 16 may provide a secondary septic area for the home across the street and they shall be combined on one tax statement. Pratt seconded and adopted. William Woodward Nordin made a motion Trail, Scandia, Mn. one buildable site. and they may provide must combine all the and adopted. James Baker to assess William Woodward, 2,3530 Melanie Lots 1,2,3, 9 and 10 Losingers Lakeview for The lots are well below the minimum lot size a secondary septic area. Mr. Woodward lots on one tax statement. Hawkinson seconded Pratt made a motion to assess James Baker, 23140 Melaine Trail, Scandia, parcel 91450-2500-2600-0100. Lots 12 and 13 Linnells Bone Lake Addition for one buildable site. Mr. Baker has a home on one lot and septic on the other lot and parcel 0100 is to small to build on. Mr. Baker must combine all lots to one parcel. Hawkinson seconded and adopted. Gary Kerkow Pratt made a motion to assess Gary Kerkow, 23420 Melanie Trail, Scandia, Mn. Parcel 91150-2150, lot 4 and 5 Dahlin Estates for one buildable lot. The combined lots are approximately 12 acres, so these lots would be considered one parcel and lot 4 and 5 shall be combined. Ostlund seconded and adopted. James Vesall Hawkinson made a motion not to assess James Vesall, 6645 Lancaster Lane North, Maple grove, Mn. 55369. Parcel 91008-0270 has this lot is not a buildable lot. Ostlund seconded. Pratt made the following amendment Mr. Vesall benefits from the road and should be assessed the same as the property tax. Pratt withdrew the the amendment. Motion adopted. Gerald Reichstadt Gerald Reichstadt, 35570 Park Trail, Center City, Mn. 55012. Parcel 91005-0315-0316. There was an error in the assessment and they should be assessed one collector and one residental. Hawkinson made a motion to assess one collector and one residental for Gerald Reichstadt.This piece is`a large acreage. Pratt seconded the motion. Ostlund yes, Jackson yes, Hawkinson yes, Pratt yes and Nordin no. Motion adopted. Steven Hippie Pratt made a motion to assess Steven Hippie, 23120 Melanie Trail, Scandia, Mn. Parcel 91450-2450, 2500. Lots 10 and 11 Linnells Bone Lake for one buildable lot. The house is on one lot and the drainfield on one lot. The two lots shall be combined on the tax statement. Ostlund seconded and adopted. Richard Tetzlaff Nordin made a motion to assess Richard Tetzlaff, 23550 Melanie Trail, Scandia, Mn. Parcel 91460-25500 and 2440. Lots 4,5, 11 and 12 Losingers Lakeview. Mr.Tetzlaff has proof the lots are combined on one deed and a garage is built across the street. Mr. Tetzlaff shall be assessed one buildable lot. Hawkinson seconded and adopted. David Houghton Pratt made a motion to assess David Houghton 23580 Melanie Trail Scandia, Mn. Parcel 91460-2300 Lots 6, 13 and 14 Losinger Lakeview. Mr. Houghton shall be assessed for one buildable lot. Mr. Houghton has proof the lots are combined on one deed and there is a garage on the other side. Nordin seconded and adopted. Gerald Olson Hawkinson made a motion to assess Gerald Olson, 11360 232nd St. Scandia, Mn. Parcel 91004-0050 and 91009-0100 three residental streets. Mr. Olson's land has a lot of swamp land. The house and out buildings are on Meadowbrook. Pratt seconded and adopted. Marlin Lackas Hawkinson made a motion to assess Marlin Lackas, 22855 Meadowbrook Ave. Scandia, Mn. Parcel 91009-3205 for one buildable lot. Mr. Lackas has only 300 ft. of road frontage and his house is on this. Ostlund seconded and adopted. Washington County Park Pratt made a motion the Township pay the assessment for the Bone Lake Park as this will be the Township Park. Hawkinson seconded and adopted. 67 September 18, 1989 Resoultion Adopting the Assessment Hawkinson made a motion to adopt the Resoultion Adopting the Assessment as amended September 18, 1989. Pratt seconded and adopted. Pratt made a motion to adjourn. Hawkinson seconded and adopted. 3llo/ e�s,, Person ti New Scandia Township Clerk