9-17-91 tbSeptember 17, 1991 The regular monthly meeting was called to order by Russell Jackson Chairman. Present were: Charles Nordin, Duane Thompson,, Kevin Nickelson, Beverly Pratt and Russell Jackson. Nickelson made a motion to accept minutes for 8/20/91 and 9/3/91. Thompson seconded and adopted. Thompson made a motion to accept treasurers report, Nordin seconded and adopted. Bids For Fire Tank and Bodv and Tanker Chassis The following bids were submitted: Tanker Chassis, Nelson Inter- national $38,301.69, Lakeland Ford Truck $42,472.88, Boyer Ford $38,426.00, Minar Ford $40,688.37, J and B Fabricating $40,164.00, North Star International $38,499.93, Racine Truck $38,615.28, A_stleford Equipment $39,103.00, Transport White GMC $39,986.00, Worrier Auto Center $39,767.00. One Tank and Body, Engle Fabrication $37,249.00, J and B Fabricating and Repair $42,875.00, Tom Conway $38,495.00. The bids will be reviewed by the Fire Department and awarded at the October Town Board meeting. Fire Relief Greg Benson presentated the annual Fire Relief report and informed the board the members would like to increase the rate per year of service to $600.00. Nordin made a motion to increase the year per service to $600.00. Thompson seconded and adopted. Township Engineer (Mark Kasma) Mr. Kasma recommeded payment to Dressel Construction for road construction on Oakhill Road. Pratt made a motion to pay the payment to Dressel Construction for Oakhill Road for the amount of $68,644.43. Nickelson seconded the motion and motion adopted. Oakhill Road Mr. Larry Sherman Mr. Larry Sherman expressed his concerns about the regarding of Oakhill Road. He stated his fields are under water and concerned about the drain tile under Oakhill Road. Mr. Sherman felt there probably would be problems with the blacktop road. Mr. Sherman wanted his concerns regarding these problems on record. Richard Burton Nordin made a motion to install a culvert on 182nd Street and Mr. Burton agreed to split the cost half and half with the township up to $800.00 and if the cost is over $800.00 the township will pay the -difference.... Pratt seconded and adopt-ed. 7 Vacation Of Allevs In Revision of Vasa Pratt made a motion to vacate the alleys in the Revision of Vasa and this shall only include the alleys of the streets that were vacated in Revision of Vasa on July 16, 1991. Thompson seconded the motion and adopted. Elm Lane and Oak Street In Anderson Bia Lake View Addition Pratt made a motion to hold a Public Hearing on the vacation of Elm Lane. Nickelson seconded and adopted. Nickelson made a motion to pass the resoultion on the petition to vacate Oak Lane and hold a Public Hearing. Pratt seconded and adopted. Vacation of Street In County Auditors Plat No. 6 Thompson made a motion to vacate all that part of the Township road shown on County Auditors Plat No. 6. Nickelson seconded and adopted. Ordinance Number 36 Inspection Fee For Gravel Pits Thompson made a motion of change the inspection fee for Gravel Pits under Ordinance Number 36. Pratt seconded and adopted. Pay Equity David Hebert reported that New Scandia pay equity did not comply; based on salary data submitted. Road Easement Over Sewer Tract Nordin made a motion to sign the road easement across the sewer tract for Grove and Duraine. Thompson seconded and adopted. Rezone For Nickelson Plastics and Scandia Farm and Home David Hebert presentated the findings for rezone for Nickelson Plastics and Scandia Farm and Home. The board would review this and adopt at the Planning Commission October 3, 1991. Mr. Richard Larkev Minor Subdivision Mr. Richard Larkey appeared objecting to removal of outbuildings on his Minor Subdivision. No action was taken. Mr. Bill McElhrath Mr. Bill McElrath of Manning Circle informed the board again about the damages he incurred to his car from gravel that was not spread on Manning Circle. Mr. Bill McElrath was informed to contact his insurance company regarding the matter. September 17, 1991 ont. Removal of Lucille Holmes Property Two quotes were presentated Peterson Excavating $2,725.00 and Lindell Excavating $4,800.00. Nordin made a motion to hire Peterson Excavating for the removal of the Lucille Holmes. Thompson seconded and adopted. Mr. David Hebert presentated the development agreement for Hawkinson Highlands. Pratt made a motion to support Red Ribbon Week on October 19th- 25th. Thompson seconded and adopted. Postage Machine From Pitney Bowes Pratt made a motion to lease.a postage machine effective January 1, 1992. Nickelson seconded and adopted. Mike White expressed his concerns about property owners filling along the shore line of Big Marine. Pratt made a motion to pay the bills for September. Thompson seconded and adopted. Thompson made a motion to adjourn. Nickelson seconded and adopted. New Sc;a di ow �nr-s--hip Clerk Dolores Pe rson