8-18-92 tbTown Board Meeting of August 18, 1992 Thompson made a motion to accept Clerk's minutes for 7/21/92 and 8/4/92. Rasmussen seconded and adopted. Thompson made a motion to accept Treasurer's report. Nickelson seconded and adopted. Fire Chief Rasmussen made a motion to increase monthly salary of the Fire Chief to $'125.00 effective with the month of August. Nordin seconded and adopted. Lien Release for Rockin R Ridge Rasmussen made a motion to sign the lien release on Lots 8,9 and 10, Block 1 for road construction. Thompson seconded and adopted. Elim Lutheran Church Parking Lot Doug Thomas reviewed the progress on the parking lot for Elim Lutheran church. Mr. Thomas presentated two options for the Wetland Replacement Plan. Rasmussen made a motion to accept the following option (2). Elim Lutheran Church agrees to mitigate the .22 acre wetland loss at a 1.1 ratio, in accordance with the Wetland Conservation Act Interim Guidelines, prior to July 1, 1993 or at at a 2:1 ratio, in accordance with the permanent rules of the Wetland Conservation Act, after July 1, 1993. It is further agreed that replacement will occur before July 1 1994 and that said replacement will occur within Washington County or the Lower St. Croix Watershed. Nickelson seconded and adopted. Mark Bulen Minor Subdivision Nordin made a motion to waiver the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance providing for public hearing and other formal requirements for Mark Bulen NW4 of the NW4 of Section 1, Township 32, Range 20 West. Approve the Minor Subdivision on condition that the parcel is not a buildable site. Thompson seconded and adopted. Gunnar Balstad Land Requirement for Multiple Dwellin Mr. David Hebert reviewed the Zoning Ordinance Section 602.01. This provides that the lot per dwelling unit in an R-1 Zone is 2z acres per dwelling unit. Therefore, five or more acres is required for Mr. Balstad's proposed development. Bill Plowman Historical Train Mr. Plowman expressed his concern regarding the safety on crossings 205th Street, Quinnell Avenue and 199th Street and if the board could require specific requirements of the Wisconsin Central LTD for safety devices. Thompson made a motion to send a letter to the Minnesota Museum Department of Transportation informing the department for the need of brushing and adequate signage on the crossings located in the township. Rasmussen seconded and adopted. Roger Thomasen Crop Damage Mr. Thomasen voiced his concern of crop damage incurred on his property when Oren Road was reconstructed in 1991. It was agreed by Peterson Excavating and Roger Thomasen that Mr. Peterson would reimburse Mr. Thomasen $112.50 for crop damage. Erich Bogel (Firearems In Residential Property) Mr. Bogel pres ntated a petition to prohibit the discharge of firearms in R-1 Zoning. This matter would be reviewed and a ordinance would have to be prepared and a public hearing would have to be held pertaining to this issue. Harold Kuber (Residents of Lofton Court) Harold Kuber presentated surveys and information regarding easements on Lofton Court. The residents would like to have some road construction pertaining to widening, drainage and surface on Lofton Court. Road Proiect 1992 Thompson made a motion for partial payment to W.B. Miller Contracting in the amount of $28,373.27 upon recommendation of the Township Engineer Mark Kasma. Rasmussen seconded and adopted. Northern States Utilities Nordin made a motion to grant permission to Northern states Power for electric and gas in Hawkinson Business Park. Thompson seconded and adopted. Road Work On 182nd Street and Biq Lake School Site Nickelson made a motion to contract with Peterson Excavating for the removal of foundation and filling on Big Lake School site for the amount of approximately $425.00 and a written proposal from Peterson Excavating for road work 182nd Street not to exceed $3,200.00. Thompson seconded and adopted. Survey Stakes On Oakhill Road Thompson made a motion to replace the survey stakes that are missing on Oakhill Road due to road construction. Rasmussen seconded and adopted. Assessment Procedures For Road Proiects Mr. Nickelson reviewed a different assessment forumla for future projects and a proposal for assessments for farmers on non collector roads. This would be discussed at a later date. 252 Granular Material Removal From Russell Jackson ProDert Mr. Kasma informed the board that 812 yards of granular material was removed from Russell Jackson's property for the 1992 road project. Nickel -son made a motion to reimburse Mr. Jackson at $1.00 a yard rate in the amount of $812_.00. 196th Street Mark Kasma and Peterson Excavating would view the road work for 196th Street and receive a quote for such. Review Of Subdivision Ordinance Mr. Hebert reviewed the Ordinance for Subdivisions and stated Section 801.01 (9) and 802.01 provides for the sudbivider to be furnished and installed by the subdivider at the sole expense of the subdivider. Mr. Hebert presentated Ordinance Number 41 which provides for an Escrow Fund for a Minor Subdivision in the amount of $200.00 for engineer and attorney fees. Thompson made a motion to accept the ordinance. Rasmussen seconded and adopted. Election Judge Thompson made a motion to appoint Dalene Waskey election judge for the primary and general election. Rasmussen seconded and adopted. Resignation of Terese Koenig Smith Thompson made a motion to accept the resignation of Terese Koenig Smith from the Planning Commission. Nickelson seconded and adopted. Beer License For Taco Days Rasmussen made a motion for approve the beer license for September 19, 1992 Taco Days. Nickelson seconded and adopted. Rasmussen made a motion to pay the bills for August, 1992 Nickelson seconded and adopted. Thompson made a motion to adjourn. Rasmussen seconded and adopted. Dolores Peterson New Scandi Township Clerk