12-3-91 tb,pc7 208 December 3, 1991 On the above date New Scandia Planning Commission held their regular monthly meeting. The following members of the Town Board were present: Russell Jackson, Duane Thompson, Beverly Pratt, Kevin Nic-kelson and Charles Nordin. Walter Anderson and Fred Sowle L. Owner Planning Commision recommends to the Town Board to grant the variance to Walter Anderson applicant, 23440 Melanie Trail Scandia, MN. 55073 and owner James L. Sowle Jr. 4817 Larkspur Lane, Edina, MN 55435. Lot 9 Block 3, Scandia Ranchetts. For Lot size 2.5 acres to 2.1 acres. On Condition approval of septice system from Washington County and obtain the fill permit. Nordin made a motion to accept. Thompson seconded and adopted. Vernon and Esther Morrison Minor Subdivision Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to approve the Minor Subdivision for Vernon and Esther Morrison, 14621 Oakhill Road. Scandia, MN. 55073. NW-4 of SW-4 of Section 24, Township 32, Range 20 West. On condition the North 40 acres be combined with the contiguous 5.9 acres. Formal right-of- way along Oakhill Road be dedicated to Washington County. Thompson made a motion to accept. Pratt seconded and adopted. Ruth Dahlin and Richard Tetzlaff Minor Subdivision Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the Minor Subdivision to Ruth Dahlin 23500 Meadowbrook Ave. North and Richard Tetzlaff, 23550 Melanie Trail, Scandia, MN. That part of the SE-4 of NW4 of Section 4, Township 32, Range 20. On condition that soil testing.be approved and right-of-way on Meadowbrook and 238th Street be dedicated as per survery dated: December 3, 199. The overall density will be maintained. Nickelson made a moiton to accept. Pratt seconded and adopted. Renewal of Conditional Use Permits David Haselbauer Machine Sho Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to renew the Conditional Use Permit for David Haselbauer, 21360 Manning Trail, Scandia, MN. 55073. For 5 years. Thompson made a motion to accept. Nickelson seconded and adopted. Nickelson Plastics Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to renew the Conditional Use Permit for Nickelson Plastics, 21810 Olinda Trail, Scandia, MN. 55073. For the use of a trailer for office space for a period of 5 years. Nordin made a motion to accept. Thompson seconded and adopted. 209 December 3, 1991 cont. Jean Womack Transmission Repair Sho Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to renew the Conditional Use Permit for Jean Womack 456 South Shore Drive, Forest Lake, MN. 55025. To operate a Transmission Repair Shop on Paris Avenue for 5 years. Pratt made a motion to review this permit in one year as this is a non conforming use. Nickelson seconded and adopted. Thomas Schweitzer Pizzeria In Hawkinson Business Park Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to renew the Conditional Use Permit for Pizzeria in Hawkinson Business Park for 5 years. Nordin made a motion to accept. Thompson seconded and adopted. Louise Barton Now On Video Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to renew the Conditional Use Permit for Louise Barton (Now On Video) in Hawkinson Business Park for 5 years. Thompson made a motion to accept. Nickelson seconded and adopted. Federated Co-op Conditional Use Permit Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to renew the Conditional Use Permit for Federated Co-op in Hawkinson Business Park for 5 years_ Nickelson made a motion to accept. Pratt seconded and adopted. John Fralev Eko Backen Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to renew the Conditional Use Permit for John Fraley (Eko Backen) 22570 Manning Trail, Scandia, MN 55073. For 5 years with the same conditions. Thompson made a motion to accept. Nickelson seconded and adopted. Town Board Special Business Mike White Easement For Drainfield Nordin made a motion to pass a resoultion to grant Mike White, 13310 188th Street North, Marine, MN. 55047. To wavier the setback requirement for an alternate drain field and to move the well 5 feet of the property line. Thompson seconded and adopted. The Town Board will have a Special Meeting December 6, 1991 at 1:00 p.m. to view the turn around problem Lakamaga Trail (John Swanson). The board will also discuss purchasing a snowblower for the John Deere Tractor. Tractor Fees The township shall have the following fees for service by the John Deere Tractor. The rate shall be: $30.00 an hour for tractor and man. Minimum of half an hour $20.00. Dolores Peterson, New Scandia Township Clerk