6-1-93 tb,pcJune 1, 1993
On the above date New Scandia Planning Commission held their
regular monthly meeting. Charles Nordin, Duane Thompson, Russell
Jackson, Kevin Nickelson and Paul Rasmussen Town Board members
were present.
A letter of resignation was read from Edith Hadlich, Secretary
of the Planning Commission.
Renewal of Conditional Use Permits
Jenrik Marketing Groups Inc. (Skip Stromberg)
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant renewal
of the Conditional Use Permit -for Jenrick Marketing Groups Inc.
(Skip Stromberg) 21090 Olinda Trail, Scandia, MN 55073 for office
space and rental property with renewal in 5 years. Duane Thompson
made a motion to accept, Kevin Nickelson seconded and adopted.
Security State Bank (Scandia Branch)
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the renewal
of the Conditional Use Permit for Security State Bank (Scandia Branch)
21190 Ozark Avenue, Scandia, MN 55073. To operate a bank in the
Hawkinson Business Park and this permit be renewed in 5 years. Paul
Rasmussen made a motion to accept, Duane Thompson seconded the motion
and adopted.
Scandia Farm and Home (Ernie Va;ala)
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to approve the
following for Scandia Farm and Home (Ernie Vaala) 14860 Scandia Trail,
Scandia, MN 55073. Part of Lot 21 County Auditors Plat No. 6.
To approve the first and third location and grant a variance of 0
setback for panel and 5 foot setback for the base. If location two
is used th Federated sign does not have to be removed. If location
one is used the Federated sign must be removed. If location three is
used the Federated sign does not have to be removed. On all locations
the 76 sign must be removed. Paul Rasmussen made a motion to accept
the recommendation, Kevin Nickelson seconded and adopted.
Ruth Dahlin (Warren Dahlin) Minor Subdivision
Planning Commission recommends to grant the approval to Ruth Dahlin,
(Warren Dahlin) 1041 3rd Street N.W. New Brighton, MN 55112. Part
of Govt. Lots 1 and 2, Section 5, Township 32, Range 20 West. For
a Minor Subdivision to divide 11.4 acres into 2 parcels with the
following conditions;
1. The buildings on Parcel B shall be removed by
November 1, 1993 or before the issuance of a
building permit.
2. The Parcel on Bone Lake be combined with Parcel A
and recorded on one deed.
3. Soil test be approved for Parcel B.
Kevin Nickelson made a motion to accept the recommendation, Russel
Jackson seconded and adopted.
Purchase of Mower
Duane Thompson made a motion to purchase a used mower from McKenzie
Supply Company for the amount of $2500.00 with a trade-in of the
old mower in the amount of $250.00. Russell Jackson seconded and
The clerk presentated two quotes for a new mixer for the P.S. System
in the Community Center. Music Connectins $345.00 and Hurricane
Sounds for the amount of $750.00 to $850.00.
Duane Thompson made a motion to purchase the mixer for the P.A. System
from Music Connections for the amount of $345.00. Russell Jackson
seconded and adopted.
Road Work Maxwill and Mavberr
Paul Rasmussen made a motin to trap rock on Maxwill beginning at
Fredrick Rierman and proceed south to the intersection of Lakamaga.
Russell Jackson seconded and adopted.
Meeting adjourned.
ores erson
New Scandia Township Clerk