10-15-91 tb1 4
October 15, 1991
The regular monthly meeting was called to order by Chairman, Russell
Jackson. Present were: Charles Nordin, Duane Thompson, Beverly
Pratt and Kevin Nickelson.
Nickelson made a motion to accept minutes for 9/17/91 and 10/1/91,
Thompson seconded and adopted.
Thompson made a motion to accept treasurers report, Pratt seconded
and adopted.
Mark Kasma Township Engineer
Mark Kasma Engineer reported on the Oakhill Road Project. Mr. Kasma
informed the board that Mr. Bud Haskill and Mr. Harry Nora have
not signed the road easement deeds for Maxwill Avenue. Mr.Orosz
of Layton Avenue was requesting drainage correction on Layton Avenue.
Mr. Kasma will view the problem and proceed to correct the problem.
Fire Chief Steve Spence
Steve Spence reviewed the lowest responsible bid for a chassis and
tanker body for the Fire Department. Pratt made a motion to award
the bid for the chassis to North Star International for $38,499.93
and Engle Fabrication for the tanker body in the amount of $36,949.00.
North Star International is the lowest responsible bid and meeting
the specifications. Thompson seconded and adopted.
Chief of Police Mary Lou Simonson
Mrs. Simonson informed the board the need for guard rails on Oakhill
Road by Gabrielson's and 209th Street by Erickson Garage.
Township Attorney David Hebert
David Hebert discussed the pay equity for the State of Minnesota
and the problems of complying. It was agreed that Mr. Hebert
would set up a meeting with a State Representative for Pay Equity.
Richard Larkey Deed Stamp
Nickelson made a motion to stamp the deed for Richard Larkey for
the sale of Parcel A in County Auditor's Plat No. 6, with the
stipulation that Washington County secure the road right-of-way
easement on Olinda Trail, C.S.A.H.3. If Mr. Larkey wants to sell
the remaining parcels all previous set conditions must be met.
If the metal shed is not removed it must meet sideyard setback.
Septic system for Parcel B must be located on Parcel B and must
meet accessory building square footage requirements. Thompson
seconded and adopted.
Dorothy Anderson Parker and Vincent Hawkinson Street Vacation
For Elm Lane and UakLane
Dorothy Anderson Parker spoke and presentated a letter opposing
the vacation of Elm Lane and Oak Lane in Anderson Big Lake
2nd Addition. Mr. Vincent Hawkinson also expressed that he
also is opposing the street vacation. Ms. Anderson Parker,
and Mr. Hawkinson were informed a Public Hearing will be held
on November 19, 1991 regarding this matter.
Special Legislation For the Establishment Of A Detached Bankin
Facilitv In New Scandia Township
James Lindberg President of Security State Bank and members of
the Board of Directors were present to discuss special legislation
to establish a branch bank for Security State Bank in New Scandia
Township. Pratt made a motion to go on record that the -New
Scandia Town Board strongly support Security State Bank of Marine
to establish a branch bank in,New Scandia Township and the board
will support the special legislation to establish a facility in
New Scandia Township. Thompson seconded and adopted.
Grace Lundin Minor Subdivisions
Nordin made a motion to accept Planning Commission recommendations
of October 2, 1991 for two Minor Subdivisions. Pratt seconded
and adopted.
William Wilson Land Trade
Nickelson made a motion to authorize the land exchange and easement
for William Wilson. Nordin seconded and adopted.
Hawkinson Development Agreement
David Hebert Attorney reviewed expenses for surveying and attorney
fees incurred by Mr. Hawkinson for the plat of Hawkinson Highlands.
Mr. Hebert stated some of these fees were incurred when there was
a change in the plat when Mr. Hawkinson agreed not to purchase the
lot the township owned on Olinda Lane. Mr. Hebert informed the
board the township has gained and Mr. Hawkinson has also gained
from the change. The township will now acquire a road without
a cul-de-sac. Mr. Hebert suggested to resolve this problem
New Scandia Township should pay the amount of $750.00 for fees of
surveying and attorney fees which where incurred by Mr. Hawkinson
when the township wanted this change and Mr. Hawkinson agreed not
to purchase the lot New Scandia Township owned next to Mr. Hawkinson`s
plat. Nickelson made a motion to pay up to $750.00 for fees incurred
for Mr. David Hebert and Landmark Surveying for services rendered
to the township in the development of Hawkinson Highlands. Nordin
seconded. Pratt amended the above motion that the Development
Agreement shall not reflect that the township are paying costs
for the plat and pay the bills as they are billed to the township
October 15, 1991
and not to exceed up to $750.00. Nordin seconded the amendment
and adopted.
Wavier Of Fees For Teen Dance
Thompson made a motion to wavier the fees for the first dance
to be held November 1, 1991 and only this one. Nickelson
seconded and adopted.
Road Signs
The clerk was instructed to discuss the signs for Nol,an,Newgate
and Lakamaga with the maintenance men.
Bill McElrath Damages To Car On Manning Circle
The clerk was instructed to send Mr. McElrath a letter stating
the law requires to stop at the end of your driveway before
you enter a public road.
Fees For Subdivision's, Attorneys, etc.
The clerk was instructed to conatact other townships for charges
on subdivisions, fees of residents contacting the attorney etc.
Declaration And Notice Of Federal And State Liens
Thompson made a motion to sign the Declaration and Notice of
Federal and State liens for Washington County on the 201 Project.
Nickelson seconded and adopted.
Thompson made a motion to pay the October bills. Nordin seconded
and adopted.
Thompson made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Nickelson
seconded and adopted.
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ew Scandi Township Clerk