3-30-92 special tbMarch 30, 1992
On the above date New Scandia Town Board held a Special Meeting.
The following members were present: Russell Jackson, Paul
Rasmussen,Charles Nordin and Kevin Nickelson.
Northern States Power
Rasmussen made a motion to sign the Utility Permit for Northern
States Power for 209th Street , Highway 95 from Highway 97
and Quinnell Avenue and 205th Street. Nordin seconded and
Mark Kasma Township Engineer
Mark Kasma reviewed the Road Project for 1992. Mr. Kasma stated
it would add a amendment for repair on Melanie Trail and the blacktop
surfacing for driveway by Community Center. The bid opening
for the project wo.ul be April'17, 1992 at 10:00 a.m.
Mr. Dean Lindgren and Edna Siniff (Comp Plan)
Mr. Dean Lindgren and Edna Siniff reviewed the progress of preparing
the Comprehensive Plan to be written by a firm. Rasmussen made
a motion to hire Ms. Siniff in accord with her proposal which
was presentated at $15.00 an hour. Nordin seconded and adopted.
Mr. Mark Kasma Township Engineer
Mr. Mark Kasma reviewed the responsibilities of a Road Committee.
Mr. Kasma highlighted the following:
Prepare a
inventory 'of township
roads, length, width and
depth of
What the
priorities should be for
Prepare a
budget for the coming
Set up a
sealcoating policy and
snow plowing policy
Keep a record
of which roads need
gravel and when
they were
Safety should
be one of the main
It was agreed to advertise in the Country Messenger that the township
would take application for the Road Committee.
The question of reimbursement for citizens serving on township
committees was presentated. This will be discussed at the
next Annual Meeting.
Reviewing of Resoultion of Annual Meeting
The resoultion presentated by Parks and Recreation Board
regarding the sale of the Landfill 40 acres to the DNR
was reviewed. The board was informed the DNR are
appraising the site at this time and there has not been
any decision on selling this piece of property. Mr. Hebert
Township Attorney informed the Town Board makes the decisions.
Questions must be authorized by statue and boards or committees -
are an adivisory to the Town Board.
Land Donation for Scandia Housing
The motion was reviewed of the land donation for Scandia Housing
of March 10, 1992. Mr. Hebert reviewed the State Statue 552
Amount and Adequacy of consideration, Gift of Property.
Quote: But the power to sell does not include the power to
make a gift of municipal property. Nor, ordinarily, can a
municipal corporation lawfully sell its property for a grossly
inadequate price, since such a transaction is in effect a gift
of public funds.
Mr. Hebert will work with the H.R.A. Attorney regarding this
matter. Mr. Nordin expressed his concern if they only need
10 acres the township should keep the other 5 acres for open
Review of Salarie
Nickelson made a motion to increase the following: Edith Hadlich,
Treasurer $9.75 a hour. Sherman Granberg, Maintenance Man $9.75
a hour. Marvin Sandgren $7.00 a hour, Maintenance Man. Regular
labor at $6.75 a hour. Rasmussen seconded and adopted.
It was agreed the township would establish compensation scales
for township employees.
The meeting adjourned.
Dolores Peterson
Wew Scandia Township Clerk