04-17-12 CouncilApril 17, 2012
A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Simonson
called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken.
The following council members were present: Council members Connie Amos, Chris Ness, Jim
Schneider, Sally Swanson and Mayor Randall Simonson. Staff present: City Administrator Anne
Hurlburt, City Attorney Tom Miller, City Engineer Ryan Goodman, Police Deputy Chris
Majeski, Fire Chief Jim Finnegan, Building Official Keith Wille, Treasurer Colleen Firkus and
Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund.
There were no public comments.
Mayor Simonson noted two additions to the agenda: Agenda Item 7)a)1) Accepting donation
from the Wojtowicz family; and moving Agenda Item 9)f) to Agenda Item 9)g) and inserting
Agenda Item 9)f) Citizen request for public compost site. Ness, seconded by Amos, moved to
approve the agenda as amended. The motion carried 5-0.
The following Consent Agenda was presented:
a) Minutes
1) March 20, 2012 Regular Meeting
2) March 27, 2012 Special Meeting
3) April 9, 2012 Board of Appeals Meeting
4) April 10, 2012 Work Session
5) April 11, 2012 Special Meeting
b) Treasurer’s Report
Beginning Balance 03/01/2012 $2,181,191.83
Receipts + 85,077.26
Expenditures $85,994.71
Payroll 18,780.24 - 104,774.95
Ending Balance 03/31/2012 $2,161,494.14
c) Payment of Vouchers
d) Approve Agreement with Girl Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin River Valleys for
Summer 2012 Recreation Programs
e) Resolution No. 04-17-12-01 Abating Special Assessment Against 18965 Langly Ave. N.
f) Approve Final Payment for the Mayberry Drainage Improvement Project
Ness, seconded by Amos, moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. The motion
carried 5-0.
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Park and Recreation Committee Chair Alex Bildeaux presented an update on the Committee’s
recent actions. Three new grills are scheduled for installation at the Wayne Erickson Memorial
Ballfield. Tree removal in the parking lot area of Lilleskogen Park should be completed by the
end of the month. The Lilleskogen Park Subcommittee has secured volunteer services from
Olsen’s Septic Service for removal of the stumps, and Helke’s Tree Service will haul the stumps
away. Volunteer work days for other park projects will be discussed at the next meeting.
Accepting Donation from the Wojtowicz Family for Improvements to the Warming House and
Eliminating the Reservation Fee in Partial Exchange for Services (Resolution No. 04-17-12-
Council member Swanson presented information from Sarah Wojtowicz Bazey for the family’s
offer to donate materials and labor for stucco repairs and painting to the outside of the Warming
House, valued at approximately $2,300. Ms. Bazey anticipated the work being completed by
June 1, depending on the weather. In exchange for the donation, the family requested that the
reservation fee for the family’s use of the Warming House for a birthday celebration on June 17
be waived. State law allows for the exchange of donations and fees. Swanson, seconded by
Amos, moved to adopt Resolution No. 04-17-12-02, Accepting Donation from the
Wojtowicz Family for Improvements to the Warming House and Eliminating the
Reservation Fee in Partial Exchange for Services. The motion carried 5-0.
Building Official Keith Wille presented the building activity report. Four permits were issued
and eleven inspections were conducted in March. Inquiry calls are up, which Wille stated is
typical in the spring months.
Deputy Chris Majeski presented the past month’s police activity report. The DARE program
graduated 82 sixth-grade students last week. Majeski stated that it was a busy month with a
dumping investigation, a vehicle theft and recent burglaries. Majeski reported on the
apprehension of a burglary suspect as he was leaving a home in Scandia. The Wisconsin suspect
was also involved with a number of other daytime burglaries in the area.
Washington County Sheriff Bill Hutton commended Deputy Majeski for the arrest, and noted the
success of the CODE RED mass notification system which alerted residents to be on the look-out
for the suspect’s vehicle. An alert Scandia resident called Deputy Majeski on his cell phone with
information on a sighting, which led to the eventual arrest. Sheriff Hutton spoke on the valuable
benefits of the CODE RED system and urged citizens to sign up for the alerts.
Fire Chief Jim Finnegan reported that the department responded to seven grass fire calls and
eleven rescue calls in March. The license to allow the Lakeview Ambulance Service to be
located at the firehall is in the last stages of being finalized with the state. The department will be
interviewing volunteer firefighter candidates this week. Chief Finnegan explained that the
emergency siren will be activated this Thursday as part of Severe Weather Awareness Week.
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Preparation of Plans and Specifications, 2012 Seal Coat and Bituminous Patching Project
At the April 10 work session, Council reviewed a map showing proposed streets to be included
in the sealcoating/patching project for 2012. City Engineer Goodman presented several
additional streets that could be added, depending on bid results. The City has budgeted $215,000
for the project. Simonson, seconded by Swanson, moved to authorize the City Engineer to
prepare plans and specifications for the 2012 Seal Coat and Bituminous Patching Project.
The motion carried 5-0.
Anderson-Erickson Sewer System
City Engineer Goodman reported on the testing results of samples from the groundwater
monitoring wells around the Anderson-Erickson drainfield. Based on the elevated levels of
chlorides and nitrogen in the sampling results, it appears that the system has impacted
groundwater quality. The engineers are recommending that the tests be repeated in July, a time
of peak flows. The County Health Department will assist with testing private residential wells
down gradient from the drainfield, to be done as soon as possible.
Goodman reported that the County is close to having the pumps repaired and calibrated so that
daily meter readings can begin soon. Almost half of the homes have been inspected for clear-
water connections, and efforts to finish all inspections will continue in the next few weeks. More
information on the system will be available at the May 8 Council work session, with potential
quotes from service providers.
City Attorney Tom Miller presented a summary of legal services provided in the past month.
Mayor Simonson asked for more information on the Dreyer Ski Permit issue. Attorney Miller
explained that New Scandia Township had signed off on a surface water use permit issued by the
Sheriff’s department many years ago. A similar permit came before the City recently, but Miller
advised that it is not statutory for the City to approve the permit, as there are no ordinances to
regulate actions on public waters within the City’s boundaries. The Sheriff’s Department was
informed of this, and the City has not yet received a final comment on the issue.
Hiring of Seasonal Parks Maintenance Worker
City Administrator Hurlburt recommended the hiring of Greg VanDerSchaegen for the position
of Seasonal Parks Maintenance Worker. Mr. VanDerSchaegen has filled this position for the past
three years, working three to four days a week through the season doing lawn mowing and
landscape maintenance. Simonson, seconded by Ness, moved to approve the hiring of Greg
VanDerSchaegen for the Seasonal Parks and Grounds Maintenance Worker, at a rate of
$12.25 per hour. The motion carried 5-0.
Advertising for Seasonal Maintenance Worker, Public Works
The 2012 budget includes a new part-time, seasonal position within the Public Works
Department. City Administrator Hurlburt presented the job description and recommended a pay
rate of $10.00 to $12.25 per hour. The budget is sufficient to cover about 14 work weeks at an
average of three days per week. Mayor Simonson added that the position would make manual
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labor and traffic control tasks more safe and efficient. Ness, seconded by Swanson, moved to
approve the job description for a Part-Time Temporary Seasonal Maintenance Worker.
The motion carried 5-0.
Ness, seconded by Amos, moved to authorize staff to advertise, interview and fill the
position. The motion carried 5-0.
Applications will be accepted through May 11, with an approximate start date of May 29.
2013 Budget Schedule/ Set Meeting Dates
The Council set the following special meeting schedule:
Tuesday, May 22: Capital Improvement Program Work Session with Melanie Trail
Tuesday, May 29: Capital Improvement Program Work Session
Monday, June 18: Capital Improvement Program Work Session
Tuesday, July 31: 2013 Budget Work Session
Move the August 14 Work Session to Wednesday, August 15 (due to Primary Election
Tuesday, August 28: 2013 Budget Work Session
All meetings will begin at 7:00 p.m., except the August 15 Work Session which will begin at
6:30 p.m.
The scheduled June 14, 2012 Work Session was cancelled.
Wastewater Advisory Committee
The first meeting of the Wastewater Advisory Committee will be held on Thursday, May 10 at
7:00 p.m. City Administrator Hurlburt and City Engineer Goodman will prepare an overview of
the city’s sewer systems and the current issues. A future meeting schedule will be discussed.
Dennis Hoogeveen and John Lorenzini, from the city’s audit firm CliftonLarsonAllen, presented
the Auditors Report and Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2011. Mr.
Lorenzini reported that the city received a “clean” opinion concerning the financial statements,
with no concerns. Financial highlights, such as the more than adequate 65% fund balance level,
were explained. The new GASB 54 reporting standard was implemented this year, by which fund
balances are reported by classifications that disclose constraints for which amounts in those
funds can be spent. Classifications include nonspendable, restricted, committed, assigned and
unassigned. Ness, seconded by Amos, moved to accept the 2011 Audit Report and Financial
Statements and direct publication of the summary. The motion carried 5-0.
No representatives from S.R.C., Inc. were present. The recycling report and agreement for
recycling services will be postponed to the May 15, 2012 Council meeting.
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Earlier in the year, Council requested that professional service contracts be reviewed and
updated. The City has been working with the engineering firm Stantec, formerly known as
Bonestroo, since 1997. Council reviewed the new agreement which City Attorney Miller and
Stantec had worked on. Miller stated that there were no substantive changes and the contract is in
line with other professional service contracts the City has in place. Simonson, seconded by
Swanson, moved to approve the Professional Services Agreement with Stantec, Inc. The
motion carried 5-0.
A letter was received by Joseph Christensen, legal representative to Jim and Sandi Continenza,
regarding their variance application and costs that have been billed to the applicant. City
Administrator Hurlburt presented a draft response letter to Mr. Christensen. The Continenzas
requested a date in July or August in which to review their request to connect to the 201 sewer
system and the variance for their new home. The response letter stated that it is premature to
commit to a date for City Council action before the study of the Anderson-Erickson sewer
system is completed. The discussion could tentatively be scheduled for the September 18
Council meeting. In addressing the costs which have been billed to the Continenzas, it was stated
that they have been billed for all reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred in order to evaluate
the variance request. None of the costs for the engineering study of the Anderson-Erickson septic
system have been billed to them. Mr. Christensen presented an additional request that the
Continenzas be given a credit or reduced charge if a connection to the sewer system is
determined. The response letter noted that the connection fee is set by Ordinance No. 122 and
does not allow for a reduction of the fee for unrelated expenses paid either to the city or other
parties. The response letter also restated what was explained at the March 20 City Council
meeting that the city could consider a request for a longer time frame to begin construction at the
time that action is taken on the variance application.
Council was in consensus that the response letter was acceptable and no changes were
recommended. Simonson, seconded by Swanson, moved to approve the response letter to
Mr. Christensen regarding the Continenza Variance and Sewer Connection Request. The
motion carried 5-0.
Sharon Klumpp, Springsted, was in attendance at the April 10 Council work session and
presented a proposal for an executive search service for replacement of retiring City
Administrator Hurlburt. Staff was directed to place an agreement with Springsted on the April 17
Council agenda for further discussion. The cost of the proposal is $7,800, with additional out-of-
pocket costs of approximately $500.
Mayor Simonson stated that timing is crucial in this process to have a new administrator in place
by October. Mayor Simonson said that the consultant firm has worked to keep costs of the search
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down and added a guarantee clause in the agreement as a sign that they are willing to stand
behind their efforts. He offered that it is reasonable to go forward with the agreement.
Simonson, seconded by Swanson, moved to approve the agreement with Springsted, Inc.
for executive search services for replacement of the City Administrator.
Council member Ness stated that bringing in a third-party to hire a replacement is a necessary
expense. Council member Swanson agreed that the time investment needed to begin an
employment search is beyond what City Administrator Hurlburt could take on at this time.
Swanson noted the number of meetings on the calendar in the next few months which require
Council voted on the above motion. Voting yes: Ness, Swanson, and Simonson. Voting no:
Amos, Schneider. The motion carried 3-2.
Mayor Simonson introduced an e-mail from Beryl Halldorson in which she proposed that the city
consider opening a public compost site. Ms. Halldorson wrote that she has no safe place to
deposit plant material to keep decaying nutrients from entering the water system near her
residence along Bone Lake. Mayor Simonson noted that it is a legitimate concern to protect the
waterways and asked the Council to discuss the matter.
Council member Swanson suggested the Park and Recreation Committee address the issue, as
they are familiar with city owned park land which could accommodate a compost site. City
Administrator Hurlburt advised that the Committee may not be the best equipped to consider all
the issues of providing a new service such as this.
Council member Schneider stated that he is for a compost site, but it needs further work to
consider all factors. He would be open to more discussion on it.
Mayor Simonson deferred the issue to the Park and Recreation Committee for initial review and
recommended it be further discussed at a Council work session.
City Administrator Hurlburt reported that she met with the top finalist in the Maintenance
Superintendent position last Friday. A background check on Mr. Tim Keiffer is in progress.
Hurlburt recommended a salary offer of $60,500, with PTO accrual to begin at the 5-year accrual
rate (24 days per year). Hurlburt relayed Mr. Keiffer’s concerns related to advancement in the
position. The League salary survey shows the average pay to be $72,500, and the upper limit
which Scandia adopted is $70,000. City Attorney Miller advised that language in the offer letter
can state that performance based pay may be determined through annual performance reviews.
Simonson, seconded by Amos, moved to offer Mr. Tim Keiffer the Maintenance
Superintendent Position at a pay rate of $60,500 per year and a PTO accrual rate
beginning at the 5-year level. The motion carried 5-0.
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Ness, seconded by Amos, moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried 5-0.
The meeting adjourned at 8:58 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund
Deputy Clerk