11-16-93 tbNovember 16, 1993
The regular monthly meeting of the Town Board was called to order
by the Chairman, Charles Nordin. The following Board Members
were present: Chairman, Charles Nordin, Russell Jackson, Kevin
Nickelson, Paul Rasmussen and Duane Thompson.
Russell Jackson made a motion to accept the following consent
A. Clerk's minutes have been presentated for 10/19/93,
10/28/93 and 11/2/93.
B. Approval of Treasurer's report balance 10/31,93,
C. Approval of payment for November bills.
D. Adjournment
Paul Rasmussen seconded the .motion and adopted.
Michael Jay, Chairman of Parks and Recreation gave a report
regarding the skating facilities. A electric pole would be
placed by Norhtern States Power for approximately $500.00. The
Fire Department has agreed to flood the rink this winter and the
committee would like to order boards and hardware from the lowest
quote Knox Lumber Company.
Duane Thompson made a motion to approve an amount up to $5,000.00
for lumber and hardware for the ice facilities. Paul Rasmussen
seconded and adopted.
Mr. Jay expressed the committee's desire to increase the Parks
and Recreation Committee from six members to seven members.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the increase to the Park
and Recreation Committee of seven members. Duane Thompson
seconded and adopted.
Ms. Nancy Peterson reported the Architectural Committee has
reached a decision with the P. and N. Products building at
Hawkinson Business Park. Ms. Peterson questioned if Mr. Nora has
filed is $5,000.00 bond with the township and Mr. Nora stated he
would file the bond this week.
Paul Rasmussen has reviewed the resolution for commercial
buildings and expressed his concern regarding items in the
resolution and felt the board should update the resolution.
Mr. Prew presentated the following bids for Langly Drainage.
Peterson Excavating $17,820.90, Jim Stevens $19,900.00 and Penn
Contracting $25,523.00. Russell Jackson made a motion to accept
Peterson Contracting bid for the amount of $19,900.00. Paul
Rasmussen seconded and adopted.
Mr. Prew recommended partial payment for Lofton Court $16,484.34
and retain $500.00 for seeding completion by the James O'Hara
residence. Kevin Nickelson made a motion to pay the partial
payment for Central Landscaping in the amount of $16,484.34 and
retain $500.00 until spring of 1994. Duane Thompson seconded and
The board would meet on November 23, 1993 at 7:00 p.m. with road
committee to discuss the 1994 Road Improvements.
The ordinance for placement of mail boxes in cul-du-sacs was
tabled until the December 2,, 1993 meeting.
There was much discussion regarding the purchasing of the tractor
mower, such as pros and cons as the use and need for the tractor.
Mr. Duane Thompson reviewed the following quotes from Asplundh
Tree Expert Company: Crew#1 would consist of a working foreman,
one tree trimmer, one grounds person plus 50 foot aerial lift
truck for $82.00 an hour. Crew#2 would consist of a working
foremen, three grounds person and split dump truck, one tagalong
chipper for $85.00 an hour. Mr. Nordin stated if we had problems
with large trees the township could use the Asplundh service.
Mr. Kevin Nickelson made a motion to purchase tractor and mower
for the amount of $18,000.00 from Doyle Inc. The other quotation
for the mower was in the amount of $19,500.00. Russell Jackson
seconded the motion. Russell Jackson, Kevin Nickelson, Charles
Nordin voted yes. Paul Rasmussen and Duane Thompson voted no.
Motion adopted.
G.T.E. Phone Company
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the installation of
buried cable by G.T.E. Phone Company for Elwood Pheasant Glen
Subdivision. Russell Jackson seconded and adopted.
Lofton Court
The transfer of $15,160.00 from 1989 Lofton Court was tabled.
Skip Stromberg
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to send Mr. Skip Stromberg a letter
stating that he must comply with the County Ordinance as outlined
and the stairway must meet code by February 1, 1994. The
township shall not pay the $1,000.00 as he was requesting for the
carpet charges. This is a violation of the building code that
needs to be corrected. Kevin Nickelson seconded and adopted.
Mr. Tomnitz had questioned the purchase of the lot next to his
residence, which belongs to the township in Scandia Addition.
The clerk would check the status of the deed on this piece of
Ms. Susan Haugen will recognize any special guests and thank them
for attending the township meeting.
Mr. Kevin Nickelson made a motion to contact Russ Anderson,
Building Inspector from Washington County to inspect the
residence's that the Department of Health had mailed letters to
regarding the zoning ordinance to see if they have complied with
the ordinance and Mr. Anderson report the information back to the
township. Russell Jackson seconded and adopted.
Mr. Jackson reported the need for another member on the Watershed
Board. Mr. Jackson will inform the board that New Scandia
Township would like to have another member on the board.
Mr. Paul Rasmussen and Mr. Nordin had spoken to Mr. and Ms. Kevin
Madden regarding the easement problem and their deed also stated
they had an easement. Paul Rasmussen made a motion that the
township have an abstract made for this property to prove
ownership. Russell Jackson seconded and adopted.
It was agreed to charge the Gammel Garden and Hay Lake Museum
$100.00 for the Lutefish Supper and no charge for the Lucia Fest
as this is in return for providing decorating of the Center. The
Boy Scouts will be charged.$100.00 for the Taco Daze as of
September 1994.
Dolores Peterson
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New Scan is Township Clerk