1-7-92 tb, pcJanuary 7, 1992 On the above date New Scandia Planning Commission held their monthly meeting. Present were: Russell Jackson, Beverly Pratt, Kevin Nickelson, Charles Nordin and Duane Thompson. P & N Products The application of Peter Nora to conduct a packaging operation in the post office building was discussed by the Planning Commission. Mr. Peter Nora will make application for a Public Hearing in February. Car Wash in Hawkinson Business Park Elmer Benson presentated plans for a closed water system to be used in a car washing process for a car wash to be established in the business park. The matter was referred to Al Goodman for review of the proposed cleaning process. The Clerk was directed to contact Elmer Benson for the purpose of instructing him to bring the materials to Al Goodman for review. It was noted that a zoning change may be required to permit a car wash in the general business district. Status of Various Matters The Planning Commission inquired into the status of the Dennis Larson Storage Building Zoning violation, the Larkey subdivision and the Planning Commission's request for an inspector of gravel pits. 1 Kirk Avenue The Town Board considered the inclusion of Kirk Avenue in the 1992 Blacktopping Project. Thompson moved and Nickelson seconded a motion to direct the township engineer to include Kirk Avenue in his feasibility study. The township attorney was directed to prepare the necessary formal resolution. The motion passed unanimously. Blacktop Project Polic Pratt made a motion that it shall be a policy of the township that parcels of land which have no road frontage but do have - driveway access onto blacktop roads shall be assessed as one unit. Nickelson seconded and adopted. Patrol Hours A discussion was held relating to the partol hours for the Police Officer because of burglaries at the Farm and Home and Swensons Superette. This matter shall be placed on the agenda for the regular town board meeting. January 7, 1992 The Town Clerk was directed to contact the Chisago Lakes V.F.W. to express the Town Board's disappointment at not receiving the promised statement of charitable expenditures in New Scandia Township for the past year and to again request the listing of expenditures at this time. Blacktop Project Assessments The Township Attorney was directed to determine whether property placed in an Agriculture Preserve was immune from assessments for road projects and to determine whether the failure of a landowner to pay assessments would result in the forfeiture of the landowner's property. The meeting was then adjourned. Donor` es New Scandia Township Clerk