4-2-91 tb,pcApril 2, 1991
On the above date New Scandia Town Board held a special meeting
before the Planning Commission Meeting at 7:00 p.m. Members
present were: Nickelson, Pratt, Jackson, Thompson and Nordin.
The board discussed the Bracht Pit proposal for a washing and
crushing plant and this item had been addressed -by the -County.
Planning Board and by motion at their last meeting referred this
item back to the township for consideration and board action.
A petition was presentat,ed with 278 signatures stating the decision
should be made at the township level. Nickelson made a motion
to hold a public hearing on April 22, 1991 at 7:30 p.m. to consider
the application by Bracht Bros. Inc. for a washing and crushing
in the Scandia Pit. Pratt seconded and adopted.
Plans and Specifications for Oakhill Road
Nordin made a motion to accept the plans and specifications for
Oakhill Road and authorize Mark Kasma Township Engineer to
advertise for bids for Oakhill Road and open bids May 3, 1991
at 10:00 a.m. and award the bids at the May 7th Planning Commission
meeting. Pratt seconded and adopted.
Post Office Site
The clerk read a
new location for
The clerk would
David Braun
letter from the Postal Department regarding the
the Post Office in the Hawkinson Business Park.
schedule a public hearing for May.
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the
Minor Subdivision to David Braun 2380 Legion Lane North, Lake
Elmo, MN 55042. NE4 of NE4 of Section 14, Township 32. Subject
to the following conditions: 1. Dedication of 33 feet from
center of road on 220th Street of Parcel 1 and 2 and 33 feet
from center of road on Parish Road for Parcel 2 to the township
for road right of way. 2. Approval of septic system on Parcel
1. 3. Any further division of property must be by platting.
Pratt made a motion to accept. Thompson seconded and adopted.
Norma Johnson
The public hearing for Norma Johnson was tabeled pending further
information regarding the granting of protected waters permit
from the D.N.R. and the U.S. Army Corp. of Engineers.
Jack Rosenauist
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the
variance to Jack Rosenquist 21590 Penfield Avenue, Scandia,
Mn. 55073. Lot 3 of Bos Acres. A variance is required to
construct a garage. Sideyard 25 feet to 12 feet. Nickelson
made a motion to accept. Thompson seconded and adopted.
John Mariana
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to deny the
variance to John Mariana,.12120 228th Street, Scandia, MN 55073.
Lot 1 and West of East Line , Section 8, Township 32. To construct
a deck. Lake setback 100 feet to 20 feet. Lake frontage 150 feet
to 133 feet. Road frontage 300 feet to 150 feet. Lot size 39,304
sq. feet to 21,780 square feet. Nordin made a motion to accept.
Thompson seconded and adopted.
Peter Nora
Mr. Nora explained the usage of the Tetzlaff building and stated
they are packaging and wrapping items. Planning Commission recommends
to the Town Board that operation cease and desist at the present
location by January 1, 1992. Nickelson made a motion to accept
with the addition it not increase to more then 2 days a week.
No second to the motion. Pratt made a motion to accept the Planning
Commission recommendation that the operation in the Tetzlaff
building not increase in size and that the outdoor area of the
bank building be cleaned up by June 1, 1991. Nordin seconded the
motion and adopted.
Alexander Orosz Culvert Problems
Mr. Orosz expressed his concern again about the culvert installed
by Mr. Johnson on Larkspur. Mr. Mark Kasma Township Engineer
would view the site.
Thompson made a motion to adjourn. Pratt seconded and adopted.
Dolores terson
New Scandia Township Clerk