10-1-91 tb,pcI
October 1, 1991
On the above date New Scandia Planning Commission held their
regular monthly meeting. Members of the Town Board present
were: Russell Jackson, Duane Thompson, Charles Nordin, Beverly
Pratt and Kevin Nickelson.
John Ness Variance to Construct a Garage
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to approve the
variance for John Ness, 21133 Penrose, Scandia, MN 55073.
Lot 2 Block 2, Waldon Meadows. To construct a garage closer to
the road then the house. Not to exceed 2,000 square feet and
20 feet high. Reason: This is the most logical area for the
accessory building. This provides the least intrusion on the lot.
Nickelson made a motion to adopt. Thompson seconded and adopted.
Stephen Pojar Variances to Constuuct Garage
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the
variances to Stephen Pojar, 12070 196th Street, Marine, MN 55047.
Block 2, Lot 8 Beckstrom Addition. To construct a garage with
fhe following variance's. Road setback 40 feet to 14 feet. Lot
size 12 acres to 7,500 square feet. Lake frontage and road
frontage 150 feet to 50 feet. The garage shall be a one story
unit. Siding to match or compliment the house. This will not
add to the clutter of the area and is no larger then others
in the area. The garage shall be 22 feet instead of 26 feet.
Nordin made a motion, Nickelson seconded and adopted.
Grace Lundin Minor Subdivisions
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the
Minor Subdivision for Grace Lundin 13623 205th Street, Scandia,
MN 55073. Part of SE-4 of NW-4 Section 22, Township 32, Range
20 West. Part of SE-4 of NW4, Section 22, Township 32, Range
20 West. Subject to dedication of 33 feet on 205th Street and
30 feet on the East property line North and South of 205th Street.
Thompson made a motion to table until October Town Board meeting.
Pratt seconded and adopted.
Leonard Wojtowicz Land Division
Planning Commission recommends to the the Town Board that the
parcel for Leonard Wojtowicz be divided in two five acre parcel
as it was intended in 1973. Thompson made a motin to accept the
Planning Commission's recommendation and instruct the clerk to
stamp the deed. Pratt seconded and adopted.
Hawkinson Highlands Development Agreement
The board reviewed the Hawkinson Highlands Development Agreement.
Mr. Hebert stated the proposal was for New Scandia Township to
pay 1/11 of various costs and the approximate amount was $862.00.
No action was taken and this will be discussed at the October
Town Board meeting.
October 1, 1991 Cont.
Pratt made a motion to adopt the Resoultion 9-17-91 pertaining to
Nickelson Plastics and Scandia Farm and Home rezone. Thompson
seconded and adopted.
Thompson made a motion to adjourn. Nickelson seconded and adopted.
Dolores Peterson
New Scandia Township Clerk