05-15-12 CouncilMay 15, 2012
A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Simonson
called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken.
The following council members were present: Council members Connie Amos, Chris Ness, Jim
Schneider, Sally Swanson and Mayor Randall Simonson. Staff present: City Administrator Anne
Hurlburt, City Attorney Tom Miller, Engineer Phil Gravel, Police Deputy Chris Majeski, Fire
Chief Jim Finnegan, Maintenance Supervisor Tim Kieffer, Treasurer Colleen Firkus and Deputy
Clerk Brenda Eklund.
There were no public comments.
Council member Swanson noted an addition to the agenda regarding an appointment to the Park
and Recreation Committee. Ness, seconded by Amos, moved to approve the agenda as
amended. The motion carried 5-0.
The following Consent Agenda was presented:
a) Minutes
1) April 17, 2012 Regular Meeting
2) May 8, 2012 Work Session
b) Treasurer’s Report
Beginning Balance 04/01/2012 $2,161,494.14
Receipts + 10,516.97
Expenditures $ 138,213.62
Payroll 20,284.45 - 158,498.07
Quarterly Bldg Permit
Surcharge payment
did not go through + 60.00
Ending Balance 04/30/2012 $2,013,573.04
c) Payment of Vouchers
d) Appointments to Wastewater Advisory Committee (Brad Bergo and Doug Salmela)
e) Utility Permit, MN Energy Resources (12969 182nd St N.)
f) Approve 2012 Contract with Lakes Area Youth Service Bureau
g) Hire Tennis and Skateboarding Instructors for 2012 Summer Recreation Program
h) Resignation from Wastewater Advisory Committee (Sally Swanson)
Ness, seconded by Amos, moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. The motion
carried 5-0.
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Staff Support for Minutes and Agenda Packets
Park and Recreation Committee Chair Alex Bildeaux presented a request from the Committee
for City staff to provide administrative support for their monthly meetings. It has been difficult to
consistently have the volunteer members prepare accurate and timely minutes of the meetings.
Bildeaux stated that it is hard for the minute-taker to participate in discussions during the
meetings. City Administrator Hurlburt explained that this has been an issue for some time, and
increasing staff support to attend meetings and prepare agenda packets would help the
Committee have accurate and consistent information in their hands. Council member Swanson
agreed that being more organized would improve the efficiency of the meetings. Simonson,
seconded by Amos, moved to approve the Park Committee’s request for additional staff
support for taking minutes and preparing agenda packets. The motion carried 5-0.
Bildeaux reported that the trees and stumps have been removed from the parking lot area of
Lilleskogen Park, and a contractor will haul the brush away. The subcommittee is gathering costs
for surveying and grading as the next step of the Park’s improvements.
Guidelines for the Protection of Scandia’s Scenic Viewsheds (Resolution No. 05-15-12-01)
Planning Commission Chair Christine Maefsky presented a report on the Scenic Viewshed
Guidelines document. The Planning Commission unanimously recommended that the Council
adopt the “Guidelines for the Protection of Scandia’s Scenic Viewsheds” at their May 1 meeting.
Maefsky chaired a subcommittee which began meeting one year ago to work on this issue.
Maefsky explained that one of the goals of the Comprehensive Plan is to protect scenic rural
roads, viewpoints and vistas from visually intrusive or incompatible development, as a way to
preserve the rural heritage of Scandia. The document contains an accompanying map to identify
the priority viewshed corridors and sites. The Guidelines will be used by the City to review new
Open Space Conservation Subdivisions developments. The existing ordinance language allows
for up to a 10% density bonus as an incentive to encourage projects to preserve priority scenic
views. The Planning Commission recommended an increase of the maximum density bonus to
25%, as a greater incentive to preserve scenic views. In the case of sites not already identified as
having scenic views, the landowner will have the opportunity to request designation according to
criteria and procedures within the guidelines. Maefsky also explained the opportunities for
individuals to protect existing scenic views on their property.
Council member Schneider questioned if this process could hamper landowners’ efforts to divide
their property. Maefsky replied that it is not mandatory and is incentive-based only. Maefsky
explained that having the guidelines in place will actually make it easier to earn the extra density
by providing clear criteria and characteristics of a scenic view.
Mayor Simonson spoke of concerns from property owners that they may be limited in making
changes to their property, such as tearing down a barn that is no longer serviceable. He
questioned how the plan would impact their choices. Maefsky replied that it would have no
impact, unless a cell tower was to be constructed within the scenic viewshed corridor. The
performance standards for cell towers limit the height to 75 feet and require that they be of
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stealth design. City Administrator Hurlburt explained that this is the only section of the
ordinance that would regulate land use based on the Guidelines document.
Council member Swanson described this as a “win-win” for both the landowners and the City.
Swanson stated that that the guidelines are an advantage to the landowners in allowing them to
earn additional lots within a development, and the City gains the preservation of scenic qualities.
Ness, seconded by Swanson, moved to approve Resolution No. 05-15-12-01, Adopting
Guidelines for the Protection of Scandia’s Priority Scenic Viewsheds. The motion carried
Ordinance No. 130, Amending Ordinance No. 122, the City of Scandia’s Development Code,
Chapter 2, Section 6.7 (Density Standards in Open Space Conservation Subdivisions)
The Planning Commission held a public hearing on the ordinance amendment to increase the
density bonus for the preservation of priority scenic views in Open Space Conservation
Subdivisions, from the current 10 percent to 25 percent. No public comments were received and
the Planning Commission unanimously recommended that the Council approve the amendment.
Ness, seconded by Swanson, moved to adopt Ordinance No. 130, Amending Ordinance No.
122, the Scandia Development Code, Chapter 2, Section 6.7 Regarding Density Standards
in Open Space Conservation Subdivisions. The motion carried 5-0.
The Council members stated their appreciation to Planning Commission Chair Maefsky for her
hard work in preparing the Guidelines document.
The Wastewater Advisory Committee held their first meeting on May 10. The Committee
recommended that Council member Ness serve as Chair and Council member Schneider serve as
Vice Chair. Swanson, seconded by Amos, moved to confirm the appointments of Chris Ness
as Chair and Jim Schneider as Vice Chair to the Wastewater Advisory Committee. The
motion carried 5-0.
The Council received Building Official Keith Wille’s building activity report. Eight permits were
issued in April.
Deputy Chris Majeski reported that the “No Parking” signs along 205th Street to the Log House
Landing were removed and thrown into the woods. Four of the signs were recovered. Deputy
Majeski also reported on a recent dog bite, a vehicle break-in at Wind in the Pines Park, mailbox
vandals on Oakhill Road, and an identity theft on 202nd Street.
Fire Chief Jim Finnegan reported that the department responded to nineteen calls in April; eight
were fire related and eleven were medical. The state has approved the Lakeview Ambulance
Service license which will have a permanent substation located at the Scandia Fire Station.
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Finnegan stated that the arrangement with the ambulance crew is working very well. The
department will address a plan for the replacement of turnout gear during budget discussions this
summer. The possibility of locating an emergency siren in the vicinity of Big Marine Lake will
be discussed at the May 29 Capital Improvement Plan meeting.
Appointment of Probationary Firefighters
Six candidates have accepted offers of employment following hiring procedures begun earlier in
the year. Staff recommended their appointment as Probationary Firefighters conditioned upon
medical examinations, drug and alcohol testing, and Council approval.
Simonson, seconded by Ness, moved to appoint the following individuals to the position of
Probationary Volunteer Firefighters: Michael Frank, David Mead, Todd Roe, Eric Rydeen,
Aaron Sipola and Peter Weber. The motion carried 5-0.
Appointment of City Engineer
The resignation of Ryan Goodman from Stantec Engineering was announced at the May 8 Work
Session. Phil Gravel, lead engineer with Stantec, was present at that meeting with a proposal to
serve as the firm’s client representative for Scandia. Simonson, seconded by Amos, moved to
appoint Phil Gravel as City Engineer to replace Ryan Goodman. The motion carried 5-0.
Approve Plans and Specifications and Authorize Advertisements for Bids, 2012 Seal Coat and
Bituminous Patching Project
Recommendations for the 2012 Seal Coat and Patching Project were reviewed at the April 10
Work Session and plans were authorized at the April 17 Council meeting. The project includes
seal coating of roadways that have been crack filled in previous projects and minor bituminous
patching, at a budget of $215,000. City Engineer Gravel stated that if the bids are low enough,
additional streets will be added for patching work.
Council member Schneider asked if the Public Works staff would be removing broken pavement
for the patching jobs. Gravel stated that this work could be negotiated out of the bid once it is
determined that staff has the ability to perform this work.
Simonson, seconded by Swanson, moved to approve the plans, specifications and
advertisement for bids for the 2012 Seal Coat and Bituminous Patching Project. The
motion carried 5-0.
The bid opening is scheduled for June13 with possible award at the June 19 Council meeting.
The construction would begin in July 2012.
City Attorney Tom Miller presented a summary of legal services provided to the City within the
past month. Miller stated that he reviewed the “Guidelines for the Protection of Priority Scenic
Viewsheds” document and noted that it was very well written and it will make enforcement of
the ordinance easier to apply.
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Maintenance Superintendent Tim Kieffer began his position with the City on May 14. Council
members welcomed Kieffer to the Public Works Department.
2011 Recycling Report
Rick Prahl, S.R.C. Inc., presented the City’s recycling collection numbers for 2011. Mr. Prahl
was pleased to report an increase in tonnage collected; a trend since the introduction of single-
sort collection carts. Mr. Prahl stated that he has located a vendor to purchase broken glass which
will add to the collection tonnage numbers. S.R.C. sponsored the Heavy Metal Collection event
on May 5, but the turnout was quite small, with only 35-40 residents dropping off materials.
2012 Agreement for Recycling Services with S.R.C., Inc.
New Scandia Township/City of Scandia has had an agreement with S.R.C. for the collection and
disposal of recyclable materials since 2001. City Administrator Hurlburt stated that this year the
agreement was updated by City Attorney Tom Miller to include more detail about the operation.
The contract price of $2,320.50 per month is the same price that has been in effect since 2001.
Grant revenue from Washington County helps offset about 25% of this cost. Ness, seconded by
Amos, moved to approve the 2012 Agreement for Recycling Services with S.R.C., Inc. The
motion carried 5-0.
At the April 17 meeting the Council approved an agreement with Springsted, Inc. to assist with
the search for a new City Administrator. Current City Administrator Hurlburt is retiring in
October. Sharon Klumpp attended the May 8 Work Session to discuss desired qualifications and
expectations and to gather information needed to prepare a job announcement. Council reviewed
the prepared announcement.
Council member Schneider questioned the wording that the position requires a Bachelor’s degree
in public administration or related field. Schneider stated that he thought it was decided at the
Work Session that experience would be the most important qualification. He thought it may deter
City Administrator Hurlburt noted that this is customary language and that the next sentence
states that equivalent education and experience will be considered. Hurlburt stated that all
applications will be thoroughly evaluated by the consultant.
Simonson, seconded by Ness, moved to approve the position description and job
announcement for the recruitment of a City Administrator. The motion carried 5-0.
Pamela Arnold, 16560 220th Street, has submitted an application for appointment to the Park and
Recreation Committee. Council member Swanson stated that Ms. Arnold’s skills will be a great
addition to the Committee. Ness, seconded by Swanson, moved to approve the appointment
of Pamela Arnold to the Park and Recreation Committee. The motion carried 5-0.
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Ness, seconded by Amos, moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried 5-0.
The meeting adjourned at 8:17 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund
Deputy Clerk