9-1-92 tb,pcSeptember 1, 1992 On the above date New Scandia Planning Commission held their regular monthly meeting. The following members of the Town Board were present: Russell Jackson, Duane Thompson, Charles Nordin, Paul Rasmussen and Kevin Nickelson. Charles Nordin made a motion to appoint Dan Booren to the Planning Commission to fill the term vacated by Terese Koenig. Smith. Thompson seconded and adopted. Charles Benson Variance Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the variance to Charles Benson, 23230 Melanie Trail, Scandia, MN 55073. Lot 9, Block 1, Dahlin Estates. To construct a garage 15 feet from the road right of way and 5 feet from side yard. Garage to be entered from Melanie Trail. The siding of garage to be of same type and color as house siding. Findings: Other garages in vicinity are closer to the road. Moving the garage further back- closer to the lake- would destroy more trees and not improve the side yard set back. This would also preclude access to the lake and rear of the house, where the well is located. Thompson made a motion to table this variance until the board views the property on September 3, 1992. James Krummi Variance Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the variance to James Krummi, 19169 Layton Avenue, Marine, MN 55047. Lot 11, Block 1, Holiday Beach 2nd Addition. To construct an addition to existing home. Lot size lz acres required to 16,875 square feet existing. Lot width 150 feet required 75 feet existing. This will be a non habitival addition and will not infringe on the 201 Project. Nordin made a motion to accept, Nickelson seconded and adopted. Mike Carroll Variance Planning Commission made a motion to grant the variance to Mike Carroll, 10820 213th Street Sc-andia, MN 55073. Lot 2, Block 2, Cedarwood at German Lake. To construct a pole building reduced to approximately 1,000 square feet and therefore the set back would be about 50 feet from the wetland. This is the best location on the property for the building. There will be no loss of trees and will be well screened. This location is accessible to the driveway and is aesthetically pleasing. The use of the building will not be a threat to the wetland. Color and siding to be compatiable with the house. Rasmussen made a motion to accept. Thompson seconded and adopted. Thompson made a motion to adjourn. Rasmussen seconded and adopted. Do�,ores eterson �Cj,�Cf New Scandia Township Clerk