5-19-92 tbMay 19, 1992 The regular Town Board meeting was called to order by Chairman Russell Jackson. Present were: Russell Jackson, Paul Rasmussen, Charles Nordin, Kevin Nickelson and Duane Thompson. Thompson made a motion to approve minutes for 3/20/92, 4/14/92, 4/17/92 and 5/5/92. Rasmussen seconded and adopted. Nickelson made a motion to approve the treasurers report for May. Rasmussen seconded and adopted. Bond Sale Monte Eastvold Nordin made a motion to accept the resoultion for the Bond Sale with interest as stated and changes on 11A and 11 D. Rasmussen seconded and adopted. Nickelson made a motion to enter into contract with Juran and Moody for the General Obligation Improvement Bonds. Thompson seconded and adopted. Gravel Bid The following contractors submitted bids for the gravel for 1992. Peterson Excavating and Dresel Contracting. Thompson madea motion award the bid to Dresel Contracting for $3.58 per ton. Rasmussen seconded and adopted. Parking Lot (Elim) David Nickelson spokesman for Elim Lutheran Church discussed plans for a parking lot on 209th Street across from the Community Center. Members of Elim suggested the town and church could work together on the proposal. Nickelson made a motion the town recognizes the need for more parking and the Town would be receptive to further proposals of the parking lot. Rasmussen seconded and adopted. Randv Schmacher Mr. Schmacher described and stated the interest of his to purchase a small piece of land by his home which was acquired for septic systems. This land was acquired through federal grant and if Mr. Schmacher purchases the land the 45.8 shall repaid to federal and 4.8 repaid to state government. The township board shall view the property. Letter From Richard Heller A letter was read from Richard Heller addressing concerns on his property for the Road Project 1991. Thompson made a motion to purchase permanent home plates for the ballfields. Rasmussen seconded and adopted. American Red Cross Nordin made a motion to allow the American Red Cross to use the facilities of the Community/Senior Center as a Mass Care Shelters. Rasmussen seconded and adopted. Air Conditionin Quotes were submitted for air conditioning the Community Center. Valley Heating and Air Conditioning $9,595.00, Scott T. Kaiser $7,363.72 and Aspen Heat and Air Conditioning. Nickelson made a motion to table deceision and contact Scott Kaiser regarding taxes, permits, concrete slabs and warranty. The board set a date for May 26th Special Meeting. To discuss township policy concerning complaints andothermatters regarding a letter to the Town Board from Mrs. Simonson Chief of Police. Review the list of junk cars, junk and debri complied by Russ Anderson, Washington County Code and Enforcement. To award the bid for air conditioning and view the piece of land by Randy Schmachers property. Recycling Grant From Washington County Nordin made a motion to sign the Recycling Grant for Curbside and Drop Off. Nordin made a motion to sign the Recycling Grant from Washington County. Thompson seconded and adopted. Youth Service Bureau Agreement Nordin made a motion to sign the Youth Service Bureau Agreement for the year of 1992. Thompson seconded and adopted. Nickelson made a motion to purchase tires for the grader and a sander for the town truck for approximately $1,600.00. Rasmussen seconded and adopted. Thompson made a motion to pay the bills for May, 1992. Nickelson seconded and adopted. Thompson made a motion to adjourn. Rasmussen seconded and adopted. Dolores P erson New Scand aT�ownship Clerk CORRECTION ON MINUTES ASPEN HEAT AND AIR CONDITIONING BID WAS $7,235.00.