7-21-92 tbJuly 21, 1992
The regular Town Board meeting was called to order by Chairman,
Russell Jackson. present were: Russell Jackson, Paul Rasmussen,
Charles Nordin, Kevin Nickelson and Duane Thompson.
Nordin made a motion to accept for 6/16/_92 and 7/7/92. Nickelson
seconded and adopted.
Thompson made a motion to accept the treasurers report. Rasmussen
seconded and adopted.
Township Engineer
Mr. Mark Kasma reviewed and updated the follwing information regarding
problems Mr. Richard Heller has incurred with road construction on
Oakhill Road. Landmark Surveying will re -set the two corners
on the east side and revise the legal description if needed.
Dresel Contracting will reimburse Mr. Heller in the amount of
$500.00 for the tree which was accidentally removed and one or two
loads of topsoil will be spread.
Mr. Mark Kasma reviewed the erosion problem on Oakhill Road. Mr.
Konrad Koosman from Washington County Soil and Conservation had
recommended a pipe be installed and the estimated cost would be
approximately $5,000.00. It was agreed Mr. Kasma would contact
Howard Hawkinson regarding seeding and using straw and hay bales
to prevent the seed washing.
182nd Street Gradin
A group of residents from 182nd Street were present regarding a
grading problem on 182nd Street. The residents requestedbetter
service and regualr grading of 182nd Street. Residents stated the
grading should be completed to the end of 182nd Street. The board
agreed to view the road problem on July 28, 1992 at 6:30 p.m.
Residents presentated an indentification of problems with grading
of 182nd Street and wanted this filed in the grader operators
performance record.
Rasmussen made a motion to approve the gas line on 180th Street
the SW corner of the township for Northern Natural Gas. Thompson
seconded and adopted.
Signing For New Plats
Thompson made a motion to draft a proposed revision to the Subdivision
Ordinance with the following: The developer shall pay for traffic
signs and street signs. Nordin seconded and adopted.
Escrow Funds for Minor Subdivision
Nickelson made a motion to establish a Escrow Account for Minor
Subdivisions for Engineer and Attorneys fees incurred by the township
if subdividing property. Rasmussen seconded and adopted.
Sandvik System Blade For Grader
The clerk was instructed to contact Chisago County and Forest Lake
Township regarding problems with the Sandvik Blade befb-re-a decision
be made of purchasing the unit.
Parks and Recreation Committee
The Parks Committee questioned the possibility of installation of
park benches in the uptown area. It was agreed the township will
maintain the benches and the libiliaty of such.
The Park Committee are viewing different sites of property in the
township for recreation and skating facilities. The Committee
stated the need of 20 acres for a 10 to 15 year overall development
Speed Limit For Larkspur And Lavton
Nordin made a motion to send the petition for a speed zone on
Larkspur and Layton to the State of Minnesota. Nickelson seconded
and adopted.
Sale Of Land To HRA For Scandia Housing
Rasmussen made a motion the amount of $15,000.00 received from H.R.A.
for the sale of the Gronquist land be placed in a CD for the purchase
of land for recreational purposes. Nordin seconded and adopted.
Landfill Real Estate Quote
Nordin made a motion to send a letter to the Department of Natural
Resources stating the township board is not interested in selling
the property at this time. Rasmussen seconded the motion. Nordin,
Jackson, Thompson and Rasmussen voted yes and Nickelson voted no.
Motion adopted.
Budget Hearing
The Budget Hearing date was set for August 11, 1992 at 7:30 p.m.
Election Judges For Primary and General Election
Thompson made a motion to appoint the following Judges for Election
on September 15, 1992 and November 3, 1992. Dolores Peterson,
Edith Hadlich Kathy Carlisle, Gwen McCurdy, Juddy Woodhouse, Russell
Jackson and Bonita Hendrickson. Rasmussen seconded and adopted.
Thompson made a motion for payment of bills for July, 1992.
Nickelson seconded and adopted.
Thompson made a motion to adjourn, Rasmussen seconded and adopted.
Dolores Peterson New Scandia Township Clerk