1-28-92 tb,pc gravel hrgs4a
January 28, 1992
On the above dated New Scandia Town Board and Planning Commission
held the annual Gravel Mining Hearing for gravel pits in New
Scandia Township. Members of the Town Board were: Kevin
Nickelson, Russell Jackson, Beverly Pratt, Duane Thompson and
Charles Nordin.
Zavoral Gravel Pit
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to approve the
application for Dr. James Zavoral (Zavoral Pit) subject to
bonding as specified by Washington County. This permit is just
for the removal of stockpiles. Nordin made a motion to accept.
Thompson seconded and adopted.
George Lindgren Pit
Planning Commission recommends
application for George Lindgren
the appropriate paper work from
John Nordin Gravel Pit
to the Town Board to table the
Pit until Mr. Lindgren obtains
Washington County Code and
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to approve the
application for a Mining Permit for John Nordin. Thompson made
a motion to accept, Pratt seconded. Jackson yes, Pratt, yes,
Nickelson yes and Thompson, yes. Nordin abstained from voting.
Motion adopted.
Barton Sand and Gravel
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to approve
the application for Barton Sand and Gravel as described in the
permit application. Pratt made a motion to accept, Thompson
seconded and adopted.
Dressel Pit
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Baord to approve the
application for Dressel Contracting to operate as described in
the permit on condition the pit is fenced by June 30, 1992.
Nickelson made a motion to accept, Nordin seconded and adopted.
Bracht Pit
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the
Gravel Application to Bracht Bros. Inc. as specified in the
application and incorporate the findings and decision of
the Town Board from July 1991. Thompson made a motion to
accept, Nickelson seconded and adopted.
Town Board Special Meeting after Planning Commission
The Audit Meeting for the year March 1991 to March 1992 was
set for March 2, 1992.
Dolores Peterson, New Scandia Township Clerk