1-19-93 tbJanuary 19, 1993
The regular monthly meeting was called to order by Chairman, Russell
Jackson. Members present were: Russell Jackson, Duane Thompson,
Kevin Nickelson, Charles Nordin and Paul Rasmussen.
Rasmussen made a motion to accept clerk's minutes forl2/15/92 and
1/5/93. Thompson seconded and adopted.
Thompson made a motion to accept the treasurer's report. Nickelson
seconded and adopted.
Chief of Police
It was reported that Ms. Simonson would be back to work as of 1/25/93
and be off Workmen's Compensation on that date.
Township Engineer
John Davidson and Charles Wetzler were in attendence from T.K.D.A.
It was agreed the board would interview three or four engineers
from the firm and Mr. Wetzler would be the Township Engineer during
the interim period. The board would interview on January 26, 1993
at 7:00 p.m.
Disk For Tractor
Mr. Bill Doyle representating All American Disk from Burnsville
presentated a video on a disk,which the supervisors were proposing
to purchase. Thompson made a motion to purchase the disk from
All American Disk for the amount of $4,900.00. Nickelson
seconded and adopted.
Scandia Home Owners
Tim Remus presentated a proposal for land preservation to defer
assessments for 25 years if the land is designated "Land Perservation."
Thompson made a motion to advertise in the County Messenger for
interested parties to serve on the committee. Mr. Remus shall be
involved in the interview process to select the committee. One
Town Board member and one member from the Planning Commission
shall serve on the committee, which shall consist of 7 to 9 people.
This committee shall have all information completed 90 days from
the selection date of the committee. Rasmussen seconded and
Scandi;a's 100th Anniversa
Rasmussen made a motion to appoint the following committee for the
100th Anniversary. Elmer Benson, Richard Hadlich, John Edstrom,
Dolores Peterson, Jan Brown, Judith Rydeen, Charles Nordin and
consideration of two students from the area. Nickelson seconded
and adopted.
Oridance Number 42
Nordin made a motion to approve Ordinance Number 42 to amend
Section 1.1 of Ordinance Number 39. Regulating the construction
of Public Utilities and change the fee from $100.00 to $50.00.
Rasmussen seconded and adopted.
Election Judges
Nordin made a motion to appoint the following Election Judges
for the Annual Town Election. Gwen McCurdy, Kathy Carlisle,
Dalane Waskey, Shirley Ahlm, Mary Huelman, Gary Hogle and Judy
Woodward. Nickelson seconded and adopted.
Hazard Elimination Safety Program
Nickekson made a motion to continue the Hazard Elimination Program
through Washington County to bring roadside signing in compliance
with the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
Thompson seconded and adopted.
Beer License For Meisters Bar and Grill
Nordin made a motion to approve beer license for Meisters Bar and
Grill for 1993. Rasmussen seconded and adopted.
Thompson made a motion to pay the bills for January, 1993.
Nickelson seconded and adopted.
Thompson made a motion to adjourn.
Dolores Peterson
New Scandia Township Clerk