04-10-12 Council Work SessionApril 10, 2012 A work session meeting of the City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Simonson called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Randall Simonson, Council members Connie Amos, Jim Schneider and Sally Swanson. Council member Chris Ness was absent. Staff present: City Administrator Anne Hurlburt, City Engineer Ryan Goodman, Attorney Vince Stevens, Treasurer Colleen Firkus and Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Mayor Simonson added a discussion of Washington County Redistricting Options as Agenda Item 4.e). Swanson, seconded by Amos, moved to approve the agenda as amended. The motion carried 4-0. CONSULTANT PROPOSALS, CITY ADMINISTRATOR SEARCH At the February 14 work session meeting the Council authorized staff to obtain consultant proposals for the hiring of a new City Administrator. City Administrator Hurlburt explained that two local firms familiar with the area were asked to submit proposals. Springsted offered a cost of $7,800 with an estimated $500 in additional out-of-pocket costs. Brimyer Fursman LLC proposed a more extensive search at a cost of $15,900 plus expenses not to exceed $3,200. Sharon Klumpp, Springsted, was present to provide an overview of the process and answer any questions from the council. Ms. Klumpp explained that the proposal was tailored to include only the basic level of service to minimize costs. Springsted would meet with the Council in a workshop to discuss desired qualifications and expectations, would begin recruitment efforts, review and screen applicants who most closely meet the qualifications and assist in the interview process and final negotiations. Ms. Klumpp noted that she had assisted with the Administrator search process in 2006 with the former New Scandia Town Board and is very familiar with the community. Mayor Simonson asked what would be achieved in the first work session meeting with Springsted. Ms. Klumpp answered that the goal is to formulate a collective understanding of goals, priorities, and issues that the Council has and identify the most important skills and qualities desired in a City Administrator. A project schedule would be reviewed in order to have an administrator in place by City Administrator Hurlburt’s retirement date of October 1. Mayor Simonson asked what the typical turnaround of this position is. Ms. Klumpp said that positions are generally looked at in 5-year terms. She would not place anyone committed to less than 2 years and the term could be much longer based on satisfaction. Council member Schneider asked how many of the candidates would have a background check done, as the proposal noted that each background records check is performed at a cost of $400. Ms. Klumpp replied that background checks could be performed for all of the finalists prior to their interviews or a hiring decision could be made contingent upon a satisfactory records check April 10, 2012 Scandia City Council Page 2 of 5 for the finalist. It would depend on what the Council is comfortable with. City Administrator Hurlburt added that a basic preliminary check could be done for the finalists, at no cost, and then a more extensive records check performed for the final candidate. In referencing paragraph 8 of the proposal, employment negotiations, Mayor Simonson asked if Springsted has had any challenging negotiations and if so, how was that overcome. Ms. Klumpp answered that in the initial meeting she gets a feel for the job expectations, along with salary/ benefit offerings, and tailors a search for candidates to fit this. Her focus is to be all inclusive and therefore has not encountered difficult negotiation scenarios. Mayor Simonson asked the council members for any questions. Council member Amos stated that she had none. Council member Swanson asked if relocation would be a concern for the candidates. Ms. Klumpp stated that statute does not require residency within the city, and that the metro area offers a large pool of candidates within a reasonable commuting distance. Talking through expectations is another important issue discussed at the initial meeting. Mayor Simonson read an e-mail from Council member Ness in which he stated that he would support the Springsted proposal if it was decided to hire a consultant. Ness believed strongly in the hiring of a City Administrator, not a clerk, to be proactive in planning for issues down the road. Mayor Simonson stated his support for entering into an agreement with Springsted for the recruitment and hiring of a City Administrator. He believed the proposal was reasonable and considerate. Simonson explained the importance of planning for future long-term needs of the city. Council member Amos questioned the purpose of using a consultant. Mayor Simonson noted the time and planning it would take to fill this position. Council member Swanson stated that working with a consultant was important in 2006 when the Township was going through the incorporation process, but not so much now that this is an established position. Ms. Klumpp stated the search process defines certain priorities and she then actively searches and recruits potential candidates. Council member Schneider stated that he would like to conduct a search on a smaller scale. An advertisement could be posted on the sites as listed in the proposal. City Administrator Hurlburt advised that a quality search should be more in-depth than relying on an application and resume. Springsted has the knowledge to understand the needs and wants of the council and candidates who are a good fit can be vetted. Hurlburt warned against being “penny wise and pound foolish” and possibly hiring someone who is not a good fit and resulting in the wrong outcome. Springsted understands the market and can provide research up front. This would be difficult for the council to take on and Hurlburt strongly recommended the use of a consultant. April 10, 2012 Scandia City Council Page 3 of 5 Council member Swanson stated that she liked the service guarantee in the proposal, in which Springsted would perform another executive search within the first year of employment if the new administrator voluntarily resigned or was dismissed. Ms. Klumpp explained that she gave special consideration to this proposal as it is the second time she has worked with Scandia and she feels this would be fair to do. Mayor Simonson directed staff to place an agreement with Springsted on the April 17 Council agenda for further discussion. 2012 ROAD IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS City Administrator Hurlburt presented the staff recommendations for the 2012 contractual road maintenance projects. The city has budgeted $300,000, the same amount as last year. Funds were recommended to be allocated as follows: City Engineer Goodman selected streets for a sealcoat/patching project based on a PASER rating 5 or higher in the Pavement Management Plan. Some of the streets have never been sealcoated. Melanie Trail has a PASER rating of 2 and is one of the poorest-condition streets in the city. It cannot be improved by patching. Engineer Goodman presented options and costs for improvements to Melanie Trail. A full reconstruction would have a project cost of $784,000 whereas a reclaim and reconstruction project would cost $420,000. The only improvement that fits in the budget is to remove the existing pavement, add gravel and reshape the road, similar to the smaller project done on 237th Street in 2011. City Administrator Hurlburt explained that the City does not have a policy for assessing reconstruction projects to property owners. Hurlburt provided a handout showing the impact of a new debt issue for a road overlay project at a cost of $1,500,000. Hurlburt recommended Council discuss this issue when planning for 2013 projects. Council member Swanson provided a report on road maintenance policy from the City of Grant, as an example of what other cities are doing. Grant proposed funding up to 20% towards road reconstruction and assessing the remaining costs to benefitted property owners. New road construction would be 100% assessed. It was not clear if this new road policy was approved by the Grant City Council. Council agreed to pursue the option of removing the deteriorating asphalt on Melanie Trail and putting down a base of gravel. A neighborhood meeting will be held to explain the project to the property owners and share the options of a future reconstruction project and assessment policy. It Sealcoat/Patching Project $215,000 Other Contractual Patching 15,000 Dust Control 11,000 Tree Services 15,000 Road Striping (County) 6,000 Melanie Trail N. 38,000 Total $300,000 April 10, 2012 Scandia City Council Page 4 of 5 was stated that the property owners may decide to continue with the bad pavement and eliminate a project on Melanie Trail. A meeting date will be determined at next week’s Council meeting. An authorization for the preparation of plans and specifications for the sealcoating and patching project will be prepared for the April 17 Council meeting. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE, MEMBERS AND DIRECTION Council member Swanson requested a discussion of the Park and Recreation Committee following a disruptive meeting on April 2. Swanson said that invited guests were treated disrespectfully by Committee Chair Alex Bildeaux. Swanson felt the Committee is floundering; it needs to be more cohesive, and recommended the Chair be removed from his position. Mayor Simonson asked those who were present at the meeting to speak. Sonia Borg, 19609 Oxboro Circle, attended the April 2 meeting on behalf of the Friends of Scandia Parks and felt she was interrupted and cut short when speaking about a school forestry program. Borg stated that Chair Bildeaux is a knowledgeable and skilled member of the Committee, but running a meeting is not his strong point. Mike White, 13310 188th Street, (Parks Committee member), felt that the Committee is dysfunctional and should be disbanded. A new Committee should be assembled that has direction and can get on the right track. White felt that Bildeaux’s absence from a majority of meetings in 2011 should not be acceptable. Dan Lee, Committee member, commented on Council member Swanson’s liaison position with the Committee. Lee feels there is a personality conflict among the two and a lesson on Roberts Rules for running a meeting would be very good for all members. Lee stated there are many good members on the Committee and it should not be disbanded. Matt Rasmussen, Committee member, added that the guests were treated poorly at the meeting, but Bildeaux shouldn’t be removed from the Committee. City Administrator Hurlburt stated that the culture of the Parks Committee meetings is very informal and would benefit from training on how to conduct meetings. Multiple conversations frequently occur and the meetings get off track from the agenda. The conflict is not just with one person, but has built up to this through the years. Mayor Simonson proposed that all members should stay with their Committee positions. Simonson will attend the next meeting and address the members with rules for running a respectful meeting. Simonson stated that he would give the Committee the opportunity to correct the problem and get on the right track. If problems continue, then changes could be addressed. Tom Vogen, 21621 Oldfield Avenue, (Parks Committee member), stated that a Council liaison may not be needed as it seems to impede the meetings. April 10, 2012 Scandia City Council Page 5 of 5 Council member Swanson stated that it is frustrating when members do not prepare for the meetings and she has the energy to do the work that needs to be done. Mayor Simonson agreed that a good discussion point at the May meeting will be to give clear direction and understanding of the Council liaison position. WARMING HOUSE REPAIRS, EVENT Council member Swanson introduced an improvement project to the Warming House. The Wojtowicz family has offered to donate the materials and labor to repair the stucco finish on the Warming House. There are also minor repairs inside the building that will be included in the project. In exchange for the donation, the family has asked for a waiver of the rental fee to host a party in the Warming House on June 17. City Administrator Hurlburt recommended that the Council accept the donation by resolution and include a waiver of the rental fee in exchange for the in-kind donation. Attorney Stevens agreed that this would be an acceptable action. WASHINGTON COUNTY REDISTRICTING OPTIONS City Administrator Hurlburt explained that the Washington County Board is in the process of establishing new county commissioner and soil and water conservation districts. The County sent five options for new districts and asked cities and townships to return comments before a decision is made at the April 17 County Board meeting. Only Option D keeps Scandia in the current District 1, with the other northern communities. Simonson, seconded by Amos, moved to direct staff to send a letter to the County Board in support of the Option D redistricting plan. The motion carried 4-0. AGENDA ITEMS FOR FUTURE WORK SESSIONS If the Springsted proposal is accepted at the April 17 meeting, Sharon Klumpp will begin the city administrator search process at the May 8 work session. It is anticipated that proposals for an Anderson/Erickson service provider will be ready for review at next month’s work session. ADJOURNMENT Simonson, seconded by Amos, moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried 4-0. The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Brenda Eklund Deputy Clerk