4-21-92 tbApril 21, 1992
The regular monthly meeting for New Scandia Township was
called to order by Chairman Russell Jackson. The following
board members were present: Russell Jackson, Charles Nordin,
Paul Rasmussen, Kevin Nickelson and Duane Thompson.
Rasmussen made a motion to accept minutes for March 17, 1992.
Nordinseconded and adopted.
Thompson made a motion to accept the treasurers report. Nordin
seconded and adopted.
Parks and Recreation Committee
The committee wanted a update of parcels of property owned by
the township. Nordin made a motion to. appoint Paul Rasmussen
and Duane Thompson as reference person for the Parks and Recreation
Committee. Nickelson seconded and adopted.
Opening Bids For Sale of Tanker
The following bids were submitted:
American Firetrucks and Equipment Inc. $6,000.00
Scandia Construction and Mechanical $1,651.00
Custom Conway $4,150.00
Thompson made a motion to sell the fire tanker to the highest
bidder American Firetrucks and Equipment. Rasmussen seconded
and adopted.
Resoultion For Contract Of 1992 Road Project
Nickelson made a motion to accept the printed resoultion
accepting ,the lower bid W.B. Miller for the 1992 Road Project
Thompson seconded and adopted.
Lofton Court (Road Problems)
There was discussion of upgrading Lofton Court. No decision was
agreed to upgrade, but the road would be re -graveled.
223rd Street (Al Brown)
Nordin made a motion to spread a load of rock on the cul-du-sac by
Al Browns on 223rd Street. Thompson seconded and adopted.
Board of Review
Thompson made a motion to approve Mr. Frank Langer's (assessor)
recommendations from the Board of Review. Niceelson seconded and
Gravel Bid
Nickelson made a motion to advertise for gravel bids for year 1992
per proposal and include lime rock and trap rock. Thompson
seconded and adopted.
Bud Haskell
Bud Haskell expressed his concern about Maxwill Avenue and the high
taxes for senior citizens.
Girls Softball
Nordin made a motion to contribute $700.00 to Scandia Softball
for the year of 1992. Rasmussen seconded and adopted.
Clifford Schlenker Variance
Nickelson made a motion to approve the variance sideyard 25 feet
to 15 feet. With the following findings: There is not enough
room to build 25 feet from the property line. There is no other
logical place for the building. Thompson seconded the motion.
Jackson, Nickelson, Rasmussen and Thompson yes. Nordin abstained.
Motion adopted.
Swenson Recvclina Contract
Thompson made a motion to approve the Recycling contract with
Swenson Recycling. Nordin seconded and adopted.
Richard Heller Cable T.V.
Mr. Heller stated the funds from Fanch Communications should
be used strictly for Cable T.V. matters.
Bond Sale For Blacktop Proiect
Rasmussen made a motion to sell the bonds by negotiate sale.
Thompson seconded and adopted.
Resoultion For The Wetland Conservation Act
Nickelson made a motion to accept the resoultion regarding
the Wetland Conservation Act of 1991 and New Scandia Township
shall administer the interim provisions of the act.
Rasmussen seconded and adopted.
Northern States Power
Rasmussen made a motion to grant permission to Northern States
Power for installation of main service for Hawkinson Highlands.
Thompson seconded and adopted.
Half Section MaDs
Rasmussen made a motion to purchase half section aerial photos
of approximate 72 photos at $5.00 a piece. Nickelson
seconded and adopted.
Beer License For Scandia Merchants
Nordin made a motion to sign the beer license for Scandia
Merchants July 10-12,1992. Nickelson seconded and adopted.
Road Committee
Rasmussen made a motion to appoint a Road Committee at the
May 12, 1992 workshop. Thompson seconded and adopted.
A date was set for May 12, 1992 at 700 p.m. to review
Berkley Services, P.A. System for the board room, appoint
a Road Committee and any other pending business.
Barry Farver Road Sherwood Acres
Mr. Farver r:- questioned the need for blacktop of the cul-du-sac
as when the plat is further developed there would not be
a cul-du-sac. When Outlot B is sold or developed they will
have to come in with further specifications. Nordin made
a motion the township will maintain the road only to the
cul-du-sac. Nickelson seconded and adopted.
Deed Stam
Nickelson made a motion to stamp deed for Schmidt to Gunard.
Part of Govt. Lot 4 Section 32, Range 20 West. Nordin
seconded and adopted.
Thompson made a motion to pay bills for April, 1992. Rasmussen
seconded and adopted.
Thompson made a motion to adjourn. Nickelson seconded and
D loves e- r-son
Ne Scandia Township Clerk