7-13-93 rd imp hrgJuly 13, 1993 On the above -date New Scandi.a Town Board held a Special Meeting for a Public Hearing on Improvement for Lofton Court. The following members were present: Charles Nordin, Duane Thompson, Kevin Nickelson, Russell Jackson and Paul Rasmussen. Mr. Tom Prew, Township Engineer presentated a feasibility report for the road improvement of Lofton Court. Mr. Prew informed the public the final assessment could vary due to the assessable units. Mr. Mike Cunningham 23279 Lofton Avenue was concerned about the slopping by his property as he had just installed a new drainf;ield on his property. Mr. Cunningham stated a petition had been presentated stating the residents do not want any regrading or bituminous surfacing and he wondered why this was a top priority. The board informed Mr. Cunningham this road has been discussed for years to be upgraded as the road is so marrow there is a problem to get emergency vehicles to the residents. This would. make the road wider and safer. The following residents expressed their desire to improve Lofton Court: Calvin Floerke, Marlene Layton, Harold Keuber, Rick Johnson, Steven Aumork and Vern Grossman all residents on Lofton Court. A discussion was held regarding assessable units. Russell Jackson made a motion to asses New Scandia Township for 0.5 parcel. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion. Kevin Nickelson stated when you assess it n1ust'have to benefit the property and does a sewer system benefit from the blacktop. This also is a very reasonable assessment for the property owners. Russell Jackson and Paul Rasmussen voted yes. Kevin Nickelson and Duane Thompson voted no. Charles Nordin voted yes. Motion adopted. Mr_. Duane Thompson asked the Township Engineer to prepare a sketch of the road by Mike Cunningham. Mr. Tom Prew would meet with Mr. Cunningham at 7:30 p.m. Monday, July 26, 1993 and stake the area which would effect his property. The engineer would also view the turn around at the end of Lofton Court. Mr. Duane Thompson made a motion to table the resoultion Ordering Improvement and Preparation of Plans to the regular town board meeting July 20, 1993. Russell Jackson seconded the motion and adopted. The budget hearing date was set for August 12, 1993 at 7:00 p.m. Duane Thompson made a motion to adjourn. Do ores rson New Scand' Township Clerk