1-21-92 tbJanuary 21, 1992
The regular Town Board meeting was called to order by Russell
Jackson Chairman. Members present were: Charles Nordin, Duane
Thompson, Beverly Pratt and Russell Jackson. Absent: Kevin
Pratt made a motion to accept Clerks minutes for 12/17/91 and
1/7/92. Thompson seconded and adopted.
Nordin made a motion to accept Treasurers report. Thompson
seconded and adopted.
Chief of Police Mary Lou Simonson
Ernie Valla (Scandia Farm and Home) and Bruce Swenson (Swenson`s
Superette) expressed their concern of recent bulgaries at the
businesses. Mrs. Simonson would work with Mr. Valla and Mr.
Swenson for police protection.
Use of Force Compliance Form
Pratt made a motion to sign the form adopting a written policy
regarding use of force and deadly force by peace officers and
part time peace officers and that this policy is in compliance
withwith the requirements set forth in Minn. Stat. 626.8452 subd. 1.
Thompson seconded and adopted.
Mark Kasma Township Engineer
Mr. Kasma reviewed the Feasibility Report for the 1992 Road
Mr. Howard Hawkinson stated the Township should pay 100% of the
assessment. Mr. Hebert informed the Town Board in order to
bond the Township must assess 20%. The board stated they had
set a policy for the 1989 Project with 75% and 25%. The board
requested the Clerk to contact neighboring communities regarding
their policy.
Pratt made a motion to pass the Resoultion receiving the Feasibility
Report for 1992 Road Improvement Project and call for a Hearing
on the Improvement Plan February 11, 1992. Thompson seconded
and adopted.
David Hebert Township Attorney
Mr. Hebert reviewed the Pay Equity Implementation Report to the
Minnesota Department of Employee Relations and the notice stating
the Township has a copy of the report on file in the office.
Northern States Power
David Schwartz and Jack Fountain were present and proposed an
Ordinance Regulating The Use Of Public Grounds and Rights of
Way and providing for permits to Utility Companies. This matter
was tabled for the February meeting.
Nordin made a motion to sign the application for Northern States
Power to install gas line on Scandia Trail North and Manning
Trail. Thompson seconded and adopted.
Scandia Addition Lots 7 & 8
Mr. Steve Tomnitz stated he would like to purchase Lot 7 & 8
in Scandia Addition from the Township. These lots are next
to Mr. Tomnitz home. The Clerk would check the tract index
on this property.
Fees for Public Hearings and Park Fees
Thompson made a motion that fees for Public Hearings and Park
Fees remain the same. Nordin seconded the motion and adopted.
Thompson made a motion to pay bills for January. Pratt seconded
and adopted.
Thompson made a mtoion to adjourn. Pratt seconded and adopted.
Pratt made a motion to reopan the meeting. Nordin seconded and
Amendine Ordinance Number 29
The Town Board would discuss the matter of Amending Ordinance
Number 29 and the Limited Manufacturing in the uptown area at
7:00 p.m. January 28, 1992 before the Gravel Mining Hearing.
The Audit Meeting was set for March 5, 1992.
Thompson made a motion to adjourn. Nordin seconded and adopted.
Do ores Peterson, New Scandia Township Clerk