3-17-92 tbMarch 17, 1992
The Oath of Office for Charles Nordin and Paul Rasmussen, Supervisors
was given by Clerk Dolores Peterson.
The regular monthly meeting for New Scandia Township was called
to order by Clerk Dolores Peterson. A Chairman and Vice Chairman
was elected for the year of 1992 by paper ballot. Mr. Russell
Jackson was elected Chairman and Mr. Charles Nordin was elected
Vice Chairman.
The following board members were present: Russell Jackson,
Charles Nordin, Paul Rasmussen, Kevin Nickelson and Duane
Rasmussen made a motion to accept Clerk's minutes for 2/18/92
and 3/2/92. Thompson seconded and adopted.
Thompson made a motion to accept Treasurer's report. Rasmussen
seconded and adopted.
Nordin made a motion to appoint Dolores Peterson, Township
Clerk for two years. Thompson seconded and adopted.
Forest Lake Youth Service Bureau
Nickelson made a motion to continue support in the amount of
$4,000.00 for the Forest Lake Youth Service Bureau. Rasmussen
seconded and adopted.
Subdivision Approval (Kevin Garber & Frank Green)
Nordin made a motion to approve the Subdivision for Kevin
Graber, Frank Green to straighten out a boundary line. Thompson
seconded and adopted.
Road Improvement for 1992
Nickelson made a motion to approve the resoultion for approving
plans and order advertisement for bid subject to informal
approval by the board. This shall inculde the patch work
on Melanie Trail as part of the project. Nordin seconded
and adopted. The Plans are for Road Improvement 1992.
Partial Payment to Dressel Contractin
Thompson made a motion to approve partial payment to Dressel
Contracting for the amount of $14,042.61 and Change Order No.
2. Rasmussen seconded and adopted.
Juran and Moodv Monty Eastvold (Bonding)
Mr. Eastvold reviewed the bonding for the 1992 Road Improvement.
Mr. Eastvold also reviewed the Negotiate Sale and Publc Sale
for bonds. No decision was made on this matter.
Petition For Bituminous Surfacin
A letter was presentated stating the petition presentated by
Mrs. Vruno for bituminous surfacing of 238th Street, Morgan
Avenue, 236th Street and Nolan Avenue North was not a adequate
petition as it requires 35% of the property owners abutting
the street signatures.
Drivewav on 182nd Street (Don Sheldon)
Nordin made a motion that Peterson Excavating repair Don Sheldon's
driveway and make the driveway level with the township road.
Thompson seconded and adopted.
Parks and Recreation Committee
Mr. James Anderson stated the Park and Recreation Committee
would like a better maintenance program for the ball diamonds
owned by the township. Mr. Anderson stated the diamonds need
more lime rock and the fields should be groomed every other
Michael Peterson and Fred Riermann Conditional Use Permit
Nancy Peterson made a report from the Architectural Committee
and the committee recommended approval by the Town Board for
Michael Peterson and Fred Riermann Conditional Use Permits.
Nickelson made a motion to approve Michael Peterson (Peterson
Excavating) and Fred Riermann Conditional Use Permits as
presentated at the March 2, 1992 Planning Commission meeting.
Thompson seconded and motion adopted.
Mike White Variance
Nickelson made a motion to reconsider the issue of the sideyard
setback variance for Mike White. Thompson seconded the motion.
Jackson no, Nickelson no, Thompson no, Nordin no, and Rasmussen
abstain. Motion defeated.
Bud Haskill (Maxwill)
Mr. Haskill expressed his concern about the road conditions on
Maxwill. Mr. Haskill was informed due to weather conditions
roads are a problem this spring.
Special Meeting March 30. 1992
A Special Meeting was set for March 30,1992 at 7:30 p.m.to discuss
the following: 1. Appointment of Road Committee. 2. Approve
Utility Easements for Northern States Power. 3. Discuss resoultions
and motions from Annual Meeting. 4. Review job descriptions, salaries
and Berkley Risk Services. 5. Defined contributions P.E.R.A. for
elected officals.
Weed Inspector For Townshi
Nordin made a motion to appoint Frank Langer, Weed Inspector for
New Scandia Township. Nickelson seconded and adopted.
Legal Newspaper `
Thompson made a motion to designate the Country Messenger for
the legal paper. Rasmussen seconded and adopted.
Ordinance Number 39 Public Utilities Permits
Thompson made a motion to adopt Ordinance Number 39. Regulating the
construction of Public Utilities on or under the public grounds
and right of ways in the Township and providing for permits
for the installation. Rasmussen seconded and adopted.
Lakes Area Softball Association
Nordin made a motion to contribute $200.00 to Lakes Area Softball
Association (Mike Cunningham) for students in the north end of
New Scandia Township in the Chisago Lakes School District.
Thompson seconded and adopted.
Thompson made a motion to pay March bills. Nickelson seconded
and adopted.
Thompson made a motion to adjourn. Nordin seconded and adopted.
Dolores terson
New Scandia Township Clerk