5-18-93 tbMay 18, 1993 The regular monthly meeting of New Scandia Township was called to order by the Chairman, Charles Nordin. Present were: Charles Nordin, Duane Thompson, Russell Jackson, Kevin Nickelson and Paul Rasmussen. Russell Jackson made a motin to appoint Duane Thompson,Deputy Treasurer due to the absence of the township treasurer. Rasmussen seconded and adopted. CONSENT AGENDA Paul Rasmussen made a motion, seconded by Duane Thompson, to approve the Consent Agenda as follows: 1. Approval of minutes for 4/13/93, 4/20/93 and 5/4/93. 2. Approval of treasurer's report, balance May 1, 1993 $4.66,671.08. 3. Approval of payment of May bills. 4. Approval of Town Line Road Maintenance Agreement between Town of May and New Scandia Township already approved November 17, 1992, but the addition is the expiration date to remain open. 5. Approval to contract with Forest Lake Youth Service Bureau for the year,of 1993. 6. Scandia Clean Up consent for groups to receive a ticket for a treat at Swenson Superette. 7. Letter from Dr. James Zavoral directed to Mr. Jackson. Motion carried unanimously. 188TH STREET.185TH STREET NORTH AND NORELL AVEUNE INTERSECTION Mr. Tom Prew, Township Engineer presentated two proposals for realigning the sharp curves on 188th Street and discussed the regarde to form a tee intersection at 185th Street and Norell Avenue. It was agreed the Township Board and Engineer would view these roads on May 25, 1993 at 6:30 p.m. BERGMAN COMPANIES CRACK SEALING AND PATCHING Paul Ramussen made a motion to accept the proposal for crack sealing and blacktop patching for the amount of $5,306.00, bid dated May 6, 1993. Duane Thompson seconded with the addition that the work be completed by July 1, 1993. Motion adopted. DRIVEWAY SPECIFICATIONS AND STREET SECTION Duane Thompson made a motion to adopt the proposed Street Section and Driveway specifications for the township and that we publish this item in the Country Messenger and the County include this in the packets for new building permits. Russell Jackson seconded the motion and adopted. GAS LINE FOR ELWOOD PHEASANT GLEN Russell Jackson made a motion to approve the gas line for the development of Elwood Pheasant Glen. Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion and adopted. ROAD WORK AHEAD SIGN Kevin Nickelson made a motion to purchase two signs for Road Work Ahead. Paul Rasmussen seconded and adopted. SCANDIA HOUSING LAND PURCHASE Mr. David Hebert, Attorney informed the board the transfer of the township property to Washington County and Redevelopment Authority for Scandia Housing will soon be ready for deed signatures. Duane Thompson made a motion the board adopt the resoultion to give the authority to the Township Chairman and Township Clerk to sign the deed when presentated for closing. Kevin Nickelson seconded and adopted. WASHINGTON COUNTY SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT Captin Donald McGlothlin from Washington County Sheriffs Department reviewed the cost for a contract with Washington County for a police officer. No decision was made on this subject. DON THEISEN WASHINGTON COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS Mr. Theisen reviewed reconstruction projects in New Scandia Township. Mr. Theisen reported County Road 52 from County Road 3 to trunk Highway 95 for 1994 construction and County Highway 3 from trunk Highway 97 to County Line for 1997 construction. Mr. Theisen and the Public Works Department would like public input on the projects. The County could be responsible for the grading of a bike path and the township would have to be responsible for the blacktop. FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION (GREG BENSON) Duane Thompson made a motion to increase the benefits for the Relief Association to $800.00 per year and the township match the State Aid for the Association. Russell Jackson seconded the motion and adopted. BLISS AREA RESIDENTS Area residents from the Bliss Addition were in attendance questioning the township ordinances as which were stated in the letter received from the township board. FOREST LAKE WATER MANAGMENT Kevin Nickelson made a motion to include Goose Lake in the Forest Lake in the Forest Lake Water Management. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and adopted. UOTES FOR MOWER The following bids Implement $4100.00 $5750.00 with trade with $1700.00 trade he has a used mower to table this until some members of the Rasmussen seconded were submitted for mower. Olson Fuel and with trade. McKenzie Supply and Equipment of $250.00. Greene Implement Inc. $5896.00 in. Mr. McKenzie had informed the board for $2500.00. Duane Thompson made a motion the Planning Commission meeting and that board would view the used mower. Paul and motion adopted. H.R.A. COOPERATION AGREEMENT - Duane Thompson made a motion to sign the Federal Home Cooperation Agreement administered by the Washington County Housing and Redevelopment Authority. Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion and adopted. GEORGE LINDGREN GRAVEL PIT Charles Nordin stated that he would like to solve the problem regarding the stockpile removal in Mr. George Lindgren's pit which belongs to Shalander and Shaleen. Paul Rasmussen will compose a letter to Dennis O'Donnell regarding the stockpile removal. LAND APPRAISAL FOR 40 ACRES ON HIGHWAY 95 The clerk read the fair market value of $67,125.00 for the 40 acres on Highway 95 from Robey Associates, Lake Elmo, MN. MAPS FOR THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Kevin Nickelson informed the board the disappointment with the maps prepared by Washington County Code and Enforcement for the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Nickelson made a motion to hire the three postal workers in the township area to review the maps and mark the homes and corrections on the map. The postal employees shall be reimbursed at $10.00 an hour. The amounts for postal employees, Mr. Nickelson's meeting of $50.00, Ms. Madden meeting of $35.00, Mr. Booren meeting for $30.00 and fees for Ms. Rydeen's work on the maps shall be subtracted from the map charges. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion. POLICY FOR RETIRING EMPLOYEES OF NEW SCANDIA TOWNSHIP Mr. David Hebert will review this item and present some type of policy for retiring at a later date. 71 i FAX MACHINE Kevin Nickelson made a motion to purchase the Xerox Fax Machine for $1498.00. Russell Jackson seconded and adopted. MARINE CARNELIAN TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT The board reviewed the proposed program by Washington County Housing and Redevelopment Authority for a change in the Marine Carnelian Increment District. The current tax increment plan be amended to add public improvement projects in the township. Mr. Nordin and Mr. Thompson attended a hearing on May 18, 1993 regarding this subject and Dennis Hagberg County Commissioner is recommending potential public improvements in the township. Duane Thompson made a motion to adjourn the meeting. 4eo-Sca ores erson ndi Towns ip Clerk