3-16-93 tb�aM
March 16, 1993
The Oath of Office for Kevin Nickelson, Supervisor was given by
Dolores Peterson Township Clerk.
The regular monthly meeting for New Scandia Township was called
to order by Clerk Dolores Peterson. A Chairman and Vice Chairman
was elected for the year of 1993 by paper ballot. Mr. Charles
Nordin was elected Chairman and Duane Thompson Vice Chairman.
The following Board Members were present: Charles Nordin, Russell
Jackson, Kevin Nickelson, Paul Rasmussen and Duane Thompson.
Thompson made a motion to accept clerk's minutes for 2/16/93, 2/23/93
and 3/2/93. Rasmussen seconded and adopted.
Nickelson made a motion to accept the treasurer's report, Thompson
seconded and adopted.
Jackson made a motion to appoint Edith Hadlich, Treasurer for a term
of 2 years as Township Treasurer. Rasmussen seconded and adopted.
Steve Spence Fire Chief
Mr. Spence expressed his concerns about the lease agreement for District
Memorial Service with Healthspan. The Rescue Department is concerned
about response time for ambulance service.
Charles Wetzler Township Engineer
Lofton Court 11
Mr. Wetzler reviewed the problems on Lofton Court. Mr. Wetzler stated
a settlement basin would have to be installed. Mr. Wetzler has con-
tacted the Forest Lake Watershed and the Watershed must give permiss-
ion for this correction.
The clerk shall acquire a cost estimate for trap rock for the entire
length of Lofton Court and compare this to cost of bituminous sur-
facing. The Town Board and Mr. Wetzler would view Lofton Court on
April 6, 1.993 at 6:00 p.m.
Layton Avenue Bliss Plat Addition
Mr. Wetzler reviewed the drainage problem on Layton Avenue and 191st.
Street. He stated there was no culvert under 191st Street. Mr.
Nickelson made a motion that Mr. Wetzler investigate the matter
of installing a culvert under 191st Street and contact the Carnelian/
Marine Watershed and report on this matter at the April 20, 1993
Town Board. Rasmussen seconded and adopted.
188th Street, 189th Street and Norrell
Mr. Wetzler would view 188th, 189th Street and Norrell Avenue
and prepare a preliminary report.
Parks and Recreation
Ms. Shirley Sova expressed the value of the 40 acres on Highway
95 and stated on behalf of the Parks and Recreation Committee not
to sell the land to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.
A letter was read from John Saxhaug Land Specialist with the
Department of Natural Resources stating the Department was
increasing the offer for the land to $47,850.00.
Mr. Clyde Saari stated he sold a piece of land adjacent to this
property to the Department of Natural Resources and he felt this
would be the best use of the land and the Department would keep
this property as a natural site. Mr. Saari stated this would bring
in revenues to the township.
Ms. Joyce Heinisch, Mr. Andy Stein and Mr. Harold Johnson all
expressed their concern not to sell this property and the value
of the land would increase.
Mr. Nickelson stated this is not a park and he considers this area
for wildlife.
Mr. David Spear and Mr. John Borchart felt the township should
contact the Washington County Land Trust regarding this property.
Thompson made a motion to write a letter and inform the Department
of Natural Resources the township is not interested in selling
the property at this time. Nickelson seconded and adopted.
Nickelson made a motion to have this property appraised with
development and without development and this appraisal not exceed
$1,000.00. This appraisal should be available for the April
meeting. Jackson seconded and adopted.
Ms. Lynn Swenson 19091 Lavton Avenue North
Ms. Swenson expressed her concern for the upgrading of 191st Street
Layton and Larkspur Avenue and the feasibility of bituminous
surfacing. Ms. Swenson also expressed her concerns of the misuse
of residential property in her neighborhood. She stated there are
vacant lots used for storage and business with industrial equipment.
Mr. Kenneth Ostlund stated he agreed and supported what Ms. Swenson
had pies-entated.
The board agreed to have Ms. Simonson Chief of Police check out
this area and list names and adresses that are in violation and
report back to the Town Board.
Water Management Plan
Mr. David Hebert reviewed the Water Management Plan for the township.
The changes and plan are on file in the township office. Rasmussen
made a motion to approve the preliminary plan of the Water Management
Plan and submit the plan to other Watershed Districts. Thompson
seconded and adopted.
Weed Inspector
Jackson made a motion to appoint Frank Langer Weed Inspector for
New Scandia Township. Nickelson seconded and adopted.
Legal PaDer
Thompson made a motion to designate the Country Messenger as the
legal paper for the township. Nickelson seconded and adopted.
Township Depository
Rasmussen made a motion to designate Security State Bank as the
township depository subject to David Hebert, Attorneys approval
regarding the pledge security. Jackson seconded and adopted.
Ordinance Number 16
Nickelson made a motion to instruct Mr. Hebert to redraft Ordinance
Number 16 regarding parking of cars on township roadways and to
increase the fine to $10.00. Jackson seconded and adopted.
Job Descriptions
It was agreed to review the job descriptions and pay scale at a
special meeting on April 13, 1993 at 7:00 p.m. and have the
employees present at this meeting.
Thompson made a motion to pay the bills for March. Jackson seconded
and adopted.
Thompson made a motion to adjourn.
ores Pe-t - rson
New Scandi6 Township Clerk
Addition to minutes for
Town Board March 16, 1993
David Schwelling Septic Svstem Permit
The David Schwelling septic system design was reviewed. Jackson
made a motion to approve the septic system design as shown on the
drawing and recommendations from the Township Engineer. Nickelson
seconded the motion. Thompson and Jackson voted yes, Nickelson
and Rasmuseen voted no. Nordin abstained. The motion failed.
Thompson made a motion to table this matter to the April 6, 1993,
Planning Commission Meeting and discuss this with the Township
Engineer and Mike Peterson (Peterson Excavating). Rasmussen
seconded and adopted.
Jackson made a motion to approve the Utility Permit for Northern
Natural Gas Company for Hawkinson Highlands and Old Marine
Trail. Nickelson seconded and adopted.
Meeting adjourned by Thompson.
New Scan a Township Clerk