5-21-91 tb711
May 21, 1991
The regular monthly meeting was called to order by Chairman,
Russell Jackson. Present were: Charles Nordin, Duane Thompson,
Beverly Pratt and Kevin Nickelson.
Pratt made a motion to approve minutes as corrected for 4/15/91,
5/3/91 and 5/7/91. Thompson seconded and adopted.
Nordin made a motion to accept treasurers report. Nickelson
seconded and adopted.
Gravel Bids For Year 1991
The following contractors submitted bids for the gravel for 1991.
J.& C. Trucking, Bracht Bros, Peterson Excavating and Dresel
Contracting. Nickelson made a motion to award Class 5 for $4.47
cubic yard. Modified Class 5 for $4.55 cubic yard. Trap Rock
$8.70 per ton to Dresel Contracting the low bidder. The Limestone
bid to J.& C. Trucking for $8.83 per ton. Pratt seconded and adopted.
Oakhill Road Regarding
Mark Kasma informed the board due to the road location so close to
the Gavrielson residence, Mr. Gabrielson is requesting blacktop.
Nickelson made a motion to blacktop with a lz inch lift from
David Hawkinson to the front of David Gabrielson. Mr. Kasma
will decide on the approximate cost of $15,000.00 or less and
excite the length which is approximate 1900 lineal feet. Thompson
seconded and adopted.
Phone Installation For Chief of Police
The board agreed to contact Sheriff Jack Turdeau to attend the
June 18, 1991 town board meeting to explain what coverage Washington
County furnishes for the township.
The township shall have a special meeting to discuss job responsibil-
ities for the Chief of Police and Pay Equity on June 20, 1991 at
7:30 p.m.
Problems At The Intersection Of Olinda Trail and Hwy. 97
The board discussed the problems with the construction machinery
parked at the David Johnson residence on Scandia Trail. Mr. Johnson
informed the office that he is in the process of moving the equipment.
The board discussed the problem at Scandia Four Seasons. The
screening that was placed does not meet the zoning code. Mr. Duane
Thompson would contact the owners about this problem
Fire Chief
The Fire Chief and members of the department were present and stated
the need for replacing the tanker for the Fire Department. The
board informed the members to prepare specifications for the tanker
and present them at the June meeting.
Township Attorney
The attorney informed the board there is a court order for the
removal of Lucille Holmes property on Big Marine Lake.
Beer License for Swenson Superett_e Ball Team
Nordin made a motion to sign the beer license for Swenson Superette
Ball Team for June 21, 22 and 23. Thompson seconded and adopted.
201 Project Operations and Management Agreement
Thompson made a motion to sign the 201 Project Operation and Manag
ment Agreement for 1991. Nickelson seconded and adopted.
Curbside Recycling Agreement For Grant Distribution
Nordin made a motion to sign the Curbside Recycling Grant Distribution.
Pratt seconded and adopted.
Sealing Of Well At Big Lake School
Nordin made a motion to seal the well at Big Lake School and not
to exceed $700.00 and the work shall be done by McCullough and
Sons. Nickelson seconded and adopted.
Northern States Gas Utility
Thompson made a motion to sign the application to lower gas main
on Oakhill Road due to the road regarding. Nickelson seconded
and adopted.
Pratt made a motion to pay the bills for May. Thompson seconded
and adopted.
Thompson made a motion to adjourn. Nickelson seconded and adopted.
ore P ersor'
New Scand'a Township Clerk